Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/128

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laughed heartily. That's a pretty broad hint. Mary wants us to go to the Lincoln tonight.

I didn't mean that at all and you know it, Mary protested.

I can't get it, Olive mused, Mary falling for a sheik! Well, you'll never drive us out of this house till we've given him the once over.

I don't want you to go at all.

We'll decide what you want, Olive said severely. Howard, help me with the dishes. Mary's got to fix herself up.

I'm all ready now, Mary objected. Let me put on an apron and help you.

No you don't. Olive definitely rejected this proffer. You go back to your room and comb your hair some more. She's done her hair four times tonight already, she explained to Howard, and I know she's not satisfied yet.

Olive and Howard retired to the kitchen. Although they had closed the door, Mary could hear them talking and laughing. She knew they were discussing her and her affairs and it made her both furious and happy, furious because they were teasing her, happy to realize that there was some foundation for the teasing. She thought it might be just as well to make one more attempt to get her hair right.

An hour later she consulted her watch. It was nine-thirty. Almost simultaneously the bell rang, and she heard Olive open the kitchen door and cross