Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/108

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Feilde (Rev. Matthew), Rector of SS. Anne and Agnes, xii. 349, 413 < -

Feilden family and Parliamentary representation of Blackburn, v. 326

Felkin (A. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 35

Fellowes (O. B.) on Johnsoniana, iii. 447

Fellows of the Clover Leaf, history of , i. 7, 193

Felpham, Hayley and Blake at, viii. 231, 277

Feltham, Loyal Lads of, ii. 401

Feltria, lines attributed to Ceesar on, viii. 69, 332

Female crucifixes, iv. 230, 395, 517

Female incendiary, her supposed crime, ii. 9

Female soldiers : Phoebe Hessel, i. 406

Femmer = frail, its origin, x. 9, 75

Fenchurch, derivation of the name, iii. 181

Fencible regiment raised by A. M'Gregor Murray, v. 230, 337

Fenhoulet (Nancy Day, Lady), her biography, x. 406 ; xi. 393, 438

Fenians, escape from West Australia, ix. 188, 236, 254, 332

Fenn (I.) on David's sketch of Marie Antoinette, xii. 513

Fenner family, vi. 350

Fenning (Eliza), hanged 1815, xii. 68, 115, 138

Fennystanton, its monstrous child, xi. 249

Fenton (Rt. Rev. Patrick) consecrated in West- minster Cathedral, ii. 145

Fenton and Cleaver families, v. 23

Fenton's Hotel, Napoleon III. at, ix. 327, 371, 432

Ferby and Coningsby families, xi. 28

Ferdinand I., King of Two Sicilies, epigram on, vii. 506

Ferdusi on Parliamentary banner in the City, xi. 89

Ferguson (Donald) on Arabic-English, x. 336. Beche-de-mer, xi. 482. "Bombay duck," xii. 5. Budgee, a kind of ape, x. 253. Camoens, Sonnet cciii., vii. 295. Coffee, its etymology, xii. 318. Emanuel of Portugal, iv. 10. Fires for cymbals, vii. 289. " Fish in troubled waters," xii. 386. Hanged, drawn, and quartered, i. 497. Heber (Bishop): 'Only man is vile," xii. 297. Hoek van Holland, vii. 473. Hunter's wood : hunter's cakes, vii. 346. Incached, viii. 90, 273. Moon and crabs, viii. 317. Murkattos : capaps, their meaning, xii. 30. Pearl, its etymon v. 493. Percival (Capt. Robert), xii. 282. Piccaninny, iv. 128. Pinto (Mendez), xi. 176. Pompelmous, iii. 256. Punch, the beverage, iv. 531. Roach = cockroach, vii. 425. Tiffar : tiffador : tyf- feren, xii. 161. Tourmaline, iii. 152. Warka- moowee, iii. 467

Ferguson (M.) on R. L. Stevenson and Schubert, ix. 249

Fergusson (J. R.) on epigram on Reynolds, i. 146

Fergusson (T. Colyer) on Thomas Dover, M.B., xi. 196. Lopez (Sir Menasseh Massey), x. 115. Maginn (William) and Moses Mendez, ix. 416. Motherhood late in life, ix. 232

Ferling, a measure of sixteen acres, i. 354

Fermor (Sir John), temp. Henry VIII., iv. 289, 393

Fern (Matthew), his imprisonment, ii. 288

" Fernandes in Dukes Place," his identification, xi. 49

Fernow (H.) on quotations wanted, vi. 149

Ferrand (Jacques), his ' Melancholic erotique,' and Robert Burton, xi. 286

Ferrar (Michael Lloyd), his death, i. 380

Ferrar (Nicholas), his ' Harmonies,' i. 108

Ferrar (William), descendant of Ferrars of Little

Gidding, vi. 386

Ferrers ( Anne ) = Nathaniel Hodson, viii. 150 Ferrers (Earl), 1720-60, portraits of, xi. 209, 335,

434, 498 Ferris Great Wheel at World's Fair, Chicago, vii.

473, 515

Ferry (C. P.) on harbours, xi. 409 ' Fesannees de cestes," obscure term, x. 168 Feskin=to swathe, 1230, ix. 508 Fete di Felici Cornutelli at Rome, viii. 309 Fetherston (William), alias Constable, his claim to

the Crown, 1554, viii. 489 ; ix. 435 Fetish in Nova Zembla, i. 466 Fetter Lane, derivation of the name, iii. 181 Fetter Lane chapels, viii. 26, 111, 194, 235, 305,

502 Fettiplace family, i. 329, 396, 473, 511 ; ii. 234,


Feudal system, i. 248, 353 Few (M.) on earthquakes in Calabria, iv. 247 Fewstone, Yorkshire, curious gravestone at, i. 233 Fewtrell (A. H.) on Bishop of Man imprisoned,

ii. 535. Population of country parish, iv. 495 " ffree Roberds," Surrey tenement, c. 1629, viii.

508 Fiction, tenses in, iii. 307 ; War Office in, iv.

127, 235 ; detectives in, 307, 356, 417, 456 ;

astronomy in, v. 229, 294 ; earthquakes in,

388, 436, 492

Fictitious Latin plurals, i. 54, 193 Fief on " Character is fate," ii. 494 Field (C.) on hedgehog, a ship, vii. 308. Rocher

de Gayette, vii. 329 Field memorials to sportsmen, x. 509 Field-glasses at battle of Dunbar, references to,

vi. 188 ; x. 73 Fielding (Henry), poem by, v. 446 ; his first

marriage at Charlcombe Church, vi. 47 ; his

' Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon,' 61, 115 ;

and Shakespeare, vii. 444 ; inscription on his

grave, ix. 49, 134, 277 ; ' Tom Jones ' in French,

xii. 407

Fielding brothers, c. 1667, xi. 469 Field-names : at West Haddon, co. Northampton,

i. 46, 94, 156 ; at Brightwalton, Berks, 228 ; ' The Evils," xi. 468 ; xii. 117 Fields, open, suicides buried in, iv. 346, 397, 475,


Fiennes family of Broughton, xii. 123, 174 Fife fishermen's superstitions, x. 330 Fife-boy, use of the compound, viii. 127 Fifteenths and Tenths explained, x. 88 Fifth-Monarchy Men, uprising in 1661, vii. 290,

334, 515

Fifty dole, meaning of the term, viii. 430 Fig Sunday = Palm Sunday, ix. 374, 412 Fig trees, and maturing meat, ix. 389 ; x. 53, 96,

453 ; xi. 456 ; xii. 138 ; in London, xi. 107,

178 ; xii. 293, 336, 396, 476 Figarola-Caneda (E.) on ceiba, Cuban word, vii.

288. Drake (Joseph Rodman), xii. 448.

'Golden Lyre,' xii. 407. Mildew in Books,

xii. 387. Sawkins (J. G.), ix. 407 Figgess or Figgiss surname, ix. 388, 478 Figs, green, and St. Peter, i. 148, 231 Figuera da Foz, inscriptions at, iv. 147 Figure : figure it out, use of the words, viii. 187 Filbert legend, xii. 388

Filey (C.) on Wentworth of Pontefract, xi. 68 Filson (M. A.) on ' Cantica Sacra,' ix. 488