Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/215

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Pierpoint (R. ) on 'Abbey of Kilkhampton,' xii. 451. Accession and Coronation Coins, x. 230. Adespota, vii. 215. American Civil War verses, iv. 296. " An old woman went to market," iiL 271. ' Antiquities of St. Peter's, ix. 250. Arab sheikh Nefzaoni, xii. 118. Archer of Umberslade, v. 195. Author used for editor, viii. 432. Authors and their first books, iii. 297. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 74. Bacteria : early notice, v. 115. Baffo's poems, viii. 175 ; ix. 258. Bandy Leg Walk, xi. 35. Bank-note sandwich, xi. 514. " Bawms March," vii. 516. Bayharn Abbey, v. 31. 11 Bear Bible," Spanish, iv. 189. " Beat on, proud billows," xi. 288. Beezely, its locality, xi. 475 ; xii. 92. Bell-horses, xi. 295. Bells rung backwards, x. 335. Benedictine, xi. 57. BeulahSpa, Upper Norwood, ix. 313. Bewdley, a hundred years ago, vi. 436. Bible : " knave of Jesus Christ," xii. 128. Bibliographical notes on Dickens and Thackeray, iii. 337. Bigg, the Dinton hermit, iii. 435. " Black Horse " Inn, vii. 475. Blank leaves in books : Bibliopegus, viii. 405. Blood used in building, Bonaparte and England, iii. 408. Book-stealing : degrees of blackness, viii. 475. Bowes Castle, Yorkshire, v. 176. Brelan, v. 177. Britisher, the term, vii. 243. Brougham Castle, iv. 293. Buchanan (George), iv. 234. Bumble-puppy and " Doves" Tavern, viii. 293. Busy = intricate, xii. 467. Byron (Lord) and Capt. Crawley, xii. 218. Cabriolet: cab: Mr. Pickwick, xii. 385. Camelford (Lord), his duel, v. 437. Canbury House, Middlesex, vi. 95. Canning on " Toby Philpot," xii. 471. ' Cantus Hibernici, vii. 73, 257. Casanova in England, viii. 491. Casanova (Francesco), the painter, xii. 4. " Chaperoned by her father," i. 110. Charlemagne's Roman ancestors, iv. 116. Charles I. : his physical characteristics, vii. 252. Chasuble at Warrington Church, ii. 128. Cheese for ladies, xi. 292. Cheshire words, iv. 414. Christie (J. H.), iv. 252. ! Christina, Queen of Sweden, v. 489. Churches, j their dedications, ix. 332. Classics : English j translations, vi. 514. Coffins and shrouds, viii. 254. Colet on peace and war, v. 153. Cope of Bramshill, iv. 97. Cremation in 1769 : Honoretta Pratt, ix. 195. Cricket : pictures and engravings, v. 54 ; vi. 78, 92. Davies Sir George), iv. 36. Dettingen trophies, ill. 68. Dickens or Wilkie Collins ? iv. 255. Dickens quotation, xi. 249. Dickensian j

London, iii. 453. Direction post v. signpost, 34. Dobb Park Castle, ix. 176. Dog and Pot," xii. 414. Dog-names, ii. 33, 469. Dog's nose, v. 516. Doubtful pronunciations, v. 233. Dowb, viii. 218. Drake (Sir Francis) and Chigwell Row, iv. 6. Drinking tobacco, xii. 454. Duel, last, with swords in England, xii. 290. Duelling in England, iii. 475 ; iv. 333. " Dust builds on dust," viii. 385. Dyche (Thomas), school- master, vii. 307 ; ix. 65. Edgar (King), his blazon, i. 76. Egerton-Warburton, i. 169. Eleventh Commandment, viii. 418. Ely House, or Albemarle House, vii. 312. English, foreign, i. 224. English burial-ground at Lisbon, iii. 135. English clothing terms, xii. 474. English officials under foreign Governments, iii. 415. English Opera-House, viii. 228. Epicurus in art, xii. 434. Epitaph at Doncaster, i. 196. Epitaphs : their bibliography, ii. 57, 533.

