Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/179

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Genealogies in preparation, iv. 467. Genealogy in America, ii. 63. Guest family, i. 504. Hal- ley Jt(Edmund), surgeon, R.N., ii. 88, 224. Halley (Dr. Edmund), iv. 526 ; vii. 263. Halley (Humphrey), vi. 69. Halley and Pyke families, v. 265 ; ix. 166 ; xi. 407. Halley arms, v. 406 ; vi. 368. Halley surname, iii. 447. Halley's comet, i. 86. Halley's two voyages, 1698-1700, i. 289. Heated refrigerator-cars, vi. 146. Hudson (Henry), his descendants, iv. 288. Index Society, ii. 389. McDonald and McPike families, x. 105. McDonald family of Ireland, ii. 467. Millikin-Entwistle families, iii. 6. Modern alchemy : making diamonds, iv. 167. Mountain family, v. 448. ' Notes and Queries,' local, iii. 108.* Officer : Official, i. 486. Parry and Halley families, vii. 89, Parry and Perry families, xii. 344. Pike or McPike, ii. 249. Pike or Pyke family, vi. 207 ; viii. 44 Poll-books, viii. 76. Regicides of Charles I., i. 169. Stepney (George), vii. 8. Stewart and Halley families, ix. 446. Tooke and Halley families, vii. 445; viii. 221, 373 ; xi. 64. Tower of London, y. 47. Washington (G.), his arms, ii. 417. William III., crowned in Ireland, i. 446 ; at the Boyne, ii. 453. Yankee Doodle,'

, , . '

m. 24

McPike and McDonald families, x. 105, 314 McPike =Miss Haley or Haly, ii. 467 McPike or Pike surname, ii. 249 McQueen family, x. 389 M'Quillin (Bernard Lord) on Quillin or Quillan,

iv. 206. Spanish Armada, xii. 330 Macrae (D.) on Dickens on the Bible, v. 304 Macray (John), his ' Golden Lyre,' 1829-30, xii.

Macray (W. D.) on apples : their names, x. 15 ; xii. 254. Charles I., vii. 253. ' Children of the Chapel,' ii. 33. Cope, or chasuble, i. 436. Cromwell's head, xii. 32. Envelopes, i. 175. Pindlater (Count) at Karlsbad, xii. 314. Fonts, desecrated, ii. 112. * Golden Lyre.' xii. 473. Gordon case and Clement XI., ix. 12. Grant (Rev. R.), vii. 155. Heenvliet and Lord Wotton's daughter, vii. 175. Holyoake and special constables, v. 191. Hoppner's un- traced portraits, ix. 212. Jefferyes (Capt. James), iv. 496. Jew King, ix. 472. Jukes {Andrew), vii. 96. London parochial history, 174. Marebpake : viere, viii. 15. Miller (W.), engraver, i. 336. Non jurors : Rev. Ben- jamin Way, viii. 277. " Omne bonum Dei donum," vii. 33. Paxtol, x. 72. St. George : George as a Christian name, vii. 455. Ship- man (Sir Abraham), iii. 197. ' Speculum Episcopi,' v. 337. Thurcet, x. 72. Wonders of the World, xi. 175

MacRitchie (D.) on Egypt as a place-name, xi. 94

MacRoberts (S. Mclntosh) on Steepe surname, x.


McTear (J. S.) on brelan, v. 114. Card terms, ii. 77 Madan (Martin) and W. Cowper, ii. 1, 42 Madan (Martin) of Nevis, d. 1704, his bioeraphv,

ix. 509 ; x. 256 Madden (Sir F.), edition of ' Havelock the Dane '

iii. 429

Maden case, c. 1860, lady and the oath, x. 190 Madness : ' The Progress of Madness,' poem,

viii. 490 Madonna, black images of, iv. 305. See Mary

(Blessed Virgin). Madrid, helmet of gold at, vi. 308

Maeder, , of Dublin, c. 1820, date of his death,

vi. 229 Maeterlinck (M.), his ' Pelteas et Melisande,' iv.

107, 156

' Magazine of Art,' its history, ii. 145 Magazines, Welsh : ' Yr Ymofynydd,' viii. 465 Magdalen College, May morning music at, v. 368,

413 Magdalen College School, and the ' D.N.B.,' iv.

21, 101, 154, 182, 244, 364 ; v. 22, 122, 284,

362 ; vi. 2, 104, 203 ; vii. 63, 142, 304, 383,


Magee (Archbishop) and the tomtit, x. 425, 496 Maghzen, Arabic word, its meaning, vi. 467 ;

vii. 133 Magic, dolls in, ix. 168 ; x. 118, 195, 272 ; Indian,

x. 428, 495

Maginn (W.) on Moses Mendez, ix. 211, 416 Magna Charta, annotations by Blackstone, i.

469 ; Richard Clark's copy, ii. 35 Magna Charta Barons, male descendants, xii. 149,

236, 313

Magnetism, animal, and De Quincey, vii. 345 Magnificat, Prayer Book version, vi. 348, 411 Magrath (Dr. J. R.), his ' Flemings in Oxford,' ii.


Magsman, derivation of the term, i. 6 Maguire (H. J.) on London penny post, viii. 370 Maguire (T. H.), his picture ' Cromwell refusing

the Crown of England,' viii. 375 Mahala : squaw, synonyms, i. 64 Mahalla, Arabic word, its meaning, vii. 45, 96,

133, 236 Mahan (Capt.) on Ireland's strategic position,

xii. 187

Maher of Moyne, soldier, c. 1750-70, ix. 329 Mahon (Mrs.), " Bird of Paradise," her biography,

ix. 170 Mahony (Peirce Gun) on Croppenbergh : Bucke,

viii. 67. Croppenbergh family, vi. 488. Jack- son and Law families, xiL 48.. Jackson family,

x. 328. Mahony or O'M&hony family, viii.

148, 294. Pontifex family, viii. 188. Tombstones

and inscriptions, viii. *201. W T right (Philip),

c. 1759, vii. 48

Mahony or O'Mahony family, viii. 148, 294 Maid of Kent, Holy, iii. 25 Maid of the Mill, her identity, x. 350 Maiden in British place-names, iii. 329, 394, 477 Maiden-garland, the custom, xii. 327 Maiden Road, Stratford, its name, v. 328 ; vi.

136 Maidens, Nine, and other stone circles, ii. 128,

235, 396, 453 Maidlow, etvmology of the name, iv. 508 ; v. 154,


Maidlow (W. H.) on the tenth wave, x. 512 Maids, old, in Darwinian chain of argument, iv.

169 237 Maiko'y (A. N.), his legend of Council of Constance,

i. 8 ; his poem on the Council of Basle, ii. 18 Maimonides, his autobiography, xi. 239 Main, use and meaning of the word, c. 976, ix. 169 Mair and Burnet families, iii. 149 Maistre (Xavier de), his ' Voyage autour de ma

Chambre,' v. 409 ; vi. 55 Maitland (P. C.) on Mrs. Beecher Stowe on Byron,

xii. 328 Maitland family, v. 190 Majendie (S.) on St. Katherine's by the Tower,

ii. 307

Major (John), his ' Historia Majoris Britanniae,' v. 386