Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/148

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Impecuniosity, earliest use of the word, vii. 126

Imperial phrases, vii. 348, 417

Impey (Edward Harrington), Westminster scholar, iv. 127

Impostors, religious, x. 405

Imprisonment for crime, its origin, xii. 68 ' In God is all," motto, ix. 393, 438, 474

" In vadiis," the phrase in 1525, vi. 450, 517

Incached, meaning of the word, 1589, viii. 90, 235, 273

Incantation in ' Image in the Sands,' v. 246

Incendiary, female, supposed crime, ii. 9

Incense in post-Reformation times, i. 178

Inches Volunteers, 1797-1800, MS. cash-book, viii. 224

Incledon (Charles), and Bristol slavery anecdote, iii. 373, 464 ; iv. 92, 135

Inconsiderative, use of the word in 1684, vii. 126

Incubators, early, vii. 149, 218, 394

Incut, bibliographical term, its meanings, xi. 188, 256

Inder family, viii. 507

Inderwick (F. A.), K.C., F.S.A., his death, ii. 179

Index, cross-references in, iii. 126 ; for lists in dictionary order, v. 406 ; "I care not who writes the book which has a good index," x. 469 ; xi. 76, 194, 234, 255

Index nominum et locorum to the ' D.N.B.,' viii. 161

Index of place-names, ix. 47, 114, 235

Index Society and British Record Society, ii. 389

Indexing, faults in, vi. 166

India, T. L. Peacock and the Overland route, viii. 121 ; first Englishman in, ix. 208, 254 ; owl folk-lore in, x. 327 ; surnames and cognomens in, xi. 166, 250

Indian jugglery, books on, vi. 430, 516

Indian kings, c. 1710, their names, iii. 449, 497

Indian life in fiction, ii. 445

Indian magic, x. 428, 495

Indian Mutiny, and Nana Sahib, viii. 248, 316 ; Major Hodson, viii. 348, 414 ; ix. 12; Jubilee celebration at Albert Hall, ix. 2

Indian sport, records of, i. 349, 397, 455

Indian title, Raja-i-Rajgan, vii. 66

Indiana on authors of quotations wanted, i. 297

Indians, American, pudding made by, iv. 288 ; in poetry, vi. 209, 296, 337, 517

Indies, West, Gordon of, iv. 108

Infinitive, split, its growth, ii. 406 ; iii. 17, 51, 95, 150, 210, 295 ; v. 280 ; in Milton, vi. 409, 473 ; vii. 33

Influential, use of the word, ii. 24, 93

Ingenuus, English equivalent of the word, vii. 109

Ingle (J. S.) on authors of quotations wanted, iii. 469

Ingleby or Ingilby (Sir Charles), 1644-1718, iii. 44

Ingleby (Holcombe) on billycock, ix. 27. Con- traction, iii. 152. Corks, ii. 452. ' Direc- tions to Churchwardens,' iii. 264. Epitaph by Shakespeare, i. 126. " For a God Yow," iii. 389. Guardings, iii. 429. Heacham parish officers, ii. 247, 431. Holbeach Church, x. 228. " Kick the bucket," i. 412. Larcin : Bevan, iii. 87. Ninths, iii. 389. Norfolk folk- songs, iii. 365. Parish clerks, men of family as, ix. 334. Parish records, eighteenth century, ix. 426. Prescriptions, i. 409 ; ii. 56. Prickle- bat, iii. 5. Prisoners' clothes as perquisites, iii. 369. Tasso and Milton, i. 202. Virginia and the Eastern Counties, vii. 412. Weather- head (William), x. 427

Inglewood Forest, Roman town buried in, x. 269, 317

Inglis (A.) on Collop Monday, v. 413

Inglis (General), of Lucknow, his representatives, vi. 387

Inglis family pedigree, x. 370

Ingoldsby, parody on 'Poor Dog Tray,' vii. 14, 137. See also Barham.

Ingram (James), President of Trinity College, Oxford, xi. 429 ; xii. 11

Ingram (John H.) on William Collins, the poet, vi. 256. Poe : a supposed poem, i. 145. Screaming skull, iv. 252. West (William Edward), iv. 327

Ingram and Lingen families, ii. 487

Ingram sale, 1806, vi. 408

Ingress Abbey, Greenhithe, its history, iii- 315

Initial letters instead of words, ix. 126, 174; x. 176, 258, 416

Inkle, meaning of the word, x. 186, 235

Inman (J. E.), his ' Le Premier Grenadier des Armies de la R^publique,' i. 385

Inmatecy, use of the word, 1807, viii. 187

Inn, Angel of, meaning of the* term, ix. 488 ; x. 14,55,95,135

Inn Signs. See Tavern Signs.

Innes (J. H.) on Black Dog Alley, Westminster, ii. 174. Inns of Court, married members, i. 488. ' New Amsterdam,' i. 161

Inmskilling : Enniskilling, spelling of the name, vii. 269

Inns, London coaching, 1680, viii. 1

Inns of Court, minor, their Admission Registers, viii. 428 ; ix. 114

Innsbruck, Golden Roof at : its history, v. 89, 136

Inoculation and vaccination, ii. 27, 132, 216, 313, 394, 456, 513

Inquirer on admirable, vi. 329. " Back to the land," xii. 327. Bartolozzi, i. 289. Bede's translation of Fourth Gospel, viii. 130. Camoys (Thomas, fourth Lord), xi. 108. Carlyle on religion, vi. 470. Coherer, early use of the word, xii. 88. Geneva and Calvin, xii. 67. Hoek van Holland, vii. 188. Perks (Thomas), v. 169. Slavery in England, vii. 149

Inquisition and Jews, c. 1680, x. 288

Inquisitor on Lady Chapels, x. 289

Inscriptions : on statue of James II., i. 67, 137 ; near Bowden Parish Church, 85 ; on museum at Christchurch, New Zealand, 268 ; on public buildings, 448, 516 ; Norman, in Yorkshire, iii. 349, 397, 476; iv. 16; Baskish, in New- foundland, v. 328, 513 ; in uncials on tablet at Bath, viii. 95 ; their preservation, 201, 275, 433 ; Hebrew, on seals, ix. 110 ; Roman, concerning Corbridge, 249, 311 ; Greek, on sundial, 289, 518 ; Roman, at Baveno, x. 107, 193, 296 ; over hall door, 506 ; on watch, 506


Bellagio, Italy, vii. 164 ; xi. 325

Cadenabbia, Italy, vi. 446

Constance Cathedral, vi. 69, 117, 173

Cyprus,, vi. 302

Figueira da Foz, iv. 147

Florence, ix. 224, 443 ; x. 24, 223, 324, 463

Gatton, vi. 8, 57, 172

Hibernia, i. 388, 455

Italy, Southern, vi. 406

Jerusalem, xi. 25, 163

Kingston, Jamaica, xii. 105

Las Palmas, i. 482