Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/153

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Jesson (T.) on Johnsons at Walsall, xii. 126 Jessop -Dowsing forgery, v. 421 ' Jessy " or Cheshire cat in America, i. 365 Jesuit, first English, viii. 190, 437 Jesuits at Mediolanum, 1685, x. 309, 374, 437 Jesus. See Christ. Jesus, a form of Joshua, i. 428, 490 Jesus House, Worksop, its history, xii. 269 Jeudy-Dugour (M.), 'Histoire de Cromwel,' 1793,

ix. 210

Jevons (F. B.), his ' History of Greek Literature,' i. 447, 476 ; date of Euripides, 476 ; and "Defixionum Tabellse," xi. 186, 276 Jew King, his identification, ix. 428, 472 Jewel, English Crown, named " three brothers,"

iii. 429, 494

Jewellery, metal, of Charles I., xii. 428 Jewers (A. J.) on right to arms, vi. 51 Jewesses, in fiction, xi. 169, 254, 316, 394, 458 ;

xii. 118 ; famous, xi. 268 Jewish inscriptions at Kingston, Jamaica, xii.


Jewish juror, first, vi. 346 Jewish parallel to " An old woman went to

market," ii. 502 Jewish queries, ix. 387, 478

Jewitt (W. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 355. Bosting : its meaning, xii. 193. Crozier (Robert), Manchester artist, xii. 355. croose with one leg, xi. 438. Parliament Hill, xii. 173. Pestall (Col.), xii. 94. Rowan Tree Witch Day, xii. 296. St. Mary the Egyptian, xi. 391

Jews, fables as to child -murder by, i. 15 ; their cemetery hi ancient London, 70, 295, 457 ; in London circa 1660, 124 ; and the stage, 449 ; and printing, ii. 184 ; and Itoland, vii. 12, 93, 173 ; and Yiddish language, ix. 267 ; and the Inquisition, c. 1680, x. 288 ; in fiction, xi. 169, 254, 316, 394, 458 ; xii. 118 ; in England, xii. 185

Jezebel, English Queen as, xi. 341, 458 Jiggery-pokery, use of the term, iv. 166, 232 Jingles, casting-out, ix. 369 Jirgah, Persian term, its etymology, ix. 427, 472 ;

x. 36 " Jnay Daultre," round medallion of Virgin,

x. 329

Jno. =John, its origin, ii. 301 Joan, daughter of James I. of Scotland, i. 507 Joan d'Arc, French memorials of, vii. 447 ; her

armour, xii. 187

Joanna and the Westmorland hills, xii. 210, 258 Joannes v. Johannes, ii. 189, 274, 355, 477 Jocko, derivation of the word, ii. 440 Jockteleg and John of Liege, celebrated cutler, iii.

65, 495 ; iv. 94

Jode (Gerarde), artist, his biography, i. 288 Jode (W. L.) on Mr. Chamberlain and R. Burton, vii. 208. Jode (Gerarde), i. 288. Surrey Gar- dens, ix. 490

  • Joe Gurr," slang term for prison, i. 386, 457

John (King), places in his charters, i. 469, 512 ; ii. 57, 134 ; poisoned by a toad, iv. 168, 256, 492 ; his baggage lost crossing the Wash, v. 469 John III. (Sobieski), King of Poland, descendants

of, iii. 429

John of Bologna, statue by, i. 28 John of Gaunt, his arms, x. 9, 116, 174, 432 John of Peterborough, his chronicle, vi. 488 John (Father) of Cronstadt, Hep worth Dixon on, xi. 67

John (Ivor B.) on Mayals, vi. 412. Pugging tooth, vi. 517. Quotations wanted, vi. 516

John-a-Duck, the tradition of, x. 150

Johnson (Andrew), 1660-1729, viii. 382, 462 ; x. 343 ; his marriage, 1696, x. 343

Johnson (Lady Arbella), her place of origin, vi. 508 ; her descendants, vii. 38

Johnson (C.) on balances or scales, iii. 273. Fair- child (Hamlet), viii. 329. " Storm in a tea- cup," xi. 456

Johnson (Fanny) on " Four regular orders of monks," xii. 167

Johnson (Fred.) on Sir Thomas Browne, xi. 473

Johnson (H. ) on abolition of deodands, viii. 129. Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 48, 437 ; v. 132. Hornsey Wood House, vii. 372. Huntingdon (Countess of), at Highgate, iv. 149. Wiggins (Joseph), ix. 176

Johnson (H. H.) on Gula Augusti, vii. 313 ; viii. 36. Llechylched, Anglesey, x. 215. Lobineau's ' Aristophanes,' v. 387. Pillion : flails, vii. 497. St. Devereux : St. Dubricius, vii. 418. Thiggyng : fulcenale : ware-londes, viii. 92. Ulidia, house motto, vii. 518

Johnson (Isaac), c. 1712, viii. 283

Johnson (Isaac), of Massachusetts, iv. 227, 314, 491

Johnson (James), his ' Tropical Climates,' x. 89, 136

Johnson (Michael), c. 1663-81, viii. 282

Johnson (Michael), his apprentice, 1692, x. 203 ; and Rev. George Plaxton, xi. 223

Johnson (Nathaniel), d. March, 1736/7, viii. 281

Johnson (Robert), his ' Worlde,' x. 125

Johnson (Dr. Samuel), and " Mr. Janes," ii. 55, 155 ; his ancestry and connexions, ii. 94 ; viii. 281, 382, 462 ; ix. 43, 144, 302, 423 ; x. 44, 203, 343, 465 ; and the word " pelfry,"

11. 267 ; iv. 97 ; on the letter H, ii. 446 ; iii. 284 ; his ' In Theatre ' and Mrs. Thrale, iii. 161 ; pinch of snuff, 447 ; his ' Irene ' and Charles Goring, iv. 509 ; his ' Vanity of Human Wishes,' v. 29, 78 ; and Sterne at the " Cheshire Cheese," 108 ; membership of his Club, 1783, 190 ; and the Literary Club, vi. 237, 294 ; his * Rasselas,' v. 294 ; and ' The New London Spy,' vi. 89 ; poems by, 89, 155, 199, 232, 293, 495 ; his monument in St. Paul's, 226 ; proposed museum at the Crystal Palace, 268 ; his seals, 288 ; his franks, vii. 249 ; kidnapper in his ' Dictionary,' 345 ; and Dr. John Swan and Dr. Watts, vii. 348, 475 ; viii. 178 ; as a potter, vii. 468 ; his height and weight, 470 ; and dish of palates, viii. 29 ; cancelled legacy to, 283 ; his first visit to London, 382 ; the hour of his birth, 382 ; his china teapot, 382 ; and Mr. Repington, x. 390 ; and Trysull, xi. 103, 223, 363, 463 ; and Edmund Smith, 166 ; anecdotes and relics, xi. 281, 494 ; xii. 12, 37 ; error in ' Lives,' xi. 401 ; his uncle hanged, xi. 429, 495 ; xii.

12, 55, 135 ; and Dr. John Turton, xi. 463 ; original documents relating to his kinsfolk, 465; bicentenary celebration at Lichfield, xi. 467 ; xii. 180 ; and Strahan's translation of Virgil, xii. 85

Johnson (W.) on oxen drawing carriages, xi. 70.

Quotation by Camden : G. A. Hansard, vi. 429 Johnson family at Walsall, Staffs, xii. 126 Johnsoniana, x. 8, 73, 147, 427 Johnsonians, a religious sect, x. 87 Johnston (A. W.) on Grindleton, xi. 393. Orkney

Hogmanay song, xi. 177. Sea-names, xi. 107