Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/139

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Hewitt (C. E.) on Apothecaries' Act of 1815, iii. 328. Caparn family, v. 268. ' La Belle Assembled ' : Miss Cubitt, iv. 108. Manor Court of Edwin- stowe, Notts, ii. 226. Scotch Communion tokens, iv. 387. Scottish Naval and Military Academy, iii. 148 ; iv. 274

Hewitt (E.) on Washington medal, vi. 167

Hewitt (Canon J. A.) on Cawood family, ii. 515. Chichele's kin, v. 454. Farrant's anthem, iv. 265. Ghost-words, vii. 347. Guelderland (Duke of) : Duke of Lorraine, v. 456. Heraldic mottoes, iii. 235. Hewett family, ii. 488. Kirkbride of Ellerton, viii. 309. Nelson poems, iv. 329. ' Paradise Lost ' of 1751, iii. 68

Hewitt (M.), his ' Ritualist's Progress,' vi. 130, 173

Hews or Huse family, xii. 128, 177

Hewlett (James), artist, 1768-1836, his biography, ix. 183

Hewson (Sir John), Cromwellian colonel, his biography, vi. 222, 292, 337, 373, 437, 456 ; xi. 208

Hexameters on the Bass Rock, ix. 288, 411

Hexton, Hocktide observance at, xi. 488 ; xii. 71, 139, 214, 253, 514

Heynow family of Stenbury, xii. 61

Heys- Jones (E.) on Charles I. metal jewellery, xii. 428

JELeywood (Jasper), tried and condemned, 1584, ix. 184

'Heywood (John), date of his death, viii. 367

Beywood (Thomas), his lines on ' Sibella Europaea,' ix. 208 ; suggested emendations in his dramas, 301

Hibbert and Simon families, vi. 307

Hibernia. See Ireland.

Hibgame (F. T.) on an Alabama veteran, vi. 226.

Arab Sheikh Nefzaoni, xi. 327. Arms of English Roman Catholic Bishops, x. 228. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 309. Bandy Leg Walk, xi. 35. Beach (T.), portrait painter, ii. 285. Birkenhead's last survivor, ix. 268. Bishop, first consecrated in Westminster Cathedral, ii. 145. Bishops, fourteen, consecrated together, v. 347, 494. ' Bleak House ' : Jarndyce v. Jarn- dyce, v. 166. Blincoe (R.), his memoirs, ix. 231. Blind institutions in England, xi. 348. Brazen bijou, i. 369. Bristol slave ships, ii. 257. Chatterton in London, vii. 506. Children at executions, iii. 34. Children of the Chapel, i. 458. Christian name, addition to, iii. 416. Church, oldest Protestant in United States, v. 244. Church spoons, v. 77. Close (Poet), i. 409. Coffin House, i. 493. Coffins and shrouds, viii. 255. Colet (Dean), his name, x. 249. Coli- seums old and new, iii. 116. Cook (Capt.),his house, viii. 364. Cope, i. 174. Cowley (Han- nah), her burial-place, xi. 269. Crosby Square, No. 4, ix. 346. Crouch, the musical composer, i. 248. Crucifix, one-armed, ii. 294. Dampier (W.) the navigator, ix. 447. Death after lying, x. 195. ' Doleful Evensong," viii. 69. Dorsetshire snake-lore, i. 333. Dowry Square, Clifton, x. 188. Dunstable the musician, ii. 387. Earrings : their history, iii. 249. English burial-ground at Lisbon, iii. 34. English Jesuit, first, viii. 190. Englishman, first, in India, ix. 208. Eshin' : Beltin', v. 518. Eton swishing, vi. 35. Evil eye, i. 508. Forests set on fire by lightning, iv. 213. Gaboriau's

