Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/207

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weasel," iii. 491. Public speaking in Shake- speare's day, ix. 38. Queen's surname, iii. 114, 351. " Quid est fides ? ' xi. 297. Racial problem in Europe, viii. 275 ; ix. 332. Scott's ' Quentin Durward,' viii. 53. Shakes- peariana, iv. 443 ; x. 166, 345. Short (Tommy) on Aristotle, xii. 392. Signatures, doctrine of, xi. 496. Smoking and blind men, ix. o55. Superman, v. 173. Sword of Bruce, viii. 334. Tideswell and Tideslow, ii. 152. Touching wood, vi. 230. Trafalgar, iv. 431. ' Twelfth Night,' Act II. sc. iv., vi. 325. Umbrella, viii. 94. Unthank, place-name, x. 15. Vaccination and inoculation, ii. 513

Palmerston (Lord) and the poacher, 1820, vi. 141 Paltock (Robert), his ' Peter Wilkins,' xii. 286 Pamela : Pamela, pronunciation of the name,

i. 52, 135, 433, 495 ; ii. 50, 89, 196 ; vii. 265 Pamlico or Pamplico Indians, iii. 254 Pan-Germanic Press, xi. 447 ; xii. 55 Pancake bell in Newcastle, Shrove Tuesday

custom, vii. 166 Pancake Day celebrations in Midland villages, iii.

225, 331

Pancakes in the fowl-pen, v. 229 Panel inscription, viii. 29, 113 Panignana (Count A. de), his MSS., iii. 8, 94 Pannage, explanation of the term, i. 126, 232 Pannell (C.) on broom squires, ii. 145 Pannell family, i. 172, 256 Pannier, pronunciation of the word, vi. 157 Pannier market at Launceston, v. 426 ; yi. 157 Pannonius (Janus), 1434-72, epigram by, ix. 324 Panopticon mentioned by Lamb, iv. 127, 215, 297 Panoramas, in London, ii. 485, 529 ; Nelson, iv.


Pantaloons v. trousers, vii. 207, 271 ; viii. 314 Pantomimes by T. C. Croker, iii. 269 Panton (J. E.) on Panton family, vi. 212 Panton family, vi. 146, 212

Panton Professorship and will case, viii. 231, 338 Paolo and Francesca, Dante on, vii. 229 Papal elections, veto at, i. 94 Papal styles : ' Pater Patrum," vii. 368, 450 Papaloi, hybrid word, x. 325 Papaw and maturing meat, xii. 138 Paper, etymology of the word, iv. 164 Paper-making inventions, v. 208 Papers, use of the word, i. 18, 53, 111, 172 ; ii. 532 Papyrus and parchment, vii. 48 Papyruseum exhibition, 1818, and Mrs. Aberdein,

ix. 30

Paques (M.), hairdresser, his clientele, i. 165 Parade-rest, military posture, i. 345 Paradigma, use of the word, x. 427 Paradise, Heaven, and Hell as place-names, i.

245, 332 ; ii. 354, 533

Paradise Row, Chelsea, its interesting associa- tions, v. 165, 272

Paragraph mark, its origin, ii. 301, 449, 496 Parallel passages : Marlowe and Shakespeare, i. 1, 75 ; Tasso and Milton, 202 ; Gray and Collins, 456 ; Pope, Gray, Collins, and Camp- bell, ii. 526 ; Woman, Heaven's second thought, iii. 67 ; Byron and Moore, 406 ; Burns and Young, 466 ; Beckford and Rabelais, iv. 264 Paramor family of Kent, xii. 329, 397 Paramoudra, etymology of the word, vii. 209 Parapet, street footway, use of the word, x. 366 Paraphernalia, use of the word, ii. 46 Paratout, use and meaning of the word, vii. 206 Paravicini (George) of Nottingham, c. 1724, ix. 109

Parcel Post in 1790, x. 450 ; xi. 17

Parchment and papyrus, vii. 48

Pardoe (Avern) on American Loyalists, i. 390. American genealogies, xi. 175. ' Canadian Girl, The,' vi. 448. Canadian natural dyes, x. 495. Cox's ' History of Warwickshire,' v. 327. Crawford (Miss), Canadian poet, xii. 417. Dumping, v. 232. Eighteenth-century queries, ix. 155. Forests set on fire by lightning, iv. 153. Irish folk-lore, iii. 313. Raleigh, its pronunciation, i. 90. Saskatoon, xi. 353

" Pardoning out," Midland custom 011 Shrove Tuesday, iii. 226

Pardons granted by kings, ii. 21

Parham (Arthur Groom), Magdalen chorister, his recollections, vii. 383, 477

Paris, history of the British Embassy in, i. 68 ; old, its topography, iv. 309, 374 ; its prisons at the Revolution, 349, 394 ; Tuileries garden in 1796, v. 429, 493 ; Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew in, vii. 389

Paris Garden, history of the manor, viii. 346

Parish (Rev. William Douglas), his death, ii. 279

Parish, country, population of, iv. 428, 495

Parish armour, sixteenth century, xii. 422

Parish beadle, his function and status, xi. 130, 338

Parish bull and boar in sixteenth century, vii. 126

Parish clerk, the office, iii. 17

Parish clerks, stories concerning, ii. 128, 215, 373 ; men of family as, viii. 448, 516 ; their duties and status, ix. 35, 271, 334

Parish Clerks' Hall, iii. 87, 171, 294

Parish constables, their duties, ii. 336, 371, 431 ; iii. 37 ; v. 240, 427

Parish dinners, sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies, ix. 306 ; x. 57

Parish document, curious, vii. 248

Parish documents, their preservation, ii. 267, 330, 414, 476, 512, 535 ; iii. 36

Parish officers, ii. 247, 335, 371, 431

Parish records, neglected, iv. 186, 255 ; missing, City, viii. 48 ; eighteenth-century, ix. 426

Parish registers. See Registers.

Parishes, small, iii. 128, 193, 274, 317, 331, 374

Parisot (Madame), ballet-dancer, her portrait, iii. 208

Park (Lassell), clockmaker, ix. 409, 494

Parker (Archbishop), his consecration and " suffra- gan ' bishops, iv. 430 ; and the Lambeth Register, xii. 62, 112, 172

Parker (Eric), on semaphore signalling, xi. 211

Parker (E. J.) on Felix Bryan Macdonough, iii. 98

Parker (E. M. S.) on Paston family, ix. 49. Rogers (Capt. Woodes), ix. 456

Parker (N. L.) on St. Barbara's feather, x. 308

Parker (P. L.) on ' Public Opinion,' xii. 188

Parker (R.) on " Ship " Hotel, Greenwich, i. 111. Sun and its orbit, 329

Parker family, iii. 470 ; iv. 15, 94

Parkgate Theatre, its locality, iii. 289, 355, 397, 457

Parkins (Dr. John), of Little Gonerby, Lincoln- shire, i. 15, 51

Parkins (Joseph Wilfred), Sheriff of London, iii. 108, 157, 213

Parkins or Perkins (Sir Christopher), his identity, i. 234

Parkinson (J.) on Achesons of Ayrshire, ix. 215. Parkinson family, ix. 68

Parkinson family, ix. 68

Parks (W. H.) on Severance as a proper name, iv. 148. Song wanted, iii. 168