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( 19 )

Here follows ſeveral comical Queſtions.

question i.

IF ſix ſhillings and a farthing ſhall be paid by a ſelect number of men, each paying equal ſhare, how many ſhall there needs to diſcharge the ſame?

anſwer. Seventeen, each paying four pence farthing.

q. 2. How may a ſtraw be laid upon the ground, that it may not be jumped over? They to whom you propoſe this queſtion, ſhall think it eaſy to be done: if it ſhall come to a wager, lay your ſtraw cloſe to the wall on the ground, and they will ſoon ſee the impoſſible to be done. So yielding the wager loſt, it may occaſion ſome laughter.

q. 3. If a Butcher ſends his ſervant to market, and orders him, with twenty ſhillings, to buy twenty head of ſmall cattle of ſeveral prices: that is to ſay, Weathers at four ſhillings a piece, Ewes at twelve pence, (illegible text)d Lambs at a groat; and to lay out all (illegible text) twenty ſhillings, and to have twenty (illegible text)d, neither more nor leſs, how many of a (illegible text)t muſt there be to compleat the number (illegible text) the aforeſaid money?

anſwer. Two Weathers, nine Ewes, and three lambs.