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q.4. To lay a man's right hand upon himſelf, where he cannot touch it with his left, will ſeem ſtrange to thoſe who are unacquainted with the trick; and when they have tried, ſome will be ready to bet; then take their right hand and lay it upon the backſide of their left elbow, and they will ſoon be obliged to yield the wager loſt.
q. 5. How to make two Calves and an ape dance in the middle of the room before Company.—When you propoſe to do this ſome will ſay you have the art of conjuration and that you are going to act the ſecond part of Dr. Fauſtus: others will be curious to ſee what may be done in it: and the better to bring it about, will be apt to lay ſome ſmall wager, that you cannot perform what was promiſed. Now, the wager being laid, riſe from your ſeat, and whereas you promiſed to make two Calves and an ape dance, dance round the room yourſelf and the calves of your legs, and the nap of your neck will dance with you which are what are mentioned,
Here follow merry Tales and comical Jeſts
IN the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the County of Lancaſter was much peſtered with witches, whereupon the queen ſent her judges down to try them. This being reſolved to try the old men and women