Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/105

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" Essex Serpent " and other Westminster taverns,

xii. 322

Essex woman, tall, Mrs. Gordon, ii. 128 Essoin Bolls in Public Record Office and American

Emigrants, vi. 226

Estates, intestate, and Lords of Manors, ix. 489 Estates held by peculiar tenures, viii. 389 ; ix. 197 Estevens (David), painter, c. 1751, ix. 409 Estrege, meaning of the name, i. 469 Esturmy or Sturmy family, vii. 209, 312 ; viii.

16, 73 Etchings, German, dated 1838-43, ix. 468 ; steel,

by John Leech, x. 247 Etherington (W. H.) on Etherington family, vi.


Etherington family vi. 329 Etiquette, municipal, ii. 408 Eton, monks of St. Ebbald at, viii. 47, 111 Eton College, Barnard (E.), head master, 1754-65,

xii. 26

Eton College arms and Winchester College, v. 285 Eton College lists, ii. 107, 152 ; iii. 87 ; iv. 187,

314, 356 ; xi. 290, 350 Eton House, Kent, and the David family, viii.

290 Eton swishing, illustration of, v. 489 ; references

to, vi. 35, 133 Etough (Bev. Henry), letter from Baron Walpole

of Wolferton, v. 134, 173 ; Bector of Therfleld,

Herts, xii. 430

Ettarre, the Christian name, iv. 107, 156 Etty (William), B.A., his brothers and their issue,

v. 88, 137

Etymological notes, iv. 164 Etymologies, poprdar, of old homilists, viii. 7 ;

fanciful, 365

Euchre, etymology of the word, i. 13, 77, 116 Eugene, Prince, statue in London, x. 448 Euripides, date of his birth, i. 447, 476; and

Dickens, vii. 406 ; Greek and Latin references

to ' Electra,' viii. 47 ; and the nightingale's

song, 354 ; and Gascoigne, x. 125 Europe, racial problem, viii. 145, 218, 233, 274,

394, 474

  • European Magazine' and Joseph Moser, 1808, v.

117 European politicians, Abraham Lincoln and, vii.

165, 275, 318, 433

Evangelical zoology at Vitoria, iii. 486 Evans (Bev. David), D.D., his biographers, ii. 408 Evans (Sir De Lacy), his Waterloo MSS., vi. 188,


Evans (Edward) and William Upcott, iv. 328, 397 Evans (P. C.) on St. David : " Taffy-on-a -stick,"

xi. 327 Evans (G. E.) on Kirkstead Chapel, Lines, viii. 35.

Thirkell or Threlkeld family, vii. 251 ; viii. 74 Evans (H. A.) on Jacobite wineglasses, i. 204.

Jonson's Works, v. 7. Oxford Examination

Papers, vi. 428. Shakespeare, early MS. men- tion of, i. 310 Evans (Dr. John), and last will of a Presbytery,

vii. 244 Evans (John) on Hamlet as a Christian name, viii.

156. Manor Court Bolls : Wyndrynge, vi.

472. Obsolete English games, vii. 512 Evatt (Surgeon-General G.) on General Bussell

Manners, xi. 149. Pym and Jephson families,

xi. 128 Evelyn (John), and Dr. George Bogers, vii. 503 ;

plan for rebuilding London, viii. 166, 193 Evelyn family, ii. 348 Evelyn family and Wotton, x. 268

Everglade, place-name, its derivation, x. 105, 158,


Everitt (A. T.) on Thomas Bettesworth, v. 396. Giffords of King Somborne, ix. 116. " Idle Dick Norton,' vii. 330. Nailsea Court, Somer- set, vi. 336. Norman Court, Hampshire, ix. 71. " Old Bell '" Inn, Holborn Hill, iii. 432. Pounde (Thomas), S. J., iv. 268, 472 ; v. 96. Premonstratensian abbeys, iv. 231. Shelley (William), iv. 55, 114. White family of South- wick, vi. 43, 64, 82 Everitt (Graham), his ' English Caricaturists,' ix.


' Everyman ' and Bernard Dechepare, vi. 446 Evesham, Abbots of, list of, xii. 28, 78, 154, 278 Evil-eye superstitions, i. 148, 231, 508, 514; ii.

156 ; iii. 214, 314 ; ix. 145, 216 Evils, field-name, xi. 468 ; xii. 117 Evolution of the male, vii. 309 Ewart (A.) on Ewart family, iii. 428 Ewart family, iii. 428 Ewe, black, in the ' Iliad,' v. 328, 373 Ewer and basin from Fotheringay bell, ix. 468 Ewing (Alexander), Bp. of Argyll and the Isles, ix.


Ewing (J. G.) on Army List of the Boyne, xii. 308. Ireland : Hearth Money Boll , xii. 308. Slavery in the United States, vii. 41 Examination, competitive, Macaulay on, viii. 169,

237 Examination papers, Oxford, previous to 1831, vi.

428 Examinations, post-mortem, earliest instances, v.

29 Excavations on the site of Christ's Hospital, vii.

366 Ex-Chairman on School for the Indigent Blind vii.


Exchequer, Auditors of, c. 1682, ix. 386 Exchequer Court of, office of Hereditary Usher, v. 89- Exclamation, note of, its origin, ii. 301 Excommunication of Louis XIV., i. 69 Execution, military, at Malta in 1861, iii. 304, 375 Executioner's block, its use, xii. 26 Executioners, public, viii. 244, 335, 353, 376 Executions, children at, ii. 346, 454 ; iii. 33, 93, 495 ; x. 254, 298 ; ropes used at, v. 266, 315, 375, 418, 457, 498 ; vi. 54 ; throat-cutting at, x. 128, 315, 236 Exemplar on " Good news to those whose light is

low," ii. 528

Exeter, subterranean passages at, x. 37 Exeter Cathedral custom, c. 1820, xii. 170 Exeter Hall, its history and closing, viii. 127, 215 >

336, 371

Exhibition, Great, verses on, v. 64, 113, 239 Exiles, English, in France and Holland, v. 148 ;

in Holland, 1683-5, vi. 261, 351 Exodus, Sabbath changed at, viii. 490 ; ix. 14 Extra-illustrating, early examples of, vi. 24 Eybury Manor, its history, x. 321, 461 ; xi. 22,

174, 231

Eye mask worn by railway guards, x. 487 Eyebright, origin of the name, x. 401, 457, 514 ;

xi. 75, 133, 194, 310, 414

Eyelashes of the road = roadside wastes, vi. 69 Eyes, artificial, manufactured, 1734, x. 352 Eynsford Castle, Kent, its history, ix. 449, 514 Eyre, Chief Justice in, political office, vi. 470 Eyre (John) of Coventry, c. 1775, x. 329 Eyres (Major-General George Bolton), his bio- graphy, i. 489 ; ii. 38

Eztakit on authors of quotations wanted, vn. 30