Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/104

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Epitaphs :

Ls Keux (J.) in St. Margaret's, Westminster,

ii. 413

" Life is unsartain," viii. 227 Lucerne, Hofkirche, English in, vi. 195 Luther (Richard and Anthonie), ii. 323 Margaret of Richmond, xi. 463 Mayo's (Lord), errors in, vi. 226 Mead (William), Quaker, x. 151 " Mors hominem," x. 210, 276 " My friend most dear ! forbear your tear,"

iv. 526 " My name, my country, what are they to

thee " xi. 504

" Nee Metuas Dies, nee. Times," xii. 507 Nichols (Thomas), iii. 24 " Now thus,' x. 502 " O Mors, quam dura," xi. 6 '" O sudden death, I in a moment fell," xi. 112 ' Of earth Gods wisdome made me," viii. 325 " Oh ye of Scotia's sons," iii. 24 " Optimus & Dominus mihi Maxim," i. 345 Owen MSS., x. 210 Oxenham (John, Mary, and James), ii. 368,

411, 509

" Pain was my portion," ii. 106, 152 " Poor John Scott lies buried here," i. 69 Postscript, x. 503 Pucci (Francesco), ix. 324 " Quse linquam, aut nihil, aut nihili, vii. 387,

436 " Reader, pass on, nor idly waste your time,"

viii. 227

Rees (Daniel Philip), xii. 507 " Remember we as you pass by ! " iii. 24 Richards (James), ii. 27 San Sebastian, Spain, epitaphs at, iii. 361 Seymour (Sir John), in Bilton Church, i. 87 Shakespeare's x. 346, 396, 417 Skipp (Mr. Thomas), iii. 8 " Spartam nactus es, hanc exorna," ix. 268 " State super antiquas vias," i. 5 " Stay, passenger, and contemplate," vii. 76 Stolz (David), iii. 24 " Stop, gentle Stranger, and with plaintive

Byes," iv. 526 " Stop I Reader, and reflect with awe," iv.

526 " Stop, trembling Eld I stay, generous

youth," viii. 227 Swedenborg (E.), ix. 468

" That 'neath the green Estrella trees," ix. 134 " The earth goeth on the earthe," viii. 385 Theodore, King of Corsica, xi. 504 Thicknesse (Philip), vi. 346 " This does Erasmus Williams represent,"

x. 208, 258, 330 " Tho' Boreas with his Blustring blasts," vi.

425, 517 ; vii. 38, 475 ; viii. 33 " Thomas Price he took a nap," viii. 227 " Thorpe's corpse," ii. 134 " Those Infants that are Buried here," viii.


" Thou wert a sweet winning child," ii. 323 " Three poets in three distant ages born," x.

491 " Through poison strong he was cut off," xii.


" 'Tis gone with its thorns and its roses,' vii. 5 " Tu qui transieris, videas, sta, perlege,

plora," iii. 23 " Twelve years I was a maid," ii. 322

Epitaphs :

' Underneath this sod or stone," ix. 502

' Unfort'nate youth who wrought in brick:

and lime," xi. 505

' Upon the Road I met pale Death," iv. 526 Walton (Anne), in Worcester Cathedral, x. 68 Warrington, x. 502

Wellington (Duke of), letter, xi. 347, 472 ' What stronger circle can Art-magick find,"'

iii. 8 " What things I leave are nought," vii. 387 r


' What we gave we have," viii. 520 ' What we say of a thing that has just come

in fashion," vii. 27 " Who lies here ? Who do you think ? " viii..


" Whoso thow art, wyth lovinge harte," iii. 23 Worksop, x. 503 Yale (Elihu), x. 502

Epsilon, explanation of the name, iii. 228, 277 Epworth Parsonage, ghost at, xii. 129, 197, 338 r

433 Eques auratus, English equivalent of the term, vii.-


Equitas on rates in aid, iii. 469 ; iv. 173 Erasmus, and Charles Reade, iv. 249, 313, 335 ;. story of his ape, viii. 107 ; his epitaph on Margaret of Richmond, xi. 463 " Erasmus Rogers ' in Acton's ' Lectures on

Modern History,' vii. 487 Erbury (W.), his ' Scourge for the Assirian,' vi_

208, 373 Bridge Castle, details of its restoration, vi. 308,


Bridge Green, cannon on, c. 1768, x. 226 Erin on Langtry estate. in Ireland, vii. 128 Erie family of Compton, viii. 448 Ermine : " Tymbers of ermine," explanation of

the term, i. 449, 492 Ermine and miniver, their difference, vi. 266, 313 r

370 Ernisius, a proper name, x. 388, 471 ; xi. 33, 155 r


Erra Pater, literary allusions to, viii. 409, 518 Errington (Mrs.) and Capt. Buckley, xii. 368, 435 Errors, typographical. See Misprints. Erskine (Charles, Cardinal), 1739-1811, ix. 87 ?

portraits of, x. 377, 518 Erskine (David), buried at Elba, iii. 407 Erskine (David Montagu) at Winchester, not West'

minster, ii. 406, 535

-es and -is in Scottish proper names, x. 486 ; xi. 37 Esare, derivation of the word, xii. 264 Esdaile (William), art collector, his biography, rw


-ese, use of the suffix, i. 446, 516 ; ii. 77, 133 Eshin' : bel tin' = caning, v. 466, 518 ; vi. 214 Eslyngton, variant of Islington, vii. 29, 93 Esmeralda, derivation of the name, iv. 352 Espec. See L'Espec.

Esquire in Scotland, use of the title, ii. 109 Essay, its history, iii. 148, 294 ' Essay on Woman,' its bibliography, ix. 442 r


Essex (Earl of), his Irish campaign, xi. 69, 154 Essex (Isabel [Plantagenet], Countess of), her

descendants, vi. 407, 508 ; vii. 147 Essex, hops in, in 1738, vi. 227 ; fatal to women,.

xii. 90, 136

Essex Martyrs' Memorial, unveiling, xi. 65 " Essex Serpent," inn sign, x. 310, 376