Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/152

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Jarrett (F. ) on architecture in old times, i. 334. Arnold (Matthew) on pigeons, x. 198. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 173 ; xii. 396. Clerical costume, vi. 406. Colenso (Bishop), iii. 251. Fairchild (Hamlet), viii. 436. Fast = short of, ix. 432. Gaol literature, xi. 511. Jukes (Andrew), vii. 96. Legislation against pro- fanity, viii. 269. Longfellow, ii. 148 ; vii. 263. Parish documents, ii. 414. " Peter out," ix. 369. Private, ix. 336. Prize : its history, ix. 137. S, its long and short forms, viii. 372. Sabbath changed at the Exodus, ix. 15. St. George : George as a Christian name, vii. 455. Sargent (Henry Martyn), ix. 276. Shorthouse y. H.) on 'John Inglesant,' x. 246. Splitting fields of ice, jv. 513 ; v. 77 ; vii. 114. Suck- bottle : feeding-bottle, viii. 355. Tennyson concordances, xi. 353, 513. " Tha' woodin image," xi. 517. Umbrella, early instance, vii. 267 Jast (L. S.) on " May virtue all thy paths attend,"

iii. 109. ' Sign of the Cleft,' vii. 47 Jay (Cyrus), his biography, xii. 485 Jay (Miss Isabel), her biography, vi. 502 Jay (Dr. John), his family, and Madame Vestris,

vii. 293 ; xii. 138, 498 Jay (W.), preacher, xii. 444, 485 Jay family, gifted musicians, vi. 441, 502 Je. (Ca.) on samplers in France, viii. 428 Jealousy in seventeenth-century story, viii. 369,


Jealousy, water of, Oriental story, i. 147 Jeanne d'Arc. See Joan of Arc. Jeans (John), of Aberdeen, mineralogist, ii. 55, 155 Jeer, derivation of the word, i. 70 Jeffereys (Capt. James), iv. 404, 496 ; his widow's

heroism, v. 211 Jefferies (Richard), his ' Story of my Heart,'

xi. 130 ; Club named after him, 410 Jefferson ( Elizabeth ) = Lieut. John Pigott, v. 308 Jefferson (J. D.) on France and civilization, ii. 13 Jefferson (Robert), of Westward, Cumberland, vii.


Jefferyes (Capt. James). See JeQereys. Jeffrey (Francis), and Thomas Moore, their duel,

vi. 224

Jeffreys (Judge), his house in Westminster, xii. 385 Jem the Penman, forger, his biography, viii. 410,

512 ; ix. 56

c Jenetta Norweb,' its history, iv. 389, 437 ' Jenion's Intake," near Chester, i. 407, 477 Jenkins (C. L.) on author of quotation wanted, iii.

269 Jenkins (H. T.) on North Devon May Day custom,

i. 406

Jenkins (R.) on copying letters, v. 351. Mechani- cal road carriages, xii. 158. Rabbards (Ralph), iii. 389

Jenkins's ear, war of, i. 288 Jenkinson (John), his marriage in 1701, ii. 328 Jenkyn, Little John, &c., in Cornish play, v. 109,

155, 195

Jennens, Jennings, or Jerningham family, xii. 449 Jennings (John), his will, 1586, xii. 224, 355 Jennings (P.) on " Cala rag whethow," xii. 78. Carlyle's ' French Revolution,' ix. 157. Carn- marth : Lannarth, x. 252. " County of Corn- wall and Nowhere," vii. 194. Hair becoming suddenly white, xi. 433. c Home, Sweet Home,' v. 367. Loaf, hollow, foretelling death, xii. 88. Love in phantastick triumph sat," iv. 132. Newljn colony of artists, x. 246. Pillion : flails, vii. 497. Quotations wanted, i

v. 316. St. la, x. 235. Tintagel : its pro- nunciation, x. 195. ' Village Blacksmith r parodied, xi. 193

Jennings (William), his will, 1558, xii. 224, 355 Jennings family, iii. 308, 393

Jennings family and Jarndyce v. Jarndyce, v. 166 Jennings family of Soddylt Hall, c. 1690, iv. 47 Jephson and Pym families, xi. 128 Jerdan (C.) on " Noli altum sapere," xii. 358 Jericho. See Rose of Jericho.

