Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/180

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Makeham (R.) on Dickens on the Bible, v. 391

"Making buttons "= fidgeting, use of the term, ix. 467 ; x. 13, 158

Makower (S. V.) on " viretot " in Scott, xii. 267

Malapert (Martin), in treatise by E. Southerne, 1593. iv. 349

Maiden, Maiden Lane at, iii. 329, 394, 477

Maiden (A. R.) on John Bowie, D.D., iv. 428. Briefs for Greek Christians, xi. 458. Corbridge (James), xi. 357. Epitaphiana, ii. 475. False quantities in Parliament, ii. 418. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 31

Maldon records and the drama, vii. 181, 342, 422 ; viii. 43

Male, evolution of the, vii. 309

Male, legal use of the word, ii. 426, 453, 517

Malea (Cape), its hermit, vi. 268

Male-travels, use of the term, c. 1763, vi. 367

Malet (Sir Charles), and Warren Hastings, iii. 28 ; in Poona, 1785-1797, xi. 389

Malet (Sir E.) on Wace on the battle of Hastings, iii. 456

Malet (Col. Harold) on American Civil War verses, iv. 296. Authors of quotations wanted, vii. 35. Bathurst (Lord) and highwayman, iv. 495. Bell-ringing on 13 August, 1814, ii. 631. ' British Biography,' ix. 50. Carrier pigeons, ix. 485. Chamber-horse for exercise, xi. 114. Clement's Inn knocker, xi. 117. Companies of Invalids, vi. 38. Courvoisier, viii. 408. Direc- tion post v. signpost, v. 496. Dolores, musical composer, i. 177. Esdaile (William), iv. 481. Flint and steel, vii. 396. French camp at Sandgate, vi. 208 ;. viii. 218. Hastings (Warren) and Sir Charles Malet, iii. 28. High Court of Liberty, x. 245. Hinds (Dr. Samuel), i. 415. Hopper (H.), modeller, x. 218. Laconic letters, v. 234. London statues and memorials, x. 372. Magna Charta barons, xii. 313. Malet (Sir Charles) in Poona, xi. 389. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 195. Montfort (Simon de), his portrait, ix. 392. Napoleon's carriage, viii. 217. Nelson's uniform, iv. 370. .New Year beacon at Weldon, ix. .46. " Old Highlander," vii. 92. Photography, iv. 450. Pin-fire, v. 159. Portrait by Linton, 1683, xii. 333. ' Road Scrapings,' ii. 117. Roman death duties, ix. 74. Royal Oak Day, iv. 132. St. Dunstan, i. 216. " Scole Inn," Norfolk, i. 313. Seringa- patam, vii. 317. Swords, regulation, xii. 376. Thames Embankment, its originators, viii. 166. Waterloo : letter by Vivian, x. 196. Williams (Samuel), draughtsman, v. 498

Malherbe, his ' Stances a Du Perrier,' xi. 507 : xii. 38

Malleson (Hope) on Miss Anne Manning, xii. 408 Malleson (J. P.) on Shakespeariana, x. 345 Malleson (W. T.) on authors of quotations wanted,

x. 188. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, x. 258.

Rattlesnake Colonel: Catgut ruffles, x. 189;

xi. 135 Mallet (David), and Bishop Warburton, ii. 7 ;

and Bowes, Yorkshire, v. 235, 295, 370, 431 Malleville (Whyte de) mentioned by Lenotre, xi.


Malone (E.) on ' Venus and Adonis,' i. 310 Malone (J.) on piccaninny, iv. 255. Shakespeare's

' Profession of Faith,' iv. 230 Malone family, x. 87 Malory (Sir Thomas), and pardon granted to T.

Glegg by Edward IV., vii. 88 Malta, military execution in 1861, iii. 304, 375 Maltby (William and John), their parentage, v. 8

Maltese Beefeaters, c. 1859, xii. 148, 198 Mamaloi, hybrid word, x. 325 Mamamouchi, origin of the word, x. 328 ; xi. 55 Mamba, venomous African snake, v. 428, 473 ;

vi. 10, 115, 152, 218, 294

Man, Isle of, records of marriages in, i. 9 ; Gaelic inscriptions in, ii. 44 ; bishop imprisoned, ii. 487, 534 ; iii. 57 ; blown about by the winds, v. 126

Man, oldest, in the world, vi. 305 Man in a quart bottle, early reference, xii. 289 Man in the almanac, allusion explained, ix. 408,.

476 ; x. 56, 118

Man in the moon in 1590, x. 446, 518 Man on his own appearance in ' Life of Snowden

Dunhill,' vi. 346

Man of Kent on Barham arms in Ashford Church, vi. 208. " In a huff," v. 497. " Kentish Sir Byng," vi. 230. Kissing gates, ii. 328. Red Indians in poetry, vi. 296

Man of noses, name for the soft clam, iv. 125, 197 Manager on Bacon on the stomach, xi. 428 Manby (Capt. George Wm.), his ' Reminiscences,

i. 21

Manche, La, antiquity of the name, i. 448 Manchester, Portico Library, its early history,

v. 368 Manchester Free Library, epitaph in Owen MSS.,

x. 210

Manchet, etymology of the word, ii. 328 . Manchurian and Korean names, i. 265 , Maneis (Sir Anto. ), holder of Crown land at Egham,

iv. 48 Mangan (James Clarence), his translation ot

Schiller's ' Hope,' iii. 5 Mangos teen markings, i. 212 Manitoba, pronunciation of the name, i. 206, 276,


Mann (Sir Horace), his biography, xii. 368 Manners (Col. H. H.), d. 1843, his family, xi. 149 Manners (J.) and Dorothy Vernon in Nottingham,

vi. 484 Manners (Lord Robert), d. 1770, his biography, vi.

145, 217 Manners (General Russell), d. 1800, his family,

xi. 149 "Manners, twopence for," a school extra, vii.

228. Manning on St. Bernard dogs in England, xii.

388 Manning (Miss Anne), d. 1907, her papers, xii. 408,

497 Manning (Cardinal), inscription on his coffin,

vii. 245 Manning (Rev. Charles Robertson), his Norfolk

antiquities, i. 67 Manning (Rev. Owen), historian of Surrey, his

biography, v. 87 Manning (P.) on Owen Manning, v. 87. Williams

(Erasmus), x. 330 Manor Court : Court Leet, survivals, vii. 327, 377 ;

viii. 16, 93, 334, 413

Manor Court Rolls of Wyndrynge, vi. 408, 472 Manor Court terms, xi. 249, 516 Manor Courts and wills, ii. 226, 353, 437, 536 Manor house c. 1300, good specimens, x. 450 j

xi. 18 Manor identifications in divers counties, x. 48,

254 Manor Mesne, use of the term, vi. 68, 153, 238,

257, 292

Manor rolls, guide to, i. 169, 198, 272 ; abbrevia- tions in, x. 309, 398