Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/109

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Finch (Barbara Clay) on ' English Historical Review,' xii. 228. Order of the Royal Oak, vi. 136

Finch (J. R.) on James Brindley, i. 310 Finchale Priory, Durham, Henman's drawings, ii.

168, 252 Findlater (Count), Karlsbad patron, c. 1810, xii.

269, 313

Fingal and Diarmid, ii. 87, 152, 277 Finger, wedding-ring, ii. 508 Finglow (John), ' D.N.B.' on, x. 114 Finlay (Robert) & Mitchel, eighteenth-century

bankers, i. 310, 374

Finmark, East, native names of birds, v. 6 Finnis Street, Bethnal Green, origin of the name,

ix. 486 ; x. 15 Finny (W. E. St. L.) on arms of suffragan bishops,

xi. 109

Fioning grass, use of the word, xii. 49, 92 Fiorelli (Tiberio), known as " Scaramuccio," x.

153 Fire, kept burning on the hearth, viii. 340 ; hare

forecasting, xi. 310, 413, 458 Fire : fire out, to turn out of a place, vii. 308 ;

viii. 37, 454

Firearms in the seventeenth century, iii. 89 Firebrace (Lady), verses by Dr. Johnson to,

vi. 89, 155

Fire-engine exhibition, xi. 8, 56 Firefly or glowworm in modern poetry, i. 47, 112,

156, 193, 216 Fireplaces or chimneys, houses without, viii. 29 Fires for cymbals in translation of Linschoten's

' Voyagie,' vii. 289, 334

Fir-eun on Macdonald of Moidart, iv. 376 Firgunanum, etymology of the word, vii. 7, 51 Firman (F. B.) on Dickens and Euripides, vii. 406. Dickens and Scott, vi. 346. Dickens or Wilkie Collins, iii. 207. Dickensiana, i. 44. ' Nicholas Nickleby,' iv. 455 First-footing, A.D. 1907, vii. 5 First kittoo, use of the phrase, ii. 149, 296 Fiscal, derivation of the word, i. 51 Fish days and St. Paul's School, i. 290 Eish in the North Sea, Great Britain's claim,

ii. 187

Fish traps " a 1'Anglaise," vi. 269, 338 Fisher (Kitty), date of her death, xi. 245 Fisher (Rev. Samuel) and Dr. John Reading, i. 156 Fisher (T.) on first English bishop to marry, x.

475. Gatton inscription, vi. 8 Fishermen, Dutch, in British waters, i. 87 Fishermen's folk-lore, x. 330 ; Orkney, xii. 483 Fishery and weirs at the " Snowte," iii. 88 Fish-hooks or gorges, thorn, ix. 229 Fishmongers' Company and the German Emperor,

iii. 148

Fishwick (Col. H.) on Butler of Toderstaff, v. 517. ' Chalice and Sheppheard," ix. 310. Dated stones in buildings, vi. 453. Halliwell (Henry), x. 426. Hatching chickens, vii. 149. " Knights without noses," xi. 49. Lancashire and Cheshire wills, i. 38. " Man in a quart bottle," xii. 289. Morris (Rev. Henry) of Burnley, xii. 456. Pincerna (Richard), ii. 92. Pit = a grave, i. 287. Rauthmel (Rev. R.), vii. 115. Romney's ancestry, vii. 113. Selby, Yorks : its Peculiar Court, xii. 409. " Sincke of Popery," viii. 387. Suicides buried in open fields, iv. 346. Travers family, i. 252. Water- loo : its pronunciation, x. 190 Fiske (S.) on authors of quotations, vi. 48. Brass at Brown Candover, ix. 315. Brasses at the

Bodleian, vii. 42. Fleetwood brass, vi. 198,

316. Goulton brass, vii. 28. Monumental

brasses, vi. 47, 315

Fistula : canna, at the Communion, v. 288 Fit, preterite and participle of " to fight," viii. 204 Fiteres=rags, its cognates, vii. 509 ; viii. 31 Fitz-Allen on Soubise, black page, iv. 529 FitzAthulf (Constantino ), his execution for rioting,

ii. 181

FitzGeffrey (Charles ) = Anne Arman, 1604, xi. 49 FitzGerald on Book of Loughscur, iv. 267. Lodge,

Ulster King of Arms, iv. 229 Fitzgerald (Rev. Edward), c. 1718, Dissenting

Ulster minister, viii. 428 FitzGerald (Edward), bibliography, ii. 141, 214 ;

song in Tennyson's ' Memoir,' 285 ; editions

of Omar Khayyam, iv. 105 ; vi. 388, 453 ; and

Naseby battle-field, xi. 304 ; Urceo quoted by,

xii. 185 FitzGerald (Edward Marlborough), poems by,

ii. 141, 214 FitzGerald (J. R.) on Comte d'Antraigues, x. 152.

Authors of quotations, viii. 374. Gamester's

superstition, viii. 391. Hampstead in song,

x. 377 Fitzgerald (P.) on Dickens and Scott, vi. 390.

Goldsmith tablet, vii. 385 FitzGerald (S. J. A.) on authors and their first

books, iii. 247 " Pop goes the weasel," iv. 209 Fitzgerald family of Pendleton, iii. 367 Fitzhamon family, i. 47, 132 Fitzherbert (Mrs.), her Christian name, iv. 530 ;

v. 32 ; and George IV.'s coronation, v. 227,

292 ; her marriage performed by Rev. Robert

Burt, 308

Fitzmaurice (I.) on prisons in Paris, iv. 394 Fitzmaurice family, v. 67

Fitzmaurice-Kelly (J.) on Spanish verse, iv. 274 Fitz-Norman ( J. K. ) on Blake : Norman : Old-

mixon, ii. 447. Norman (John), iii. 229 Fitzpatrick ( J. ) on ' Allied Armies before Sebas-

topol,' xi. 189 Fitzpatrick (Sir Jerome), Inspector of Health to

the Forces, xi. 428 Fitzpatrick (Richard) and Charles James Fox,

i. 146 Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland, and

his duchess, viii. 289, 352 Fitzroy Square, Marquis of Salisbury's residence

in, iii. 5 Fitzsimmons (W. J.) on book signatures, vi. 134.

Ivy Lane, Strand, v. 136

Fitz Urse (Reginald), his biography, v. 47, 112 Fitz Warine family, iii. 109 Fitzwilliam family, iii. 165

Fitzwilliams (C.) on Carmarthen families, xi. 153 Five, the French figure, its origin, ii. 301 Flag, National, use of the White Ensign, iii. 448 ; and Royal Standard, vii. 227 ; ix. 128, 154, 174, 255, 292, 396, 502, 514 ; x. 72, 130, 193, 331 Flag, pirate : " Old Roger," " Jolly Roger," xi.


Flag or banner, triangular, v. 450, 493 ; vii. 252 Flagellants, books on, ii. 420 Flageolet, a kind of bean, xii. 149, 233, 274 Flags, their official regulation, v. 469 ; vi. 12, 96 Flags of Greater Britain, xii. 226 Flails still in use, iii. 267, 338, 375, 433 ; iv. 72 ;

in the Tyrol, vi. 274, 313 ; vii. 272, 316, 497 Flandrensis (Turstin) : Turstin de Wigmore, x.

205, 250

Flash of lightning, name for gin, x. 210 Flats in the Thames estuary, xi. 269