Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/185

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May light in pre-Reformation churches, v. 429,

494 ; vi. 34, 274

May monument in Midlavant Church, ii. 57 May Song in Warwickshire, v. 403, 474 May weather couplets, v. 388, 433, 474, 493 Mayall (A.) on barrels for church organs, viii. 66.

Slink : slinking, viii. 27 Mayals, near Mumbles, its topography, vi. 329, 376,


May cock (Willoughby) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 309 ; viii. 230, 237, 273 ; ix. 192. Gladstone's horsemanship, ix. 234. High treason, x. 354. Meets of hounds announced in church, x. 468. ' Melton Breakfast,' viii. 333. Pigott's ' Jockey Club,' xii. 135. Reindeer : its spelling, viii. 258, 416. St. Mary the Egyptian, xi. 391. Seecatchie : holluschickie, their meaning, xii. 94. Shakespeare and Miller- Mundy, ix. 457. Surrey Gardens, x. 32. Weare (William), his murder, viii. 349 Mayers' song, musical rendering, i. 7 ; ii. 7, 512 ;

iii. 75

Mayfair marriages, and Parson Keith, xii. 127 Mayfield, St. Dunstan at, i. 149, 216, 293 Mayflower pilgrims, their English ancestry, vL


Mayhew (A. L.) on Abbacyrus : Aboukir, viii. 448. Abbey : abbaye, a Swiss club, viii. 257. Adespota, vii. 105. Adoxography, xii. 387. " Amel of Uida," vii. 325. Balzo, in ' Purgatorio,' viii. 226. Banzai, ix. 405. Bird's claw in demonology, vi. 366. Breese in ' Hudibras,' vii. 515 ; viii. 113. Buskin, its etymology, vii. 25. Camoens, Sonnet cciii. : " Frescas belvederes," vii. 190. Chautauqua, x. 68* Christmas Day and Lady Day, x. 508. Composte'la, origin of the name, xii. 27. Corisande, iv. 352. Dear : ' O dear no ! " x. 434. Dreary, iii. 405. Duma, v. 472. Eastry, Kent, xi. 237. Edinburgh : its derivation, x. 473. Etymological notes, four, iv. 164. ' Every mickle makes a muckle," x. 286. Firgunanum, Irish word, vii. 51. Fiteres=rags, viii. 32. " Franche leal et oie," vi. 251. Gowdike, viii. 214. Grisbet, Somerset word, x. 427. Growing down like a cow's tail, iv. 264. Haakon VII., iv. 466. Hackney, ix. 11. Harka, its meaning, xii. 127. High Wycombe : its etymology, vi. 464. Huel, its meaning, xii. 488. Huff : " In a huff," v. 448. Hypocrite, vi. 28. Italy a " geographical expression," iv. 330. Ivery, Wiltshire local name, xi. 385. Jirgah,ix.427. Kees (Jan), iv. Maghzen, vi. 467. Mahalla, its meaning, rii. 45. Martingale : its etymology, vi. 5. Mediterranean : the name, x. 351. Melisande : Jttarre, iv. 393. Millet, religious community, Miramoline, xi. 45. Mulatto, its etymology, vii. 68. N, liquid, in English, Noli altum sapere," xii. 216. Notes and Queries ' commemoration, xii. Pagan, iv. 304. " Peccavi " : "I have indh," viii. 345. Petrach's two greyhounds, 445. Piddle as a land measure, x. 373. 5 laxtol, x. 33, Ply, iv. 44. Pot-waller : pot- walloper, viii. 298. Pour, v. 329, 435. Re- bound, verb, v. 395. Retable, viii. 65. Roan : ts etymology, v. 425. St. Devereux : St. Dubricius, vii. 327. Sardana, viii. 56. Scara- mouch, x. 153. Scott's ' Search after Happi- ness,' xii. 409. Shakespearian vowel-sounds, 281. Steelyard, vi. 369, 412. Teenick, Kentish word, x. 467. Thurcet, its meaning, x. 29. ' Tikes and churls," xii. 430. ' Times '

as " The Thunderer," ix. 396. Tittle, its ety- mology, iv. 325

Mayhew (Horace), ' Letters left at the Pastry- Cook's,' x. 427, 475. Maylam (P.) on teenick, Kentish word, xi. 57.

