Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/206

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Quotations wanted, v. 408. Railway travelling reminiscences, xi. 486. Rebecca of ' Ivanhoe,' ii. 94. Registration Act, 28 July, 1812, vii. 186. Riming deeds, vi. 466. Robinson and Crusoe, iv. 357. ' Rock of Ages ' : Glad- stone's Latin version, vii. 458. Roman Catho- lic priests buried in London, vi. 237. Roman theatre at Verulam, iii. 55. Rood-lofts, viii. 55. Ropes used at executions, v. 457. Royal arms in churches, v. 230. Royal Oak Day, iv. 30. Ruckholt House, xi. 92. Rules of Chris- tian life, ii. 335. Rushbearing, iv. 216. St. Edith, vi. 71. St. Sidwell, xi. 377. School for the Indigent Blind, vfii. 37. Scott (John), his epitaph, i. 69. Screaming skull, iv. 331. Scribblers, irresponsible, ii. 86. Shacklewell, iii. 414. Shakespeare's pall-bearers, iii. 275. Shanks's mare, i. 415. Shipton (Mother), ii. 17. " Shot at the rook," &c., xii. 218. Signs of old London, xi. 102. Slates in school, iii. 14. Slink : slinking, viii. 418. Song wanted, iii. 212. Southcott (Joanna), i. 301. Spanish lady's love for an Englishman, iv. 153. Spellicans, ix. 16. Spinola's whale, v. 394. Split infinitive, iii. 52. Statues and memorials in British Isles, x. 387 ; xi. 441 ; xii. 181, 277, 401. Statues of the Georges, vii. 155. " Stick to your tut," xi. 417. ' Streets of London,' iii. 476. Suffolk (Henry Grey, Duke of), his head, i. 47. Sun and spirituality, vi. 29. Swank, ix. 514. Swedenborg's memorial tablet, ix. 468. Tadpole, vi. 77. Tenth sheaf, ii. 454. " Tertias of foot," iv. 12. Toothache, x. 416. Tracts, c. 1760 : ' Agnes Beaumont's Story,' viii. 490. Trigs, viii. 449. Tussaud's waxworks at Camber well, vi. 497. Vaccina- tion and inoculation, ii. 132. Vamphorn, v. 154. Vanishing London : Paradise Row, Chelsea, v. 272. Vaughan (Dean), his pupils, vii. 197. ' Veni, Creator,' iv. 137. " Vine ' Tavern, Mile End, ii. 218. Wakefield apparition, vi. 156. Walker (John), inventor of lucifer match, xii. 56. Washington (George), his arms, ii. 417. " Wax and curnels," vii. 338. Wesley family, ii. 427. Westminster Abbey : western towers, xii. 217. Westminster Hall flooded, ii. 126. Whately (Archbishop) and religious persecution, xi. 467. Windows from church at Trier, xii. 198. Wine used at Holy Communion, ix. 213. Worksop epitaphs, xi. 396. Yorkshire dialect, iv. 170 Page (Richard) = Daniel Hardcastle, c. 1819, ix.


Page (William), his ' Golden Lyre,' 1856, xii. 473 Page family and their Middlesex estates, vii. 322,

410, 428

Pageants, historical, in towns, viii. 327 Pages of the Bedchamber and Backstairs, their

offices, i. 107, 173, 198 Paget (N.) on arms, 1653, viii. 250 Pagination introduced into the text, viii. 386 Pail : bucket, uses of the words, vi. 408, 474 Paine (T.), his remains, xii. 44, 118, 197 ; and

Declaration of Independence, 441 Painted and popped, meaning of the term, i. 407,


Painter, French miniature, i. 86, 137, 171. 211, 237 Painters on glass, ii. 67

Painting, Persian, i. 29 ; oil, c. 1626, 29 ; c. 1660, v. 129 ; poonah, vii. 107, 152, 195, 232 ; c Into Thy hands, O Lord,' by B. Riviere, viii. 330, 396 Painting of a wooden loom, dated 1589, iii. 308 Painting on glass, old receipt for, ii. 284

' Paisley Annual Miscellany,' 1612, ii. 8 Pala3ologus, descendants in the West Indies, vii.

