Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/214

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(Warren), vi. 474. Hayes (Samuel), xi. 217. 'Henry IV.,' Part I., II. i., vii. 145. Heralds: their anointing, viii. 17. High treason and its punishment, x. 355. Hogsflesh (William), viii. 395. Holbeck, the place-name, xi. 448. Hus before the Council of Constance, xii. 28. Hydro- phobic patients smothered, i. 332. Inscriptions at San Sebastian, iii. 433. Isabelline as a colour, ii. 477. Jefferyes (Capt. J.), iv. 496. Jenkyn, Little John, &c., v. 195. Joannes v. Johannes, ii. 189, 355. Jones (Hannah Maria), x. 357. Kent (Duke of), his children, vii. 172. King of Bath, v. 75, 132. King's College, Cambridge, v. 255. Kirby Hall, Northants, vii. 275, 458. ' Kissed hands," i. 135. Langbaine (Provost Gerard), viii. 292. Langley Meynell : Sir Robert Francis, iii. 331. ' Lass of Richmond Hill,' iii. 497. Leap year, ix. 192. Lepel (Molly), her descent, iii. 254. Linwood (Miss), her gallery, vii. 393. Lion and the unicorn, x. 294. London and Birmingham Railway, viii. 357. London statues and memorials, ix. 365. Magdalen College School and ' D.N.B.,' v. 284. Masham family, v. 467. Mediaeval churchyards : gravestones, ix. 56. Men of family as parish clerks, ix. 272. Mercury in Tom Quad, Oxford, ii. 532 ; iii. 97. Military buttons : Serjeants' chevrons, i. 472. " Mr. Pilblister and Betsy his sister," iii. 16. Moke, a donkey, vii. 115. Money (Major) and his balloon, viii. 170. Mount Grace le Ebor', Monastery of, i. 255. Names terrible to children, xii. 54. Naseby Field, xi. 344. Nelsoniana, iv. 445. Nelson's signal, iv. 533. Nine men's morris, vi. 214. " Nitor in adversum," viii. 429. ' Notes and Queries ' commemora- tion, xii. 376. Officer of the Pipe, x. 297. Oxford Commemoration in 1759, x. 6. Oxford degree ceremony, vi. 247. Oxford Divinity examination, viii. 54. ' Oxford Sausage,' ii. 227. Oxford University Volunteers, v. 156. Pacolet, its meaning, vii. 355. Pamela, i. 52. Parkgate Theatre, iii. 397. ' Passionate Pil- grim ' : " lapp'd in lead," xii. 437. Peacock as Christmas symbol, v. 177. Peak and pike, ii. 110, 172. ' Penrose's Journal ' : turtle riding, vii. 216. Percy (Thomas), Bishop of Dromore, xii. 286. Periodicals for women, i. 397. Piccaninny, iv. 255. Pie : tart, viii. 195. Pillion : flails, iii. 434 ; vii. 497. Pimlico : Eyebright, xi. 314. Pins substituted for thorns, xii. 158. Pitt Club, ii. 211. Pledge in a bumper, vi. 132. Plum : Jack Homer, vi. 211. Plum : raisin, vi. 112. " Poor dog Tray " : 4 Old Dog Tray,' vii. 137. Popjoy, a verb, vii. 136. Portman family, v. 198. Proverbs in the Waverley Novels, i. 455 ; ii. 37. Punch, the beverage, iv. 531 ; v. 37. Quotations wanted, iv. 68, 168, 294 ; vi.""489. Rebus in churches, v. 356. Reeve (Clara), viii. 294. Robertson (Struan), xi. 517. Robin a Bobbin, i. 218. Ropes used at executions, v. 418. Rush- bearing., iv. 216. Rushlights, x. 276. Rut- land (Duke of), vi. 145. St. John Baptist's Eve, x. 52. St. Paul's Cathedral and Edward Strong, v. 272 ; xii. 365. St. Peter-le-Poer Church, viii. 25. St. Sepulchre, iii. 295. Salford : Saltersford : Saltersgate, x. 274, 438. Sancroft (Archbishop), his grave, vi. 307. Sargent (Henry Martyn), ix. 311. Satan's autograph, iii. 415 ; iv. 133. Saxton family, of Saxton, co. York, iii. 334. Scott illustra- tors, vii. 131. Scottish law case : Sir Coolie

