Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/140

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High Court of Liberty, Welle lose Square, history,

x. 245

High Dyke and the place-name Ancaster, vi. 509 High life, sign in modern Greek, xi. 305, 418 High Peak, Derbyshire, old words, ii. 201, 282,

384, 472 ; iii. 35 ; iv. 427 High Peak and Scarsdale, MS. History, iv. 88 High Stewards, temp. Elizabeth, xii. 428, 513 High Stewards of cathedrals, i. 348, 412 High treason and its punishment, x. 229, 314, 354,


High Wycombe, etymology of its name, vi. 464 ; vii. 292 ; supposed Van Dyck at, xii. 108, 273

Higham (C.) on Avignon Society of Illuminati, vii. 386, 514. Bellamy (John), xii. 229. Berlioz and Swedenborg, i. 26. Bonassus, x. 138. Cole (Jacob), ii. 289 ; xii. 218. De Quincey and Swedenborg, iv. 529. " Grant me, indulgent heaven," ii. 309. Hill (Rev. William), ii. 427 ; iv. 235. London chapels : pictures wanted, ix. 8. Moon names, iv. 350. 'Patmore (Coventry) and Swedenborg, xi. 433. Swedenborg memorial tablet, x. 56. Swedenborgianism in Phila- delphia, iii. 86. Swedish Church, Prince's Square, ix. 416. Wilde (Lady) and Sweden- borg, iv. 331 Higham-on-the-Hill, wooden cross found at,

xi. 29, 358

Highgate, Cromwell House, iv. 48, 135, 437, 489 ; Countess of Huntingdon at, 149, 333 ; and Hornsey Wood House, vii. 106, 157, 216, 253, 274, 371 ; sale of Holly Lodge, 487 ; Holly Lodge, horseshoe superstition, viii. 210 ; and Arabella Stuart, x. 46, 93, 156 " Highlander, Old," tobacconist's sign, vii. 47, 92,

115, 137, 457 Highlanders barbadosed after the 1715 and '45

rebellions, viii. 68, 135, 176, 235, 317 Highwayman and Lord Bathurst or Berkeley, iv.

349, 415, 495

Highwayman's parting song, iv. 187 Highways, bequests for their repair, viii. 464 ;

ix. 13 Hildesley (John), memorial at Hemingford

Abbats, i. 414 Hildesley (Mark), memorial in Lincoln's Inn

Chapel, i. 344, 414, 475 ; his MSS., ii. 53 Hill (Abigail), Lady Masham, her portrait, 387 ; and Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, v. 390, 471 ; vi. 35

Hill (A. F.) on Roberto Valentine, ii. 27 - Hill (Benson Earle), his biography, iii. 162, 472 ; his ' Recollections,' iv. 51, 114 ; and ' Epi- cure's Almanack,' v. 4, 116, 153 Hill (Caroline, Lady), inscription on her grave,

vi. 232 Hill (C. J.) on Anne Boleyn's remains, xi. 88.

Murat's widow, xi. 107 Hill (E. A.) on Mayflower pilgrims, vi. 21 Hill (G.) on Camden on surnames : Musselwhite,

i. 248 Hill (G. F.) on Arabic numerals at Winchester, x.

187 Hill (G. W.) on Thomas Haggerston Arnott,

xi. 29 Hill (General J. E. D.), on Schools for the Indigent

Blind, viii. 428 Hill (John Thomas) and Gainsborough, c. 1791,

xi. 149

Hill (L.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 309 Hill (N. W.) on " All the trees of the forest," viii. 367. " All the world and his wife," xi. 490.