Eshin' : beltin' == caning, vi. 214. Eton: Barnard, Head Master, xii. 26. Eton College names, xi. 350. Eton School Lists, iv. 356. Eton swishing, vi. 35. ' Facts are stub- born things," xi. 367. Farnese arms, xii. 155. " Fay ce que vouldras," ii. 186. Fecamp Abbey : Brede Manor, xi. 377. Fermor, iv. 393. " Fide, sed, cui vide," i. 255 ; ix. 70.

' First catch your hare," i. 254. Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland, viii. 352. Flaying alive, i. 73. ; ii. 14. Fleet Street, No. 53, iv. 314. Four Corners, vi. 156, 235. French proverbial phrases, v. 243. George III.'s birthday, iv. 173. Gibbon, ch. Ivi. note, iv. 81,272; vi. 93. " Go to pot," vii. 106. Gosling family, viii. 412. Gout (Ralph), watchmaker, v. 335. " Governor of the English Nation," xii. 13. Gray's ' Elegy ' in Latin, ii. 175. Groom's Coffee-House, xii. 57. Gulix holland, xii. 12. " Gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed seepe cadendo," iii. 47. Habitual criminals, v. 216. Hartwell, xii. 395. " Hen and Chickens" sign, xii. 215. Hereditary Herb-strewer, xii. 354. Hesse-Danish alliance, xi. 253. "High life " in modern Greek, xi. 305. High treason and its punishment, x. 354. Hoppner and Sir T. Frankland's daughters, xii. 337. Hors d'ceuvre, xi. 337. Horse Hill, xi. 155. Horse- shoe superstition : Holly Lodge, ix. 154. Hose on the head, vi. 169. Houses of the nobility c. 1680, xii. 143. Howitt (S.)> painter, ii. 49. Hudson (Jeffrey), the Dwarf, xi. 194. Humphries (Richard), the prizefighter, vii. 13. Imperial phrases, vii. 417. Initial letters instead of words, ix. 126. Inscriptions : in Cyprus, vi. 302 ; at Angora, 366. Isaacson (James), M.P., xii. 94. Italian genealogy, xi. 14. ' Jack Tench,' by Blowhard, viii. 170. James II., inscription on his statue, iii. 15. Joannes v. Johannes, ii. 477. Johnson (Dr.) : Flora Macdonald, x. 147. Johnson's uncle hanged, xii. 135. Juan Fernandez : an early Crusoe, xii. 285. Keelhaul : cobkey : morry- oune, viii. 216. Kelsall (John), Mayor of Chester, xii. 157. ' King Nutcracker,' v. 11.

' Kingsley's Stand," vii. 294. Kipling (Rud- yard) on Shakespeare, x. 348 ; parodies of, xii. 297. Kirby (Richard), architect, v. 295. Kniaz, iv. 152, 334. Knight (Joseph) on the Laureateship, viii. 267. Kynan, v. 215. Laconic letters, v. 234. ' Lang o' Lea,' Irish song, ix. 257. Latin lines on Buxton, viii. 332. Lawyers' wills, viii. 16. Leech-gathering, ix. 291. Lettsom (Dr.), v. 210. Lightfoot (Han- nah), portrait, vii. 350. Linwood (Miss), her gallery, vii. 281. London cries, vi. 249. London remains, viii. 338. London season, i. 446. Looping the loop, iv. 65 ; vi. 113. Lord Mayor's Show : change in date, xii. 306, 473. Louis XVIII. 's Queen and Westminster Abbey, xii. 193. Lundy Island, iv. 16. Luther's Commentary on the Galatians, iv. 156. Maistre (Xavier de), his allusions, vi. 55. " Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre," ix. 158. Maltese Beef- eaters, xii. 148. Mantegna's house, v. 115, 233. Maps, x. 77. March Malen : Andrasta, xii. 489. Margaret of Richmond, xi. 463. Maria (Donna) of Spain, xii. 152. Marly horses, vii. 352. Marriage relationships, xii. 268. Marsh (Mrs.), authoress, viii. 149, 253. Mart for market, xii. 326. Marylebone, xi. 416. Matches in Congreye, vii. 351. Mechanical road carriages, xii. 96. Mediterranean :'| use of the