Codiddle, xi. 69. Screaming skull, iv. 252. ' See how the grand old forest dies," ii. 487. Seringapatam, vii. 317. Sex before birth, ii. 235, 313. Shakespeare's grave, i. 416. ' Ship" Hotel, Greenwich, i. 375. Short (Tommy) on Aristotle, xii. 70. Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," viii. 96. " Silly Billy," i. 233. Snakes in South Africa, vi. 11. Southey (Robert), xii. 293. Statues in the British Isles, xii. 52, 114. Stephens (William), President of Georgia, i. 334. Stoke, battle of, ix. 485. " Te Igitur," xii. 66. Tennysoniana : Cleopatra, ix. 194. " Tertias of foot," iv. 12. Thackeray and Catherine Hayes, i. 205. Thackeray anecdote, xi. 86. " Then with Rodney we will go," vii. 295. Thirkell family, vii. 252. Thumb (Tom), his first appearance in London, v. 454 ; vi. 13. Toad's immurement, vii. 185. Toothache, x. 216. Tottenham Churchyard, Middlesex, viii. 356, 437. Tower of London, v. 114. Trevor (John), Lord, v. 508. Tugs, W T ykehamical notion, i. 353. Tyburn, xi. 32, 133. Under- taker, iii. 273. Up : its barbarous misuse, vi. 174. Vadstena Church, Norway, iii. 246. " Verify your references," vi. 174. Vernon (Dorothy), legend, vi. 432 ; vii. 53. Victorian

songs, early, xi. 237. Ward (Rev. T. Watson), xii. 278. Wave, tenth, xi. 58. Westminster School boarding houses, ii. 333. Westmore- land (Earl of) at Oxford, viii. 128. West's picture of death of Wolfe, v. 518. Whitchurch, Middlesex, v. 249, 394. Wilbraham and Tabra- ham, proper names, xi. 173. Wilkes's ' Essay on Woman,' x. 33. William III. at the Boyne, ii. 370, 416. Williams (Samuel), v. 417. Witham, ii. 474. Wound : its pronunciation, viii. 74. Yates family, vi. 374. Yelvertons of Easton Maudit, xii. 45. York's " oldest inhabitants," vii. 245

Pickshaft or pikeshaft, standard of length, xi. 309

Pickthall surname, its origin, x. 249, 295

Pickwick, c. 1280, iii. 447

Pic-nic, a kind of carriage, v. 170, 235

Picton (General Sir Thomas), his biography, xi. 490 ; his two funerals, xii. 138

Pictorial blinds, vii. 429, 493

Picture exhibitions, catalogue of, ix. 508

Picture postcard, its origin, vi. 266

Pictures, in Lvons Museum, iii. 7 ; iv. 9, 57, 91 ; of cricket, 9, 95, 132, 215, 238, 496 ; of Old and New Testament subjects, 57 ; of Church history, 107 ; as signs, 169, 218 ; of scenes in ' Julius Caesar ' and ' Romeo and Juliet,' 169, 234 ; of a lady and her son, 1594, vi. 130 ; in Teddington Library from Elmfield House, vii. 88, 136, 194 ; pricking for, viii. 460 ; use of the word in the Bible, xi. 46

Piddle as a land measure, x. 326, 373

Piddock=pudworm, xi. 50

Pidgin or pigeon English, the appellation, v. 46, 90, 116, 174, 454 ; vi. 38

Pie and tart, use of the words, viii. 109, 134, 157, 178, 195, 431, 494

Piece-broker explained, iv. 367, 391, 412 ; v. 213

Pied Piper, Richard Baxter on, viii. 6, 117 ; in Ispahan, ix. 348 ; x. 57

Piedmont, persecution of the Protestants in, 1665, viii. 22

Pier, earliest use of the word, iv. 387, 451, 491 ; v. 418

Pierce (Sir Edmund), Doctor of Laws, ix. 12