Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/184

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Matches in Congreve, 1695, vii. 269, 351, 397, 451 Match-maker's song and sulphur matches, vii. 348,

396, 451

Mathews (C. Elkin) on ' The Angler's Companion,' x. 267. Gaol literature, xi. 510. ' Horse Subsecivaa,' 1620, xii. 164. ' Kitty Fisher's Jig,' x. 50. Motte : mot, x. 413. Pimlico : Eyebright, x. 514. Portexis (Bishop), viii. 128. Story's ' Vse Vistis,' x. 356

Mathewson (T.) on ' The Bride's Burial,' vi. 449. 1 Death and the Sinner,' vi. 436 ; vii. 34. Matlock Council arms, vi. 424 Matilda (Queen) and Hugo de Burgh, legend of,

iii. 408

Matross, etymology of the word, vii. 348, 411, 476 Matthew (Roger), Vicar of Bloxham 1605-57, iv.


Matthews (Albert) on American Loyalists, i. 390. ' Anthology,' by Thomas Bee, xi. 218. Avalon, ii. 411. Bacon (Nathaniel), ix. 47. Beachey Head : ' to hull," xi. 294. Bier-right : ordeal by touch, xii. 87. Bullock (William) on Vir- ginia, xi. 277. Castor oil, xii. 157. Diving- bell, iii. 349. Duels between women, xii. 77. k Entente cordiale," ix. 338. Epitaphs, their bibliography, i. 334. " Every man has his price," vii. 492. ' Father of his country," ix. 151. Female abolitionist (first), vi. 470. Fire : fire out, viii. 455. Gomara's ' Conquest of the Weast India,' xii. 374. Grimke (John Faucherreaud), vi. 136. Harley (Sir Edward) and Parliament, vi. 126. Holworthy family, ix. 377. Jack Robinson," xi. 232. ' Kitty Fisher's Jig,' ix. 197. Land Office : " Land Office business," xii. 415. Lincoln (Abraham), and European politicians, vii. 275 ; on the sufferings of slaves, viii. 14. Liverpool Library, ix. 414. ' Local option," viii. 50. Lynch law, xi. 515 ; xii. 133, 495. Martin (Christopher), vi. 53^ Month's mind : " To have a month's mind," iii. 54. Monuments to American Indians, xii. 230. Moose, i. 153. Northumberland (7th Earl of), his descendants, xi. 336. November 5 in America : Pope Night, xii. 458. Oregon, xii. 358. Paine (T.) and the Declaration of Independence, xii. 441. Papers, i. 172. Paul (John) or Paul Jones, xii. 12. Piccaninny, iv. 128. Pimlico : Eyebright, xi. 310. Place, v. 412; vi. 93. Providence, Island of, i. 13. Punch, the beverage, vi. 72. " Raisins of the Cure," ix. 393. Rattlesnake Colonel, 'xi. 17. Robin Hood in French, vi. 135. Routledge family of Charlestown, viii. 74. Savoy, its Mastership, 1658-9, ix. 421. " Set up my (his) rest," vii. 175. " Silly Billy," i. 183. Slavery in the United States, vii. 153. " Sub rosa," ix. 433. Swerve, vi. 55. Talented, ii. 418. Tandem, iii. 146, 454. Tea as a meal, i. 456. Tote, ii. 161. Wheatley (Phillis) and her poems, xi. 30, 214. Whitman (Walt) on Alamo, xii. 91. Woman with masculine name, ix. 517. Words and phrases in American newspapers, xii. 50, 271, 370. Yale (Elihu) : Pilgrim Fathers, xi. Ill Matthews (G.) on arms of Saffron Walden Abbey,

xii. 249 Matthews (Henry), his ' Diary of an Invalid,' vi.

28, 73 Matthews ( J. ) on wheel as a symbol in religion, iv.


Matthews (J. Hobson) on Ainsty, ii. 97. Battle- field sayings, iii. 35. Bible, old, ii. 152. Bristol slave ships, ii. 193. Constantine Pebble, i. 33.

English cardinals' hats, ii. 96. Font consecra- tion, ii. 336. Fonts, desecrated, ii. 171. Glass manufacture, i. 52. Grammar: nine parts of speech, i. 94. Phillipps MSS. : Beatrice Barlow, ii. 72. St. Dials, i. 72. ' Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West,' iii. 13. Walbeoff family, i. 413

Matthews (T.) on Gosling family, viii. 209

Matthias, the American religious impostor, vii. 164

Mattison (M.) on Abraham Lincoln on slaves, vii. 248

Maude (John), Rector of SS. Anne and Agnes, vi. 30, 114

Maupassant and Swinburne's rescue from drown- ing, xi. 505

Mauraden, 1558, its meaning, xii. 149, 378

Maurice (F. D.) on Greek architecture, i. 334

Maurice (Widow), printer, 1828, x. 67, 158, 257

Mauritius, arms of, viii. 446

Mawbey (Sir Joseph), inscription at Chertsey, vii. 43

Mawbey (William), of Botleys, Surrey, his sons, v. 8

Mawdesley (F. L.) on London statues, ix. 364

Mawe, sixteenth-century card game, x. 468

Mawer (Rev. John), his linguistic attainments, vii. 112

Maxwell (General), his letters from Sebastopol, iii. 21, 104

Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on Bourne in place-names, xii. 130, 272, 434. Brock: badger, v. 432. Campbell, x. 432. Clouds, their formation, ix. 213. Cockburnspath, xi. 436. Cockburns- path : Maxwell, xii. 256. ' Creevey Papers,' i. 355. Desecrated fonts, ii. 253. Elizabeth's portrait at Holyrood, iv. 508. " Famous ' Chelsea, iv. 470. French words in Scotch, ix. 450. Gamelshiel Castle, vii. 56. Hydro- phobic patients smothered, i. 210. Immure- ment alive of religious, i. 50. James I. of Scot- land, his daughters, ii. 56. " Over fork : fork over," vii. 33. Quice, i. 194. St. Andrew's cross, ix. 32. St. Columba's Well, vi. 510. St. Ninian's Church, ii. 137. Stewart (General Charles), i. 174. Stymie at golf, ix. 414. Sword of Bruce, viii. 37l. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 278, 371. " Vin gris " : milliners' colours, ix. 391. Virgil, ' ^neid,' I. 462, vi. 5. Vowel-shortening, x. 132. Yew tree, xii. 477

Maxwell (General Patrick) on Begum Sumroo, i. 14, 69

Maxwell (Sir W. S.) on gardens, i. 288, 357

Maxwell family of Ardwell, iii. 389

Maxwell surname, its etymology, xii. 213, 256

May on Northumberland and Durham pedigrees, ii. 331. Smith (John), 1679-80, xii. 309. Tenths and Fifteenths, x. 88

May (Dame Mary), her monument in Midlavant Church, i. 449, 497

May (Mr.), C. Lamb, and S. T. Coleridge, i. 61, 109

May (Thomas), on casting lots, i. 476 ; his ' Julius Caesar,' Latin tragedy, xi. 248

May blossom : knots of may, xi. 344, 437

May Day, in Newport, Rhode Island, i. 126, 173 ; in North Devon, 406 ; two poetical tracts, iii. 344 ; v. 155 ; its observance in old days, v. 325 ; music at Magdalen College, 368, 413

May Day celebrations, i. 160 ; ii. 75 ; ix. 345, 398 ; xi. 343, 437

May dewing, observance of the custom, iii. 429, 477 ; iv. 17

May family, Anglo-Dutch, ix. 70