Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/141

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Hill (R. J.) on T. South of Bossington Hall, xi. 128

Hill (Rev. William), editor of 'Northern Star,' ii. 427, 490; iv. 235

Hill (W. Burrough) on Queen's Theatre, 1704, xii. 364

Hill-climbing and Palm Sunday, vi. 70, 115

Hill family of Moretonhampstead, Devon, iii. 188

Hills (A.) on Washington pedigree, vii. 25

Hillside on Addleshaw, xi. 189

Hillwell (Mrs. E. A.) on Squire Draper and his daughter, xii. 29

Hilson (J. Lindsay) on Berwick: Steps of Grace, ii. 516. Cockburnspath, xi. 72. Convention of Royal Burghs of Scotland, iii. 401, 443. Court of Session, viii. 41. Creeling the bridegroom, vii. 256. Easter Woods, iv. 335. Great Seal of Scotland, iii. 242. Has well family, iii. 314. Hazel or Hessle pears, ii. 436. Hell, Heaven, or Paradise, ii. 355. Lamb in place-names, iii. 150. Passing bell, i. 350. Scottish market customs, xii. 121

Hilton (F.) on Hilton and Hare families, vii. 290

Hilton family, vii. 290; ix. 336

Hiltprand (Michael), his 'Ecclesia Militans,' xi. 370

Hime (M. C.) on authors of quotations, viii. 450

Hind (A. M.) on monkeys stealing from a pedlar, vi. 448

Hinds (J. P.) on Lady Coventry's Minuet, v. 518

Hinds (Dr. Samuel), formerly Bishop of Norwich, i. 227, 351, 415, 517

Hine (J.) on royal clock and press reference, ix. 429

Hio on " Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," i. 167

Hippoclides on "As merry as griggs," i. 94. "Ashes to ashes," i. 387. Authors of quota- tions, ix. 29. Blue-water as adjective, vii. 109. Christianity and its forbears, iii. 245. Christmas in Wales in 1774, xii. 507. Church music, Hi. 185. Crucifixion : earliest repre- sentation, v. 248. Duynkerkers, vii. 309. Fabian Society, ix. 108. Friday Street, x. 129. Googlie, cricket slang, xii. 110. Greeks and Nature, x. 372. Intellectual harvest (late), ii. 54. Johnson (S.), his watch, xii. 37. ' Nitor in adversum," viii. 474. Pace : Hays, iv. 9. Plaxtol or Plaxtole, ix. 430. Pony = crib, vi. 185. Purdonium, iii. 388. St. Pancras motto, x. 412. Shakespeariana, ii. 64. Sheep fair on ancient earthwork, viii. 272. Sibyl : Burke's image, viii. 426. Smoking and blind men, ix. 335. Stones of London, vii. 448. Tennysoniana : Cleopatra, ix. 121. Thackeray quotation, i. 189. Tripos : Tripos verses, iv. 124. Umber bird, viii. 353. Victoria, ii. 468. Virgil, ' .ZEneid,' vi. 191. West-Country fair, i. 48

Hippocrates and the black baby, xi. 207, 258, 271

Hippocrates legend, ix. 408 ; x. 35, 53

Hippodrome at Goettingen, inscription on, ii. 528

Hippogriff, its symbolism, x. 509 ; xi. 114, 456

Hippomanes, modern science on, iii. 127

Hipsy, a drink, its composition, iii. 61

"Hirsles yont," meaning of the term, iii. 224

Hiseland (William), his epitaph at Chelsea Hospital, vi. 82

Historians of the Irish Rebellion, 1798, viii. 69

'Historical English Dictionary.' See New English Dictionary.

Historical MSS., index to reports on, iii. 286; discovery of, xii. 450, 497

Historicus on Robert Agassiz, xii. 7. Broadside: Guildhall donation, xi. 505. Chamberlen (Dr.), iii. 428

Historiographers Royal for Scotland, xii. 106

History, "made in Germany," i. 5; knowledge in 1906 of, vi. 366

'History of Advertising,' 1874, its predecessor, ix. 286

'History of King's Place,' or 'Nocturnal Revels,' ix. 169

Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Bennett of Baldock, ix. 396. Brent as waterway, iii. 349. Chalk Farm, x. 73. Chicheleana, ix. 350. Chichele's kin, v. 286. Clippingdale, vii. 37. Cowhouse Manor, Middlesex, xii. 234. Cricklewood, ii. 408, 495. Dollis Hill, Willesden, iii. 344. Haynes (Samuel), i. 334. Heirloom cots,i. 207. Highways repaired, viii. 464. Historical geo- graphy of London, i. 258. Index of probates, iv. 277. Kempishawe, xi. 329. Oxgate Manor, Willesden, ix. 403. Page family and their Middlesex estates, vii. 322. Paramor family of Kent, xii. 397. Portmanteau words and phrases, v. 512. Pryor's Bank, Fulham, xii. 237. Right to keep swans, x. 449. Romney portrait, v. 34. St. Paul's Cathedral, iv. 114. Swimming bath : William Kemp, x. 178. Virginia and the Eastern Counties, vii. 412. Willesden families, iii. 208. Woolmen in the fifteenth century, iii. 275. Yeoman of the Crown, i. 457

Hoadly (Abp. John), his biography, ix. 473

Hoast, use and meaning of the word, v. 66, 110

Hoax on Italian scholar, ii. 367

Hobart (Nicholas), of Lindsey, Suffolk, xii. 128

Hobart family, ix. 9

Hobart-Hampden (H. M.) on Jack and Jill, iv. 13

Hobbes (Thomas) on the Continent, ii. 485

Hobby grooms, 1677, their livery, v. 127

Hobby-horse dancing, i. 5, 296

Hobgoblin's claws, in Mortimer's ' Husbandry,* i. 93

Hobhouse (Lord), d. 1904, his burial-place, ix. 169

Hobson, Cambridge carrier, Vincent Bourne on, v. 288

Hock, words built on the base, vii. 401, 494 ; viii. 13

Hock Stapler, title of horse at Winchester College, vii. 494

Hockday and a pottage called hok, i. 187, 496

Hocken (T. M.) on Rev. Samuel Marsden, v. 389

Hockey in 1785, Cowper on, i. 385

Hocktide observance at Hexton, xi. 488 ; xii. 71, 139,214,253,514

Hodening custom, v. 208, 374, 416

Hodges (T. O.) on Mamamouchi, x. 328. Shake- speariana, x. 345

Hodges (W.) on " As merry as griggs," i. 36

Hodges (Capt. Wm. Arthur), killed at San Sebastian, iii. 433

Hodgkin (J. Eliot) on the art of flying, ix. 441. Bank of England and specie payment, xii. 278. Bathing-machines, ii. 130. Beale (Bartholo- mew and Charles), iv. 104. Bigg, the Dinton hermit, iii. 336. Blooding a witch, ix. 397. Book-stealing, vii. 212. British exiles in Holland, vi. 351. Bumble-puppy and " Doves" tavern, viii. 72. Charles I. : his physical characteristics, vii. 334. Colours, old, in the Navy, viii. 166. Copying letters, v. 287. Diabolo: lorio, viii. 287. Dirigible balloons anticipated, xii. 125. Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, iv. 24. Errors, typographical and other-