Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/149

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Inscriptions :

Lucerne, v. 466 ; vi. 124, 195

Milan, vi. 4

Naples, viii. 62, 161, 242, 362, 423 ; xi. 343 ;

xii. 303, 362

Orotava, Tenerife, i. 361, 455 Petit Saconnex, Geneva, xii. 183 San Sebastian, iii. 361, 433 ; v. 385 Santa Cruz, Tenerife, i. 442 Insect names in Scotland, xii. 245 Intake : " Jenion's Intake," near Chester, i. 407,

477 ' Intellect and Valour of Great Britain,' key to

print, x. 129

Intellectual harvest, late in life, i. 469 ; ii. 54

  • Intelligence,' J.Macock, 1666, newspaper, vii. 348

Interest, Ruskin on, xi. 209 Interment in graves belonging to other families,

i. 9

Interments, clerical, x. 148, 233 International copyright, early instance, ix. 147 Interrogation mark, its origin, ii. 301

  • Into Thy Hands, O Lord,' oil painting by Mr.

Briton Riviere, viii. 330, 396 Invalids, Company of, their records, v. 489 ;

vi. 38

Inventories, seventeenth-century, ix. 53 Inventories and stocktaking in antiquity, v. 168 Inventories of City churches, c. 1667-8, viii. 389 Inventory, Lincoln ecclesiastical, iii. 388, 435 Inverness bibliography, xii. 227, 318, 398 Invitation cards, wedding, early printed, iv. 308 lona Cathedral, its restoration, ii. 47 Ions (F.) his caricatures of Lieut. -Governor

Stockenstrom, vi. 347 Iota on prayer for twins, iii. 428 Jpse on possessive case of nouns ending in s,

viii. 107 Ipswich, inscription in St. Margaret's Church, i.

368, 431 B

Ipswich Appentice Books, i. 41, 111 Iredale (Mary), The Maid of the Mill, x. 350 Ireland (William Henry), his ' Modern Ship of

Fools,' xi. 429 Ireland, Iberian inscriptions in, i. 388, 455 ;

officers of State in, iv. 149, 214, 314 ; English

army in, 1630-40, 489 ; Sir Walter Scott in,

v. 7 ; death-birds in, v. Ill, 158, 215 ; vi. 117,

156, 173 ; Langtry estate in, vii. 128, 198 ;

under the Tudors, viii. 29, 93 ; English

regiments in, 1820-30, 30 ; expeditions to,

1573-98, ix. 190, 277, 334 ; Viceroy of, official

authority for title, 210, 332 ; its strategic

position, xii. 187 ; Hearth Money Roll of 1666,

308 Ireni Jacobi Fanny Jessop Cavendish de Rienzi

Selina Anna Susannah Skelton Peter, child

named, i. 171 Ireton (Henry), of Gray's Inn, 1670, his biography,

xi. 369

Ireton (John), Lord Mayor, 1658-9, his marriage,

xi. 369

Irish, Spanish stories in, xi. 368, 418 Irish at Cherbourg in 1429, iii. 368 Irish air, ' Girl I left behind Me,' xi. 246 Irish bog butter, v. 308, 353, 416, 496 Irish Brigade, its history, iv. 87 Irish curses, xi. 45

Irish custom on Christmas Eve, xi. 45 Irish ejaculatory prayers, i. 249, 337, 492 Irish epitaph in Kilkeel Churchyard, iii. 24 Irish folk-lore, iii. 204, 313, 357

Irish girl and Barbary pirates, poem on, vii. 460 ;

viii. 13

Irish historical and artistic relics, i. 206 Irish House of Commons, Speakers, 1660-17A ,

i. 227, 293

Irish land belonging to an English benefice, vi. 166 Irish maypoles, iv. 469 Irish Michaelmas custom, ii. 347, 431 Irish Nationalists, Swinburne on, xii. 350, 412, 47- Irish Parliament, history of, viii. 190 Irish pedigrees, viii. 29, 93 Irish potato rings, iii. 149

Irish-printed medical books ante 1700, xi. 428 Irish-printed plays, i. 84 Irish Rebellion, 1798, its historians, viii. 69 ;

Crotty executed, ix.510; x. 117 Irish soil exported, iii. 328, 394 ; iv. 113 Irish song : Langolee, ix. 129, 257, 374, 473 Irish stage, Dean Swift and, iii. 265 " Irish Stocke," 1631, v. 249, 297, 374 Irish surnames, their pronunciation, i. 125 ;

Mac or O before, iii. 15 ; x. 354, 417 Irish version of " De Mortuis," ix. 388, 455 Irish watchman, picture and lines, iv. 506 Irish weather rime, iv. 406 Irish Yeomanry, 1798, ix. 290 Iron, picking up scraps of, iii. 348, 397 ; in

Homer, vii. 39, 141

Iron manufacture, use of bloom in, viii. 26 Ironmongers' Company, its history and alms- houses, vi. 263 Irun, Spain, etymology of place-name, v. 470 ; vi.


' Irus,' supposed play by Shakespeare, i. 349 Irvine (W.), his * History of the Irvine Family,

v. 328 Irvine (W.) on Charles Mason, Royalist divine,

iii. 388 Irving (Dr. David), his ' History of Scotish

Poetry,' i. 325 Irving (Edward and Henry), W. C. Hazlitt on, vi.


Irving (G.) on High Peak words, iii. 35 Irving (Washington), his ' Salmagundi,' v. 288 Irwin (Beatrice H.) on History of the Irvine

Family,' v. 328 -is and -es in Scottish proper names, x. 486 ; xi.


Isaacs (A. L.) on Bruges, xi. 74 Isaacson (James), M.P. for Banbury, xi. 387 ;

xii. 18, 94 Isabel (Plantagenet), Countess of Essex and fcu,

her descendants, vi. 407, 508 ; vii. 147 Isabelline as a colour, i. 487 ; ii. 75, 253, 375, 477,

537 ; iii. 92

Isca and related British names, their interpreta- tion, vii. 363

Iseult, pronunciation of the name, vi. 404 Isham family, vii. 265, 418 .

Isherwood (C.) on Samuel Butler, iii. 168. Twitchel,

iii. 289

Ising-glass, earliest use of the word, x. 346, 411 Isinglass used in windows, xi. 28 Isle of Man, blown about by the winds, v. 1^> *>

Mount Murray, place-name, 166, 299 ; and

Countess of Derby, 1651, vii. 9, 73 Isle of Wight, ' The Christmas Boys ' in, vi. 481 ;

vii. 30 Isles family, derivation of the name, vii. 450 ; viii.

17, 112 ' Islington, burial-ground in Church Row, ii. 394

Eslyngton, variant of, vii. 29, 93 Islington parish registers, xi. 169