Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/110

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Flaubert (G.), words in * Tentation de St. An-

toine,' xii. 447

Flavian monks in the Campagna, vii. 149 Flaw, its purpose, iv. 208, 314, 472 Flaying alive, instances of, i. 15, 73, 155, 352 ;

ii. 14 ; iii. 153

Fleet, Russian Baltic, in 1788, iii. 246 Fleet marriages, records of, i. 9, 75 Fleet Prison in 14th and 15th centuries, x. 110,

258, 478 ; xi. 18 Fleet Street, Jacobean houses in, iii. 206, 250, 315 ;

grocers and tea-dealers in, 294 ; No. 53, its

demolition, iii. 427, 493 ; iv. 94, 314 ; changes

in, v. 227, 295 ; No. 17, its history, vi. 446 ;

Jerusalem Court, vii. 29 ; No. 7, its history, viii.

248, 350, 411, 478 ; No. 9, its history, 441 ;

No. 59, its history, ix. 53 Fleetwood (Cromwell) his widow's will, iii. 466 ;

date of his death, iv. 74 Fleetwood (Baron George), 1630, his portrait,

viii. 488 ; ix. 193 Fleetwood (George), the regicide, his biography,

i. 422

Fleetwood (Mary ) = Nathaniel Carter, ii. 268, 333 Fleetwood (William), Bishop of St. Asaph and Ely,

ix. 231

Fleetwood cabinet, its owner, ii. 67 Fleetwod family, ii. 33 ; genealogical puzzle, xii.


Fleetwood family arms, vi. 264, 435 Fleetwood family of Calwich, co. Stafford, xi. 183 ;

xii. 58, 373 Fleetwood family of Crawley, co. Southampton,

v. 48, 403

Fleetwood family of Madras, v. 68 Fleetwood family of Penwortham, Lanes., v. 405 ;

vii. 302, 474

Fleetwood family of St. John Zachary, xii. 469 Fleetwood family of Sweden, viii. 488 Fleetwood memorial brass at Chalfont St. Giles,

vi. 88, 137, 198, 316 Fleetwood pedigree, v. 23 Fleetwoods and Milton's Cottage, i. 422 Fleming (G. E.) on Bowen family, xi. 449 Fleming (Malcolm) and the king, xi. 70 Fleming (B.), and slaying of Bed Comyn, viii.

310, 456

Fleming (W. H.) on authors wanted, xi. 429 Fleming family, viii. 289

Flesh and shamble meats, i. 68, 293, 394 ; ii. 54 Fletcher (A.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vii. 208

Fletcher (E. W.) on Queen Anne's churches, x. 435 Fletcher (G. H. B.) on authors of quotations

wanted, x. 108 Fletcher (G. Butter) on Jack and Jill, iv. 13 ;

hanging alive in chains, xii. 212 Fletcher (John), "the Captain" in 'The Fair Maid

of the Inn,' ii. 184 ; and ' Capt. Thomas Stuke-

ley,' iii. 301, 342, 382 ; folk medicine in, v. 129,

195 ; ballads in ' Monsieur Thomas,' vi. 223,

291 ; his burial-place in St. Saviour's, South-

wark, 248 ; and Bobert Burton, 464 ; his

' Knight of the Burning Pestle,' x. 427 Fletcher (J. M. J.) on "beating the bounds" in

1763, xi. 384. Lytton (Sir Bobert), iv. 389.

Snodgrass as a surname, ix. 427. Wyrley's

Derbyshire Church Notes, i. 427 ; iv. 376 Fletcher (Sir Bobert), d. 1777, his biography, xi.

48, 117 Fletcher (W. G. D.) on Admiral John Bazely, ix.

129. Best (Bishop John), of Carlisle, vii.

449 ; viii. 112. Camoys pedigree, vii. 509.

County royal descents, ix. 148. Fletcher (Sir

Bobert), xi. 48. "Hospitatus" in Domesday,

viii. 208. Shaw's ' Knights of England,' vi. 1.

Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," viii. 96.

Vanden-Bempde family, ix. 108. Vernon of

Hodnet, ix. 491. Welds of Willey Park, Salop,

vi. 97

Fletcher family, v. 270

Fletton, prehistoric crocodile found at, ii. 286 Flies in coffin, iv. 386

Flinders (Matthew), his biography, xi. 267 Flint (T.) on Carlyle on painting foam, vii. 310,

456. Carlyle on the Peneus, xii. 87. " Mother

of dead dogs," vii. 457. " What you but see,"

&c., x. 255 Flint and steel, method of striking, vii. 329, 377,

396, 418, 452

Flint chippings in barrows, ii. 188 Flitches, Dunmow and other, vi. 486 Flood (J. C. H.) on Hampden family, xii. 230 Flood (Miss) and Edward, Duke of York, xii. 8 Flood (W. H. Grattan) on Anacreontic Society,

ix. 387. Cadey=hat, x. 277. French words

in Scotch, x. 274. ' Girl I left behind me,' xi.

246. Irish version of " De mortuis," ix. 455.

' Kitty Fisher's Jig ' : ' Yankee Doodle,' ix. 471 ;

x. 115. ' Lang o' Lea,' Irish song, ix. 257, 473.

Power (Tyrone), actor, x. 257. Bobson (George

Fennell), ix. 273

Floor-cloth manufacture, c. 1815, xi. 265 Floral emblems of countries, v. 509 ; vi. 52 Florence, inscriptions in Protestant Cemetery,

ix. 224, 443 ; x. 24, 223, 324, 463 ; baptistery

font at, x. 88 Floriculture : Latin genitives in nomenclature,

v. 309, 355

Florida, names of grantees in 1763, iii. 9 Florio's influence on Webster and Marston,

iv. 41, 121, 201

Flower (Mrs.) on nine men's morris, vi. 128 Flower, alias William Way, alias Wygge, ii. 106 Flowers, not desired at funerals, xii. 130, 178, 258 Floyd (W. C. L.) on British envoy at Warsaw, x.


Fludd (Sir Bobert), 1574-1637, his title, vi. 368 " Fludous, Le," meaning of the name, vi. 70 Flying bridges, ii. 406, 491 ; iii. 93, 274 Flying or Centrifugal Bailway, iv. 65, 176, 333,

416, 474 ; v. 13

Flying-machine exhibition, vii. 306 Flying machines, early, ix. 441 ; x. 186, 250 ; xi.

8, 98, 145, 425, 465 ; xii. 106, 158, 170, 195,

238, 271, 272, 374, 417 ' Flying Post,' 1699, and Sir W. Temple's letters,

viii. 21

Foam painting, instances of, vii. 310, 373, 456 Foat (F. W. G.) on punctuation in MSS. and

printed books, ii. 301, 462 ; iv. 144, 262 ; v,

502 ; viii. 222

Fogg Family Association in America, ix. 486 Foix (Cte. de St.) on Mozart concerto, ii. 447 Folden, origin of the name, iii. 69, 115 Foleit, meaning of the word, i. 309, 374 Folkestone, instance of long public service, vii. T Folk-jest, Lincolnshire, ix. 367 Folk-lore, its origins, vii. 53

Folk-lore :

All Hallows E'en, xi. 6 Apple in Dorset, ix. 314 Asses hypnotized, ii. 506 Astronomy, French pastoral, vii. 104 Baskish, vi. 507