Page:New letter-writer, or, Gentleman and Lady's instructor.pdf/8

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To the Governors under the Crown.

To his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, My Lord your Excellency.

To the Right Honourable the Earl of B. Governor of Dover-caſtle, &c. My Lord, your Lordship.

The ſecond Governors of Colonies appointed by the King, are called Lieutenant Governors.

Thoſe appointed by Proprietors, as the Eaſt India Company, &c. are ſtiled; Deputy-Governors.

To Incorporate Bodies.

Incoporate Bodies are called Honourable; as, To the Honourable Court of Directors of the United Company of Merchants, trading to the Eaſt Indies, Your Honours.

To the Honourable the Governor, Deputy-Governer and Directors of the South-Sea Company, Your Honours.

To the Honourable the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors of the Bank of England, Your Honours.

It is uſual to call a Baronet and a Knight, Honourable, and their wives, Ladies.

To Men of Trade and Profeſſion.

To Doctor N. H. in Bloomſbury-Square, London, Doctor, or Sir.

To Mr. H.C. Merchant, in Broad-ſtreet, London, Sir.—But the method of addreſſing Men of Trade and buſineſs is ſo common, and ſo well known, that it does not require any further examples.