Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/196

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365 ; v. 121 ; music of ' The Death of Nelson,'

iv. 365, 412, 450, 490; his Christian name, 365;

pronunciation of Trafalgar, 385, 431 ; monody

on his death, 407, 450 ; memorial rings, 421 ;

his coat and Admiral Westphal's blood, 445 ;

register of his marriage, v. 61, 104 ; Trafalgar

memorandum, 244, 311 ; and Walmer Castle,

viii. 310 ; his interview with Wellington, 506 ;

T. Hill Swain at his death, xii. 169, 318 ; ode

on, 261 Nelson (Lord) on Nelson and Cardinal York, iv.

106. Nelson's sister Anne, i. 210 Nelson (Rev. Joseph), Vicar of Skipwith, iv. 441 Nelson (Thomas Horatio), iv. 441 Nelson and Warren decanter, ii. 268 Nelson anthology, ii. 287 Nelson Column, its dimensions, iii. 368, 456 ;

iv. 175 Nelson panoramas at Spring Gardens, iv. 365 ;

v. 94

Nelson poems, iv. 186, 329, 407, 450 Nelson recollections, iv. 322 ; vii. 265 Nelson relic in Corsica, v. 89, 137 Nelson sale catalogue, vi. 209 Nelson table at Upottery, vi. 487 Nelsoniana, iv. 445 Nemo on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 88.

Napoleon's death, xi. 328. Shakespeare as a

player, viii. 227

Nepomuc (St. John), martyred 1383, v. 411 Nesbitt (M. S.) on ' Richard II.' and ' The Spanish

Tragedy,' iv. 323 Nesciens on Welsh a, vi. 429 Ness Cliff, Shropshire, parochial school at, 1753,

ix. 331

Nestor on hypocrite, vi. 74 Nestorian tablet in Si-Ngan Foo, x. 207 Nether Orton or Worton, Oxfordshire, vii. 241 Nethergorther Manor, Shropshire, ii. 256 Netmaker's circular, eighteenth-century, x. 207,


Nettle day, its observance, iii. 446 Nettlecombe, Somersetshire, seven -sacrament font,

v. 36 Nettleship (S.), Clerk to Grocers' Company, viii.

170, 254

Neuchatel, Buskin at, ii. 348, 512 ; iii. 93 Neuville (Hyde de), his descent, ii. 368 Never Never Land, the term, xi. 9, 158 Nevill (E. R.) on John Aubrey's marriage, xi.

266 Nevill (Ralph) on beerbrewing and brickmaking,

viii. 465. Brandenburgh House sale, ix. 128.

Cold Harbour, ii. 14. Bridge Castle, vi. 308.

Ernisius, a proper name, x. 388 ; xi. 33, 375.

Fleetwood (Cromwell), iv. 74. Nevill (Sir

Thomas), v. 2, 237. Punch, the beverage,

v. 37

Nevill (R. A.) on Guidot, iii. 489 Nevill (Sir Thomas), 1503-82, his biography, v. 2,


Neville (Henry), his ' Plato Redivivus,' xi. 28 Neville-Rolfe (Eustace), d. 1908, xi. 343 New Amsterdam views, c. 163050, i. 161 New England, 1652, funds for preaching in, iv. 329 ;

Communion tokens in, c. 1822, viii. 5 New English Dictionary,' its title, i. 146, 193, 255;

viii. 228 ; notes on, ii. 266 ; definition of patent

medicines, iii. 86 ; Q in, 146 ; " drapier

omitted, iv. 286; "blackguard" in, v. 187;

notes and additions, vi. 25, 28, 76, 84, 137, 226,

237, 411 ; vii. 347, 367 ; viii. 248, 455, 506 ;

xi. 385, 386, 446 ; xii. 445 ; how to use it, viii.

31 ; on dominoes, 130 ; lines on words in C,

D, and H, 482 ; " globetrotter " in, 485 ; " nigh

hand " in, ix. 6, 96 ' New Forest Ballad,' by C. Kingsley, ix. 508 New Forest pictures, 1875, ix. 508 New Hall, Essex, and Queen Elizabeth, i. 15 New Place, Shakespeare's residence at, vii. 66,


New River voter, the last, vi. 405 New v. Old Style in chronology, iv. 173 New Year beacon at Weldon, ix. 46 New Year luck customs, v. 45, 94 New Year's Day, March 25 as, vi. 368, 431, 471 ;

vii. 15

New Year's Day in Japan, i. 25 New Year's Eve in Baskish, iii. 86 New Year's gift in Jonson's ' Mask of Christmas,'

vi. 501 New York, origin of its nickname Gotham, v. 288 ;

Holy Trinity Church records, vi. 151, 197 ;

links with British rule, vii. 466 ; viii. 13 ' New York Times,' early volumes of, vi. 9 ;

vii. 236

New York views, c. 1630-50, i. 161 New Zealand, venomous spiders in, i. 265 New Zealand fossil shells, x. 489 ; xi. 33 Newark-upon-Trent, " ringing for Gofer " at, i. 6 ;

Easter sepulchre at, 265 Newberry (P. E.) on Bible containing genealogy,

vii. 88. Newbery (John), his grave, vii. 27 Newbery (A. Le Blanc) on J. Newbery's portrait,

viii. 107 Newbery (John), bookseller, d. 1767, his epitaph,

vii. 27, 76 ; his portrait, viii. 107 Newbold (W. R.) on Newbolds of Derbyshire, vii.


Newbold family of Derbyshire, vii. 107, 198 Newbourg (John William), Count Palatine, c.

1675, xii. 489 Newcastle, first Mayor of, ii. 409, 496 ; actors

whipped at, in 1656, iii. 113 ; Pancake Bell on

Shrove Tuesday, vii. 166 ; conveyancing at,

ix. 404, 456

Newcastle (Duchess of), her allegories, vi. 108 Newcastle character, Tommy-on-the-B ridge, vii.

30, 94

Newcastle miracle, Robert Southey on, x. 207 Newcastle plate, account of exhibition of, v. 167 Newchapel Church, Staffordshire, its history, v.

29 Newcome (W. F.) on ' The Arms of Abraham,' iv.

409 Newcomer on historical geography of London, i.


New-cut, obsolete English game, vii. 362 Newdigate, Kendall, and Webb families, vii. 490 Newell (A.) on hoast, v. 110. Holyoake and

special constables, v. 191 Newenham (F. ), his picture of Cromwell and

Milton, viii. 23 Newfoundland, Baskish inscriptions in, v. 328,

513 ; Christopher (Martin) and the defence of St. John's, y. 408 ; vi. 53

Newgate, Ordinaries of, vii. 408, 454, 465 ; viii. 10, 278 ; ix. 35 ; Governors or Keepers, vii. 465 ; pedlars' rest outside, viii. 93, 217, 258, 357 Newgateers, use of the word in 1671, vi. 109 Newhaven, landing of Louis Philippe at, v. 349,

391, 473 Newington Place, Surrey, and James Powell, xii.


Newland : ' Abraham Newland, London," on a watch, iii. 89