Marquis d'Angival,' i. 428. Groom's Coffee-

ELouse, xi. 145. Hare and Easter, iv. 306. Havel and slaie makers, v. 209, 256. Hawker

of Morwenstow, ii. 286. Hessel (Phcebe), i. 406. Hickford's Room, Brewer Streer, vii. 128. Hinds (Dr. Samuel), i. 227. Hoast, v. 110. Irish soil exported, iii. 395. Keble (J.), his death, ix. 386. Lamb (C.) and Winchmore Hill, ix. 187. Lee (Harriet), viii. 197. Linus (Pope), v. 129. Little Wild Street Chapel, i. 77. London cemeteries in I860, ii. 297. Lowry, vi. 373. Lyceum Theatre, iii. 45. ; iv. 410. Man- zoni's ' Betrothed,' ii. 169. " Mary, Mary, quite contrary," viii. 231. Mechanical road carriages, xi. 431. Michaelmas custom, ii. 347. ' Missal, The,' iv. 138. Mocassin : its pronunciation, ii. 495. Moravian Chapel, Fetter Lane, viii. 26. Morland's grave, ii. 49. Motherhood late in life, ix. 96. Napier Tavern," Holborn, xi. 467. Navarino : last survivor, vi. 306 ; xi. 506. Nelson at Bath, i. 366. New Year luck, v. 94. New York, Holy Trinity, vi. 197. New- man (Cardinal), his birthplace, vii. 489. Non- conformist burial-grounds, ix. 233. Norfolk, Virginia, its founders, xi. 489. " Oh \ the pilgrims of Zion," iii. 176. Old Bailey, ix. 186. Passing bell, i. 351. Photographer, oldest, his death, viii. 306. Pictorial blinds, vii. 493. Pincushion sweet, vi. 155. Place, v. 475. Postboy, oldest, in England, xi. 247. Power (Tyrone), American actor, viii. 348. Pre- Reformation tabernacle, ix. 97. Princess's Theatre, Oxford Street, vi. 364. Quin (James), the actor, iii. 185. Railway, first, on the Con- tinent, iv. 267. Roman Catholic priests buried in London, vi. 149 ; vii. 72. Ropes used at executions, v. 418. Rushlights, x. 135. St. Paul's Cathedral, foundation stone, v. 168. " Saracen's Head," Snow Hill, xii. 65. Sar- dinian Chapel, xii. 285. Seething Lane, vii. 390. Snakes drinking milk, x. 316. Stanley (Sir H. M.), his grave, ii. 526. Swedish Church, Prince's Square, ix. 369. Touching wood, vi. 174. Virginia and the Eastern Counties, vii. 329. Walker (John), and the lucifer match, xi. 427. " Was you ? " and " You was," v. 114. Wiggins (Joseph), ix. 110. Wiseman (Cardinal), his tomb, v. 389. Wiseman and Manning (Cardinals), vii. 133, 245. Yarmouth postboy, the last, ix. 484

Hie et Ubique on authors of quotations, x. 468. Bankes of Corfe Castle, v. 395. Bruges, xi. 318. Epigram on a rose, iii. 433. Haymarket, Westminster, vii. 371. Jesuits at Medio- lanum, x. 437. London and Birmingham Railway, viii. 473. Officer of the Pipe, x. 297, 351. Pony'=crib, vi. 294. Unthank, x. 15

Hiccocks or Heacock (Robert), b. 1625, x. 210

Hickery-puckery, meaning of the term, iv. 87, 232 ; vi. 288, 330, 352

Hickes (John), M.P. for Fowey 1701-8, x. 88

Hickey (Emily) on Noah Hickey, xii. 89. " Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, " xii. 47

Hickey (Noah) of Dublin, his parentage, xii. 89

Hickford's Concert-Room, Brewer Street, vii. 128, 196

Hickry pikry. See Hickery-puckery.

Hidage, the Tribal, vi. 213

Hieroglyphics, references to the supernatural in, i. 290

Higden (Ralph) and Thomas Usk, i. 245

Higgin (L.), his ' Spanish Life in Town and Country,' i. 326

Higgins (Godfrey), his death, ii. 184, 276, 331

Higgs or Higges family, x. 387

High Constable, Office of, xii. 309