' All's Well that Ends Well,' V. ii., vi. 505 ? vii. 484. Almshouses or workhouses in America, vi. 455. Alvary, Christian name, xii. 416. American magazine, ix. 274. Antelope as crest, ix. 516. Apples: their old names, x. 215. Barkly West, xi. 325. Bidaxe, a farm tool, ix. 94. Botha : the name, viii. 298. Bourne in place-names, xii. 131. Bring, archaic use, xii, 7. Bronte = Prunty, ix. 237. Calif ornian English : American coin -names, vii. 154 r ' Childe Harold,' x. 275. Cockburnspath, x. 430 ; xi. 212. Comether, its meaning, xii. 77. Court Roll terms, vii. 515. Cromwell and Milton, viii. 375. Culprit, its derivation, xi, 486 ; xii. 456. De Baif, ix. 492. Diamond State, v. 396. Disgruntled, xi. 452. Dwight surname, vi. 376. Echidna, vii. 356. Eleventh Commandment, x. 358. " Entente Cordiale,"" ix. 194. Everglade : its derivation, x. 105, 458. Fire : fire out, viii. 455. Fit, preterite and participle, viii. 204. Good-fors, xi. 86. Greene's ' Menaphon,' x. 85. ' Hamlet,' I. ii. 131- 2, vii. 146. ' Henry IV.,' Part I., II. i., vii. 145. ' Henry IV.,' Part I., III. i., vii. 485. Hock- tide at Hexton, xii. 514. Hoek van Holland, vii. 473. Hogsflesh (William), ix. 14. Initial letters instead of words, x. 416. Jews and Jewesses hi fiction, xi. 458. Latin pronuncia- tion, ix. 513. Mamamouchi, xi. 55. " Man in the street," xi. 196. Marlborough wheels, vii. 157 ; ix. 293. Marylebone, xi. 415. Mince pie and plum pudding, ix. 357. Morellianism, its origin, viii. 373. Mulatto, its derivation, viii. 37 ; x. 191. Naval foe, mysterious, xi. 455. ' New York Times ' : ' Christian Union," vii. 236. ' Nose of wax," x. 437. ' Nouveaux Tableaux de Famille,' xii. 78. Ovid and Shakespeare, viii. 505. Paauw, vi. 237, 411. Pearl : its etymon, vi. 118, 137 ; x. 177, 337. Pidgin or pigeon English, vi. 38. Pillion : flails, vii. 272. Pimlico : Eyebright, xi. 194. Podike, vi. 275, 472. Pot-gallery, its meaning, ix. 36; xii. 31. Power (Tyrone), actor, x. 194. c Praises let Britons sing," x. 218. Princely titles in Germany, vi. 150, 418. Provencal folk- songs, viii. 488. Public speaking in Shake- speare's day, ix. 313. Red Indians in poetry, vi. 517. Roan, its etymology, xii. 353. Rod of brickwork, xi. 237. Roosevelt: its pro- nunciation, vii. 35. Sainte-Beuve on Castor and Pollux, xii. 15. Salarino, Salanio, .and Salerio, ix. 315 ; x. 176. Santa F6", vi. 394. Shakespeariana, v. 465 ; ix. 263 ; x. 166 ; xi. 424. Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," xi. 337. Sjambok : its pronunciation, v. 92. Skrimshander, vi. 355, 517. Sloan surname, xii. 513. Snakes in South Africa, vi. 152 ; vii. 258. Spelling changes, vi. 493. Tadpole, vi, 157. Tennyson and Terence, xii. 346. Thune : (Eil-de-bceuf, French slang, vii. 153. Treats : mullers, their meaning, viii. 517. ' Twelfth Night,' II. iv., vi. 325. Vere (Edward de), 17th Earl of Oxford, viii. 297. " Vin gris," ix. 330. Walloon etymologies, xii. 405. War, its old pronunciation, vi. 138. William the Con- queror and Barking, xii. 175. Wine used at Holy Communion, x. 96 Ej

Hill (Sir Rowland), his family and the Post Office,. vi. 163, 182, 232, 251, 273, 315, 354 ; his residence in Orme Square, viii. 12 ; and the Rotunda, Blackfriars Road, x. 221 Hill (R. H. E.) on Hills of Moretonhampstead, iii. 188