Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/163

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Xiangridge (Nicholas), Fellow of Winchester

College, ii. 45, 116 Langstroher or Langstrother (William), Preceptor

at Eagle, viii. 490 ; ix. 12 JLangton (T.) on Johnson and the letter H, ii. 446.

Rule of the road, iii. 96 Langtry estate in Ireland, yii. 128, 198 Language, vicissitudes of, i. 74 Language and physiognomy, their association, xii.

365, 416 Languages, Charles V. on, i. 227 ; in Burma, vii.

166 ; secret, viii. 190 Langworthy (C. D.) on " The Star and Garter,"

1842, iv. 150 Lannarth and Carnmarth, Cornish place-names,

ix. 309 ; x. 252

Lansdowne MS., xii. 720 ; its writer, 188 Lansdowne Passage, Berkeley Street, its history,

x. 249, 356 Lanteglos, near Fowey, its old parish chest, vii.


X,antern, architectural, called " bowet," v. 126, 214 Lantern slides and photographs, their registration,

iii. 85

Jjanx, Roman, found at Welney, i. 86 Laodah, Anglo-Chinese word for boatman, iii. 305 Laplace (P. S.) mathematician, his dying saying,

viii. 210

Xiapland, William Penn on, i. 190, 275 Lappassit, use of the word, c. 1679, xi. 149, 238 Lapworth, " Pedlar's Rest " at, vii. 266, 415 Lapworth registers, Shakespeares in, viii. 486 Larcin, use of the word, iii. 87 Lares & Penates, business firm, xii. 384 Las Palmas, inscriptions to Englishmen at, i. 482 ;

ii. 155

Lascar jargon, xi. 27, 92, 135

Lasham, place-name, its derivation, i. 72, 113, 137 Lasham (F.) on Ashplace-name, i. 113 X<assa, Hue and Gabet's account, ii. 29 Lassalle (F.), his " iron law," v. 188 Latham (E.) on " All roads lead to Rome," i. 112. Anatomic Vivante, i. 138. Authors of quota- tions, ii. 295 ; iii. 148 ; vii. 309, 493 ; viii. 169. Belot (Adolphe), iv. 177. Chancel (Ausone de), vi. 216, 335 ; vii. 355. Close, iv. 89. Cortel clocks, viii. 156. Coup de Jarnac, i. 197. " Ecrivez les injures," &c., viii. 489. " Esprit de 1'escalier," vii. 189, 393. ' ' Eternal feminine," i. 234, 496. Excommunication of Louis XIV., i. 69. " First catch your hare," i. 254. French miniature painter, i. 137. French proverbial phrases, i. 3, 485 ; ii. 404 ; iii. 203 ; iv. 504 ; v. 243 ; vii. 49. Gaboriau's ' Marquis d'Angi- val,' ii. 58. Genealogy in Dumas, vii. 137. ' Honest broker," ii. 452. Hugo's ' Les Abeilles Imp^riales,' ii. 57. " I expect to pass through," v. 393, 498. " La vie est vaine " : L. Montenaeken, vi. 81. Latin lines, vii. 149. ' Mais on revient toujours," i. 35. Masions de Corneille, vii. 469. Melisande : Ettarre, iv. 107. Months and days in French, vii. 290. " Morale," i. 204. Nodier (C.) or Leclercq, vi. 509. " Owl- light," i. 71. People to be avoided or cultivated, vii. 130. Poem in one sentence, v. 148. Pre- cept on drunkenness, vi. 288. Prisoner suckled Tjy his daughter, v. 453. Proverbs, two old, viii. 215. Quattrocento, viii. 189. Quota- tions wanted, i. 213 ; iv. 92 ; v. 108, 397, 408 ; vi. 129. " Ragotin, ce matin," v. 328. ' Re- commended to Mercy,' i. 109, 232, 434. " Red Lion," Henley-on-Thames, vi. 69. Reynolds Joshua) at Le Portel, v. 356. Robin Hood

in French, vi. 16. " The hand that rocks the cradle," iv. 447 ; v. 357. Thune : (Eil-de- bceuf , French slang, vii. 153. ' Travailler pour le Roide Prusse," i. 195 ; v. 206. Varap^e, viii. 349. Weighing-machine wisdom, iv. 14

Latham (Rev. Robert Gordon and Rev. Charles), c. 1804-6, iv. 469

Lathomus on Freemasonry : W. Gordon, xii. 49

Latin, " roping " a horse in, i. 448, 513

Latin couplets, vi. 28, 75, 92, 173

Latin elegiacs, Shakespeare's Sonnet cxlvi. in, i. 204

Latin-English-Basque dictionary, iv. 143, 255, 333 ; vi. 51 ; viii. 16

Latin epitaphs, xi. 6

Latin forms of surnames, v. 227

Latin funeral inscriptions, ix. 449

Latin genitives in iloricultural nomenclature, v. 309, 355

Latin inscription in Italy, x. 209

Latin lines, translation of, i. 248, 314, 373 ; mutilated, 268, 353 ; " Errata alterius," vii. 149

Latin lines on Buxton, viii. 69, 332

Latin lines on sleep, ix. 390

Latin MS. and Psalter at Ugbrooke, i. 109

Latin plurals, fictitious, i. 54, 193

Latin poets, " marmor " and the sea in, v. 106, 153

Latin pronunciation in England, vii. 108, 170, 294 ; ix. 81, 131, 175, 251, 314, 351, 511 ; x. 73

Latin quotations, i. 188 ; ii. 110, 276 ; v. 88

Latin quotations identified, ix. 37

Laton family of York, xi. 208, 257

Latta surname, viii. 190, 317, 377

Lattice tongs in Wales, ix. 67, 312

Latton (John), of Burwood House, Surrey, v. 149,216

Lauder (Mr.), Scottish vocalist, 1758, x. 288

Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, ancient cope at, v. 265

Laughing, its pronunciation, xi. 509

Laugh ton (Sir J. K.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 69. Barclay (Capt. R. H.), iv. 28. Cape Bar men, ii. 346. Chamberlain (Commo- dore), x. 372. Condado, v. 47, 114, 317. " Dish of turnips," vi. 48. Dundas (Sir Lawrence), iv. 448. French heraldry, ii. 267. Grievance Office : John Le Keux, ii. 207, 413. John (Prior), at Brighton, ix. 497. Keeler (Rear-Admiral), xi. 412. ' Memoires de M. de Lage de Cueilly,' xi. 346. Naval action of 1779, ii. 271. Nelson relic in Corsica, v. 137. Nelson's signal, iv. 370, 471 ; v. 56. Poem by H. F. Lyte, ii. 351. Rhine a French boun- dary, xi. 307. Rogestvensky, iii. 304. Ruther- furd (Capt.) at Trafalgar, xi. 73, St. Andrew's cross, ix. 114. Ships renamed after the Restoration, xi. 73. Tricolour, ii. 290. Tur- vile, iii. 367. Walker (Sir H.), Boyne man-of- war, xi. 74. Yeo : Downie, vi. 448

Launceston, " Pretty Maids' Money ' at, v. 6 ; Pannier Market at, 426

Launceston Castle, its antiquity, xi. 285

Launde Priory and arms of Saffron Walden Abbey, xii. 249

Laureateship, Joseph Knight on, viii. 267, 311

Laurel crowns at Olympia, iii. 87

Laurel spared by lightning, ii. 193

Laurence (French), wit mentioned by Macaulay, xi. 309, 355 ; xii. 290

Laurence (John), writer on gardening, ii. 246

Laurenson (Thos.), his 'Secrets in Art and Nature,' iii. 249