Page:Nigger Heaven (1926).pdf/298

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hoof: to dance. A hoofer is a dancer, and hoofing is dancing.

hootchie-pap: see boody.

jig: Negro.

jig-chaser: a white person who seeks the company of Negroes.

kinkout: hair-straightener.

kopasetee: an approbatory epithet somewhat stronger than all right.

mama: mistress or wife.

Miss Annie: a white girl.

Mr. Eddie: a white man.

monk: see monkey-chaser.

monkey-chaser: a Negro from the British West Indies.

mustard-seed: see high yellow.

Numbers: a gambling game highly popular in contemporary Harlem. The winning numbers each day are derived from the New York Clearing House bank exchanges and balances as they are published in the newspapers, the seventh and eighth digits, reading from the right, of the exchanges, and the seventh of the balances. In Bolito one wagers on two figures only.

ofay: a white person.

papa: see daddy.

passing: i. e., passing for white.

pink: a white person.

pink-chaser: a Negro who seeks the company of whites.

punkin-seed: see high yellow.

scronch: a dance.

shine: Negro.

smoke: Negro.

snow: cocaine.

spagingy-spagade: Negro.

struggle-buggy: Ford.

unsheik: divorce.