Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/197

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Newland (Sir Abraham) and Newlands, Chalfont

St. Peter, iv. 148, 213, 276, 457 Newlyn colony of artists and J. H. Martin, x. 246 Newman (Cardinal), in Boylesve's ' L'Enfant a la Balustrade,' iii. 147 ; parallel with ' Lead, Kindly Light,' v. 185 ; on Gibbon, 387, 435, 455 ; his birthplace, vii. 489 ; viii. 10 Newman (C. A.) on " Down, little flutterer," i. 87.

" P.P., Clerk of the Parish," i. 88 Newman (F.) on cheese for ladies, xi. 334. Cowper, xii. 432. ' Bcclesia Militans ' : Michael Hilt- prand, xi. 370. Fig trees: maturing meat, xii.

138. ' Four regular orders of monks," xii.

274. Petre epigram, xii. 411 Newman (H. E.) on Newman Street, viii. 310 Newman (J.) on Newman portraits, vii. 409.

Russell (Thomas) : Richard Stanley, vi. 70 Newman (Robert), engraver, b. 1768, xii. 9, 55 Newman (Rev. Thomas), c. 1721-5, iii. 28 Newman family portraits, vii. 409 Newman Street, off Oxford Street, the name, viii.

310 Newport, Essex, demolition of Lepers' Hospital at,

viii. 27 Newport (Capt. Chris.), temp. Queen Elizabeth,

iii. 467

Newport Church, I.W., engravings of, ix. 389, 457 Newry, co. Down, and the Earl of Shipbrook, v.


News, bad, and its bearers, ix. 351 Newsholme (A.) on coffins and shrouds, viii. 90 Newspaper, earliest use of the word, i. 486 Newspaper, early, in Jamaica, i. 169 ; first daily

ocean, i. 504 ; ii. 96, 157 ; first American, 1690,

ix. 347

Newspaper editions, iii. 287; viii. 117 Newspaper leading articles, their three paragraphs,

iv. 128

Newspaper press, Scottish, 1600-1700, censor- ship of, v. 388

  • Newspaper Press Directory,' its diamond jubilee,

iii. 241, 261

Newspaper reports of cricket, viii. 75, 191 Newspapers, not read by Prime Ministers, iv. 146 ;

The Telegraph,' 1797, ix. 247, 358 ; double

acrostics in, 290 Newspapers, Commonwealth and Royalist, vii.

148, 238, 270, 348, 395 Newspapers, English, 1817-27, viii. 170, 257 ;

in 1680, xii. 243, 314, 358 Newspapers, London, of the eighteenth century,

iv. 510 ; v. 10, 70 ; their circulation in 1818,

viii. 446 ; ix. 57 Newspapers, old American, words and phrases in,

xi. 469 ; xii. 10, 50, 107, 270, 370, 492 Newton (Prof. A.) on Brisson's ' Ornithologie,'

iv. 105. Wiltshire naturalist, c. 1780, ii. 291 Newton (A. W.) on Thomas Lake Harris, x. 329 Newton (E. E.) on Cotton's Waterloo Collection,

xii. 512. Cruikshankiana, ix. 347. Eel-pie

shop, xii. 317. Grave (Robert), printseller, viii.

174. Great hollow elm, Hampstead, iii. 257.

Hampstead in song, x. 187. Hampstead omni- bus, viii. 293. Hampstead's historical houses,

viii. 146. Le Sceur's statue of Charles I., xii.

397. Littleton's ' History of Islington,' vii. 70 .

London and Birmingham Railway, viii. 167.

Maurice (Widow), printer, x. 257. Money

(Major) and his balloon, viii. 312. Octagonal

Engine House on Hampstead Heath, vii. 513.

Pedlars' rest, viii. 357. Newton (Sir Isaac), miniature of, i. 248, 315,

355, 414 ; Arago on, ii. 265 ; and the cat,

picture of, x. 188 ; and King's College, xii. 229, 294 ; ' Principia,' 1687, 229 Newton (James), bookseller, d. 1749, xi. 504 Ney (Marshal), his ancestry, viii. 288 ; his

descendants, ix. 229 Neyte, Eybury, and Hyde manors, x. 321, 461 ;

xi. 22, 174, 231

Ng, sound of, represented by n, i. 247, 291 Nice, English burials at, 1750-1800, ix. 449 ;

Capt. James King, buried at, x. 57 Nicholas, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, iii.

328, 375

Nicholas as a feminine name, xi. 87, 255 Nicholls (C.) on Hocktide at Hexton, xii. 214 Nicholson (E.) on blood used in building, iii. 76. Bung and tun, v. 422. Camelian, viii. 494. Cr^mail (Vicomte de), ix. 112. Gamester superstition, viii. 391. Hamberbonne of wheat, v. 270. " La pierre qui rage," street-name, xi. 378. Maghzen, vii. 133. Mahalla, vii. 133. Marlborough wheels, vi. 436. Moor: Moors, x. 405. Nail and the clove, iii. 41, 231. " Neither my eye nor my elbow," ix. 15. Palm Sunday and chick-peas, ix. 281. Podike, vi. 176. Prescriptions, ii. 355 ; iii. 156. Pro- vencal folk-songs, ix. 91. St. Anthony's bread, viii. 315. ' Short Whist,' xii. 357. Snakes drinking milk, x. 265. Snakes in South Africa, vi. 10. Spleen unfavourable to running, x. 202. Steelyard, vi. 282, 412. Vergel, its derivation, x. 233. Nicholson (E. W. B.) on brasses at the Bodleian,

vii. 92

Nicholson (F.) on James Peake, nonjuror, ix. 462 Nicholson (John), Lord Roberts on, ix. 2 Nicholson (Renton), his paper 'The Town,' ix.

237, 517

Nicking lead-mines, revival of old custom, vi. 405 Nicklin (T.) on anon, i. 246 ; vii. 136. Bergerode, xi. 218, 513. Cab : cabriolet in Dickens, xii. 514. Cromwell and the 117th Psalm, xii. 417. Drownd = deerhound, iv. 306. Girl, i. 245. G, hard or soft, vii. 114. Holden (H. A.), Henry Holden, x. 264. Hors d'ceuvre, 229. " Metropolitan toe," v. 357. St. Sunday, xi. 516 Nicknames : of the Army Service Corps, vii. 68, 115, 257, 457, 473 ; viii. 257 ; of the eighteenth- century, vii. 366, 430 ; viii. 37, 114, 290 ; x. 174; xii. 515; "Tear 'em," viii. 186; of persons of fashion temp. George IV., xii. 326, 515 Nicol, Earl of Errol, his contract with Huntly, viii.

206 Nicolson (Thomas), 1573-1649, his bequest, xi.

306 Nicot (Jean), 1530-1604, portrait by Goltz, v.

448 Nield (J.) on author of * Whitefriars,' iv. 447.

Nelson in fiction, iii. 77, 116 Nigh hand in the ' N.E.D.,' ix. 6, 96 Night courtship in Scotland and elsewhere, viii.

188, 255

Nightcaps, their use, i. 114 ; x. 482 Night-hag folk-lore, vii. 26, 157 Nightingale (Florence), and Robert Snelgrove's

dog, vi. 142 ; poem referring to, ix. 268, 337 Nightingale and death folk-lore, vii. 409 ; viii.

57, 192, 354

Nile, Pocock's paintings of the battle, iv. 468 Nimbus in ancient art, xi. 489 ; xii. 110, 178 Nine Maidens and other stone circles, ii. 128,

235, 396, 453

Nine men's morris, rules of the game, vi. 128, 177, 214 ; vii. 512