Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/7

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as, To his Excellency Sir B.C. Baronet, his Britannic Majeſty, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentially to the Ottoman Porte, Sir, your Excellency.

To the Judges and Lawyers.

All the Judges, if Privy Counſellors, are ſtiled Right Honourable: as, for inſtance,

To the Right Honorable H. K. Lord High Chancellor of Great Breat Britain. My Lord. your Lordship.

To Sir P.H. his Majeſty's Atsorney, Solicitor, or Advocate-General, Sir.

All others in the Law according to the offices and radk they bear, every Barriſter having the title of Esquire given him.

To the Lieutenancy and Magistracy.

To the Right Honourable the Earl of K. Lord Lieutenant and Cuſtos Rotulorum of the County of Durham, My Lord, your Lordship.

To the Right Honourable C.P. Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London, My Lord, your Lordship.

All Gentlemen in the Commiſſion of the Peace, have the title of Esq. and Worshipful; as have are Sheriffs and Recorders.

The Aldermen and Recorder of London, are ſtiled Right Worshipful; as are all Mayors of Corporation, except Lord Mayors.

To J. S. Eſq High Sheriff or the County of M(illegible text) Sir, your Worship.

To the Right World. M. C. Eſq. Alderman of Tower-Ward, London, Sir, your Worship.

To the Right Worſhipful O. N. Recorder of the City of London, Sir, your Worship.

The Governers of Hoſpitals, Colleges, &c. which conſiſt of Magiſtrates, or have any ſuch among them; are ſtiled Right Worshipful, as their titles allow.