th as a symbol, x. 436. Vocabulary of peasant,

viii. 506. Woodnesborough, near Sandwich,

xi. 270. Wooset, horse's head, xi. 27 Maylor Grange, its whereabouts, x. 89, 277 Maynard (Lady), Nancy Parsons, d. c. 1808, x. 447 Maynard family of Curriglas, v. 185 ; vi. 11, 471 Mayne (Ant.), Esq., temp. James I., iv. 48 Mayne (John), his ' Logan Braes,' xii. 33 Mayo (C. H.) on Samuel Haynes, i. 269 Mayo (Rev. H. H.) and the Great House, Cheshunt,

vi. 385, 473

Mayo (Lord), his epitaph in St. Paul's crypt, vi. 226 Mayo (Rev. William), Vicar of Romsey, ix. 110 Mayor (Prof. J. E. B.) on Byron and misanthropy,

viii. 126. Calvin's ' Institutes,' 1536, ii. 285.

Cowper (W.), letters, ii. 1, 42,82,122,162,203,

242. Delagard, preacher, i. 503. Vicar executed

for witchcraft, ii. 265 Mayor (Lord). See Lord Mayor. Mayor's seal for confirmation, i. 447 ; ii. 19 Mayors, churchwardens appointed by, ix. 129, 318;

elected in churches in Middle Ages, xii. 148, 337 Maypole erected at Huby, Yorkshire, viii. 127 Maypoles, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh, iv. 469 ; notes

on, v. 325 ; c. 1578, ix. 345, 398 Maze at Seville, ii. 508 ; iii. 54, 76 Mazes, bibliography of, vi. 209, 313, 397 ; village,

ix. 388, 475 ; x. 96 Mazzarfl. Fair at Redruth, ii. 228, 312 Mazzini (G.), his letters and Sir James Graham,

i. 505 ; Garibaldi's visit to his grave, viii. 86 Mead (S.) on Nasmyth's ' Scene in Hampshire,'

vii. 448. 'Poor Caitiff,' viii. 49. Wy in

Hampshire, vii. 508 Mead (Dr. William), of Ware, his longevity, v.

228, 337

Mead and Penn jury, 1673, v. 8 Mears (James), Westminster scholar, xi. 269 Measles and donkey, x. 326, 398 Measures, weights, and coins, Turkish, x. 488 Meats, flesh, and shamble, i. 68, 293, 394 ; ii. 54;

means of maturing, ix. 389 ; x. 53, 96, 453 ; xi.

456 ; xii. 138 Meauty (Sir Thos.), monument to Bacon erected

by, iii. 316 Meaux Abbey, its remains, vi. 248,290, 397 ; vii.

134, 216 Med. on English toys in sixteenth century, viii.

290 Medal, St. Helena, ii. 9, 95 ; issued by James II.,

iii. 329, 376 ; Messianic, 489 ; Washington, vi.

167, 232, 295

Medal, silver memorial, 1555, its history, ix. 89 ^ Medal presented to Grace Darling, its sale, ix. 285 Medals : " au pied de sanglier," i. 88 ; Peace

Treaty, 1814, x. 37 ; Charles I., 68, 134 ;

Accession and Coronation, 130, 190, 230 Medals, war, best books on, iii. 247, 315 Medals and coins, spurious, xii. 46 Mediaeval on Travers family, i. 208 Mediaeval churchyards, gravestones in, viii. 390,

452 ; ix. 56, 173 Mediaeval clothing, iii. 346 Medical barristers, i. 32

Medical books, Irish printed, before 1700, xi. 428 Medical coroner, first, v. 489 ; vi. 13 Medici arms and pawnbroker's sign, iii. 207, 330 Medicine, folk-lore in, v. 129, 195