Jermyn on John Allin, ix. 389. Jacques Babin r

ex -noble, x. 428. Hamden (Elizabeth), vi.

210. Jerningham, Jennens, or Jennings family,

xii. 449. Straff ord (Earl of), his letters, ix. 249

Jerome, quotation from, xii. 209

Jerram (C. S.) on ' Alonzo the Brave,' viii. 169,

Authors of quotations wanted, vii. 254. Easter

woods, iv. 217. Edinburgh : its name, x. 473.

Epitaph in Courteenhall Church, vi. 396.

Fame, v. 117. Glowworm or firefly, i. 193.

' His end was peace," x. 517. Iktin, ii. 316.

Macnab legend, xi. 493. May Morning at

Magdalen, v. 413. Milton : portrait as a boy,

x. 508. 'Missal, The,' iv. 138. N, liquid, in

English, xi. 251. Nursery rime, ix. 478. Ply,

iv. 110. Pony = crib, vi. 232. Proverbs in the

W T averley Novels, i. 455. "Purple patch," i.

510. Rime v. rhyme, vi. 132. ' Ritualist's

Progress,' vi. 173. Tideswell and Tideslow, ii.

95. Tradagh = Drogheda, vii. 392. Virgil or

Vergil ? iv. 309. Ward surname, vii. 109.

Welsh poems, iv. 516. Windmills in Sussex,

vii. 413. Worksop epitaphs, xi. 112. Wy

in Hampshire, viii. 158

Jerram ( J. R. ) on Pharos at Dover Castle, vi. 289 Jerrold (C.) on Mantegna's house, iv. 87 Jerrold (Douglas), his portraits, iv. 428 ; his works, vii. 226, 515 ; his ' Bride of Ludgate/ ix. 206

Jerrold (Walter) on anon, v. 454. Coleridge's ' Wanderings of Cain,' vi. 386. Dickens and Thackeray, iii. 73, 196. Dickens or Wilkie Collins ? iii. 278. " Dogmatism is puppyism full grown," iii. 94. Harold (Edmund, Baron de), xii. 108. Hood (Thomas), ii. 67 ; and Douglas Jerrold, iv. 428. " I had three sisters,' 7 xii. 94. " Peccavi " : "I have Sindh," viii. 473. Reynolds (John Hamilton), vi. 190. ' Taxatio Ecclesiastica Nicholai IV.,' xii. 107. Tiger folk-lore and Pope, x. 135. Tote, ii. 255. William the Conqueror and Barking, xii. 77. Windows from Church at Trier, xii. 156 Jersey wheel defined, ii. 208, 274 Jerusalem, Doomsday bell at, ix. 169, 312 v

inscriptions in cemetery, xi. 25, 163 ' Jerusalem " Coffee House, 1780-90, ix. 70 Jerusalem Court, Fleet Street, vii. 29, 137 Jervis family of Birmingham, v. 149, 197 Jervis-Read (H. V.) on heraldic, v. 408. Jervis family of Birmingham, v. 149. Read family,, v. 248

Jessamy bride, meaning of the term, i. 310 Jessel (F.) on G. Auld, ix. 89. Bridge, its deriva- tion, i. 250. Corks, ii. 392. Crockford's, v. 12. Davies (Black), xii. 37. ' Edward and Ellen,' iv. 47. Euchre, i. 13, 116. Grin (Geoffrey), Gent., iv. 428. Hoyle (Edmond), ii. 536. Japanese cards, i. 75. Jesso earthenware, ii. 288, 537. Monaghan press, vii. 188. Packs of sixty cards, iv. 28. Patience card game, i. 268. Pitts (J.), printer, iv. 469. Spurgeon on Monte Carlo, xii. 308. Tarot cards, v. 452. Trump as a card term, v. 239