209, 254, 336, 416 ; viii. 334 Palates, dish of, use of the word, viii. 29, 197 ' Palatine Note-Book,' last issue, i. 169, 296 Pale Ale, nickname for Englishmen, v. 447 Pale maille or pall mall, obsolete English game,.

vii. 402 ; ix. 250, 310 Palestine, its soil placed in Jewish coffins, iv. 113 j.

coffee-drinking in, xi. 90, 236, 358 Palgrave (F. T.), new edition of ' Golden Treasury/

viii. 147, 236, 351, 393, 454 Palimpsest brass inscriptions, vii. 27, 78 Palindrome : Sator arepo tenet opera rotas, iiu

249, 310, 375 ; iv. 35, 175 ; xii. 460. Pall Mall, No. 93, its history, x. 425 ; xi. 16, 392 Pall mall, the game, vii. 402 ; ix. 250, 310 Pall Mall on Marble Arch, ii. 226 Palladium, proposed variety theatre, xii. 47, 116,

218 Pallat, word used by Sir John Suckling, vii. 247 1


Pallet on Legenvre, iii. 309 Palm, the, Milton on, xii. 67 Palm Sunday, and hill-climbing, vi. 70, 115 ;

" kats and kittlings " on, xi. 326, 457 Palm Sunday observances, iii. 304 ; ix. 281, 374,.

412, 451

Palmer (A. Smythe) on aspirine, its derivation, xi. 290. Boast, iii. 485. Breese in ' Hudibras,' vii. 446 ; viii. 77. Devachan, viii. 28. Dog- names, ii. 470. Doubtful pronunciations, v. 147. Egoteles, v. 488. Eie sores, viii. 109. Motte : mot, x. 265. Pot-waller : pot- walloper, viii. 298. Realm : its pronunciation, xi. 107. Rebound, verb, v. 345. Steelyard, vi. 453. Turntable in Llaneilian Church, vi. 249. Wheatear, the, xii. 432 Palmer (E.) on Sir Edward Dyer, ii. 33. " Speak

with the tongue in the cheek," ii. 148 Palmer (F.) on Wareham, Dorset, viii. 209 Palmer (F. B.) on Gaspar Boninus, vi. 9 Palmer (Henry ) = Elizabeth Borrett, iv. 288 Palmer (J. Foster) on authors of quotations, xi. 14. Barry (Dr. James), iii. 313. Bells rung back- wards, ix. 418. Bible, old, ii. 152. Bruges : its pronunciation, x. 408 ; xi. 74 ; xii. 214. Byron's birthplace, xi. 89. Clergyman with battledore, ix. 53. Comether, xi. 513. Cowper misprint, xii. 77. Cromwell (Major Richard), v. 113. Cromwell (Col.), Royalist, viii. 115. Cross sign : hot cross buns, ix. 436. Detec- tives in fiction, iv. 456. Dickens : Shake- speare : woodbine, xii. 333. Dickens and Scott, vi. 390. Doubtful pronunciations, v. 193. Duelling in Germany, iv. 455. Easter- bibliography, ix. 397. Eighteenth-century queries, viii. 436. " Famous ' Chelsea, iv. 434. G, hard or soft, vi. 236. Gatton inscrip- tion, vi. 172. H, its use or omission, iii. 156 ; in Shropshire and Worcestershire, viii. 77. Hair becoming suddenly white, x. 34. Idle = mischievous, x. 12. Index saying, xi. 76. Jews in fiction, xi. 394. Lamb (Charles), vii. 213. Leech (John), iv. 107. Magna Charta barons, xii. 236. Matches in Congreve, vii. 351. Medical coroner, vi. 13. Missing link, ii. 317. Moon superstitions, xii. 518. ' Mother of dead dogs," vi. 95. N pronounced as w<7, i. 356. Ou, its pronunciation, ix. 294. Paste, i. 510. Philippina : philopoena, iii. 471. Pig : swine : hog, iv. 449. Plum : Jack Homer, vi. 171. Plump in voting, vi. 212. ' Pop goes the-