Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/164

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Laurie (T. Werner) on Clifford's Inn, ix. 407

Lava, nietaphoric use of the word, v. 325

Lavender : Sweet Lavender, London street-cry, x. 146 ; xii. 176

Lavender (Jennie) on almsmen, Westminster, iv. 168

Law, fondness of negroes for, i. 206 ; contempt for, in a will, iii. 165

Law (E.) on Pitt Club, vi. 389

Law (G.) on Bass Bock music, i. 308

Law (J.) on ' Woodland Mary,' viii. 14

Law (John) of Lauriston, books relating to, vii. 149, 233

Law (T. P.) on Dr. Robert Gurney, xi. 149. Houston and Gordon families, xii. 349. Yonge (Rev. Henry), xi. 129

Law, Roman, its moral substance summarized, x. 469 ; xi. 38

Law and Jackson families, xii. 48

Law family of Lauriston, x. 367, 434

Law family of Scotland and Ireland, viii. 367

' Law List ' needed, iii. 387

Law terms, early, x. 29, 97

Lawlor (Major W.), c. 1807, his biography, xi. 69

Lawrance, spelling used c. 1498, i. 310

Lawrance (A.) on Lawrance family of Bath, iii. 308

Lawrance (H.), fanmaker of Pall Mall, c. 1787, i. 310

Lawrance (R. Murdoch) on bibliography of epi- taphs, ii. 534

Lawrance (R. M.) on Burns's letters to Geo. Thomson, iii. 148. English officials under foreign Governments, iii. 415. Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), ii. 173. Lamont harp, ii. 71. Lancashire toast, ii. 10. Lawrance, fan- maker, i. 310. Mesmerism in the Dark Ages, ii. 168

Lawrance family of Bath, iii. 308, 377

Lawrence (F.) on Goethe, v. 492

Lawrence (Sir Henry), Lord Roberts on, ix. 2

Lawrence (Sir James), his ' Empire of the Nairs,' iii. 463

Lawrence (John), admitted to Emmanuel College, 1652, iv. 388, 497

Lawrence (John), clerk, of Stamford, d. 1700, x. 410

Lawrence (R. G.) on Woffington, ii. 88

Lawrence (Sir Thomas), commemoration table, ii. 425 ; and embroidery pictures, ix. 150, 193, 494 ; portrait by, xii. 90, 133

Lawrence (W. J.) on ' Beggar's Opera ' in Dublin, iii. 364. Bland (John), Edinburgh actor- manager, iv. 204. Cameron (Jenny), of Lochiel, ii. 447. Delane (Dennis), his death, vi. 328, 354. Drama, early, in Chester, ii. 29. Irish-printed plays, i. 84. Lewis (John), scenic artist, i. 87. Locke's music for ' Macbeth,' ii. 142. Mackliniana, i. 506. Parkgate theatre, iii. 355. Pit of a theatre, i. 286. Preston Jubilee, vii. 227. Purcell's music for ' The Tempest,' ii. 164, 329. Scaramouch, x. 153. Sterling (Rev. James), iii. 385. Swift (Dean) and the Irish stage, iii. 265. Violante (Madame), in Edin- burgh, iii. 408. Walker (Thomas), in Dublin, ii. 247. Winston's ' The Theatric Tourist,' x. 307. Woffington (Peg), ii. 226 ; v. 90. Zoffany's Indian portraits, viii. 14

Lawrence family arms, v. 288

Lawrence -Hamilton (J.) on Britain's tithe of fish, ii. 187. Dutch fishermen, i. 87. Fish days, their number, i. 290. Fishmongers' Company and German Emperor, iii. 148. Flesh and shamble meats, i. 68. Twopenny for head, iv. 69

Lawrenny Churchyard, curious epitaph, xii. 507

Lawry or Lory family, xii. 50

Laws (E.) on Robert Brockholes, vi. 353. Portions r

pensions, x. 310

Laws of the Commonwealth, 1653, ix. 89, 158 Laws of the Conqueror and the Confessor, xi.

269 Laws of gravity and the ancient Greeks, viii. 210.

394 ; ix. 16 Lawson (Capt. J. A.), his ' New Guinea,' &c., iv-

407, 456 Lawson (R.) on " As merry as griggs," i. 94-

Epitaph, i. 69. Myddelton family, vii. 13 Lawson (Sir Wilfrid) and " local option," viii. 50,.


Lawton and Chandos families, vii. 309 Lawyer outwitted, 1839-49, xii. 289 Lawyers and the drawing-up of wills, vii. 266 ?

viii. 16

Lawyers' language, ix. 286 Layard (G. S.)on Du Maurier and Shirley Brooks,.

ix. 52 Laying, the word in churchwarden's accounts,,

iv. 509

Laystall = a burial-place, i. 440 Layton (E. M.) on beside, iv. 375. " Fountain

heads and pathless groves," iv. 350. John- son's ' Vanity of Human Wishes,' v. 78. Lamb's

essay ' My Relations,' iv. 464. Lamb's grand- mother, iv. 328

Lazarhouses in ancient London, i. 70, 295 Lazarus and Dives, continuation of the parable r

v. 370 'Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices.' See

Dickens. Le, before trade-names, c. 1600, xii. 189, 237, 477 ?

in place-names, xii. 280 Le Blon, his mezzotints in colours, x. 450 ; xi-


Le Fevre (N.), chemist to Charles II., x. 227 Le Franceys, Francissus, or Franceys family and

Urswick, vi. 88 Le Keux and Grievance Office, ii. 207, 374, 413,

537 Le Neve (Peter), Aubrey's ' Surrey ' annotated by r

v. 308

Le Portel and Sir Joshua Reynolds, v. 228, 356 Le Soeur, his statue of Charles I., xii. 225, 397 Le Treyer (Robert), d. 1306, his will, v. 303 Le Wett (B.) on pictures at Teddington, vii. 88 Lea (Rev. Samuel) and Newport School, 1725, xi-


Leach (Arthur F.), errors in his edition of ' Visita- tions of Southwell,' iii. 66 Leach (Arthur F.) on our oldest public school,.

i. 269. Schools first established, iii. 251 Leach (Sir William), mentioned by Evelyn, his

descendants, v. 169 Leach family of Squerries, i. 293, 334 Lead = language, iii. 145, 197 Lead mines, nicking, revival of custom, vi. 405 Leadbetter (J. C.) on House of Lords, iii. 497 Leadbitter (Mrs. T.) on ' Evolution of the Male/

vii. 309 Leaden figures, history of the industry, xii. 28,.

153, 198 Leader : leading article, origin of the terms, ii-


Leading articles in three paragraphs, iv. 128 Leaguer, use of the word, xi. 386, 476 Leake (B.) on Shakespeariana, xi. 425 Lealand, use of the word by W. Morris, vi. 66 Leamington-on-Sea, created by The Globe, x. 47