Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/127

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The next evening found Mary in such a state of suppressed excitement that Olive spoke about it.

What in God's name is the matter with you, Mary? her friend demanded. It can't be possible that the new sheik that's coming tonight has upset you.

Mary denied the insinuation, but later, at dinner, with Howard present, Olive renewed the attack.

Mary's fallen at last, she announced. Her sheik is coming tonight. I think we'd better go out, she added significantly.

Who is he, Mary? Howard inquired.

Ollie's talking nonsense, Mary protested. It's a man I've known a long time. His name is Byron Kasson, she explained limpingly.

Never heard of him, Howard retorted. Where'd he come from?

Mary met him night before last at the Sumners', Olive explained. A long time, indeed!

Why, Ollie, how can you? I met him at Adora's last summer.

Well, this is really terrible! It must be serious. . . . Olive regarded her friend in amazement. . . . It's funny you never mentioned him to me.

I didn't know him very well then. Realizing that she was plunging deeper and deeper, Mary sought refuge in a change of subject. Have you seen Mamie Smith? she asked. She's at the Lincoln this week.

Whew! Howard tossed back his head and