Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/216

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name, x. 351, 456. ' Miching xnallicho," ii. 344. Midday at Bale : Bale madness, x. 310. Mince pie and plum pudding, ix. 117. Mite, a coin, viii. 454. Moke, a donkey, vii. 257, 473. Monoux (Sir George), yiii. 434. " Mony a pickle makes a mickle," ix. 338. Moon, new : fortunate or unfortunate, v. 185. Moon and hair-cutting, iv. 234. " Mors janua vitae," viii. 456. ' Mors mortis morti," &c., ix. 208. Mottram Hall, vi. 216. Moxhay (Mr.), Leicester Square showman, iv. 35. " Naked came I out of my mother's womb," xii. 265. Napoleon's carriage, vii. 313, 434 ; viii. 373. ' Neither my eye nor my elbow," viii. 254. " Nitor in adversum," ix. 356. " Non sentis, inquit, te ultra malleum loqui ? ' vii. 249. " Old ewe dressed lamb fashion," xii. 478. " Old Highlander," vii. 92. Oldmixon, vi. 416. Order of the Royal Oak, vi. 196. Orthopaedic Hospital, x. 449. Oxford Chancellorship elec- tion, vii. 326. Palates, its meaning, viii. 197. Pamela, i. 135 ; ii. 196. Pantaloons v. trousers, viii. 314. Parapet, a street footway, x. 366. Parliamentary whips, v. 16. Party colours, v. 396. ' Passionate Pilgrim,' xii. 437. Paste, ii. 72. Peacock's ' Sir Horn- book,' xii. 226. Peel (Sir R.), his franked letters, v. 216. Picton (General), xii. 138. Pie : tart, viii. 431. " Pierre qui rage," xi. 309. Pierrepoint's Refuge, St. James's Street, xi. 27. Place, v. 475. " Poeta nascitur non fit," iii. 433. Pogrom, v. 149. Polhill family : Cromwell descent, xi. 314. Polish royal genealogy, iv. 196. Pony = crib, vi. 37. " Poor dog Tray " : ' Old Bog Tray,' vii. 137. Porta del Popolo, Rome, ix. 329. Post boxes, vii. 173. Postage stamps, old, vi. 487. Premier Grenadier of France, i. 470 ; ii. 52. Prior (George), watchmaker, xi. 135. Protestant cemeteries at Naples, xi. 343. Pseudonyms, iii. 287. " Quern Deus vult perdere prius dementat," xii. 265. Quotations wanted, iv. 208 ; v. 212. Rag, ragging : brimer, brimade, v. 507. Reade (C.), his Greek quotation, vii. 110. Revenue, its pronunciation, v. 494. Richard II. : his arms, vii. 337. Roman inscription concerning Corbridge, ix. 311. " Rub ' at cards, xi. 66. Ruckolt House, xi. 47. Rump of a goose and drinking bouts, vii. 190 ; viii. 493. Rushlights, xii. 254. Russian and Japanese communications, iii. 417. ' Sailor's Consolation,' xii. 196, 517. St. Andrew's, Antwerp, vi. 52. St. George's Chapel Yard, Oxford Road, vii. 135. St. Peter's at Rome, xii. 34. Scott (Rev. Dr. F. G. ), vii. 386. Selling oneself to the Devil, v. 157. Servius Sulpicius and Bret Harte, viii. 357. ' Seynt-pro-seynt," a wine, xii. 158. Shake- speariana, iii. 184. " Sham Abraham," viii. 294 ; ix. 37. Short (Tommy) on Aristotle, xii. 392. "Sinews of war," x. 297; xi. 358. Smith in Latin, vi. 237. Smoking and blind men, ix. 309. Sobieski family, ix. 235. South- cott (Joanna), her celestial passports, xi. 353 ; and the black pig, 354. Sovereigns and half- sovereigns, viii. 251 ; ix. 17. Spanish Walk Exchange, xii. 356. " Spartam nactus es, hanc exorna," ix. 268. Storm ship, xii. 113. Stretton (Mrs. Julia), ix. 111. Swinburne on Irish Nationalists, xii. 412. Tacitus trans- lated by Greenwey and Savile, iii. 488. Tad- pole, vi. 157. ' Terze Rime di Dante,' Aldus, 1502, ix. 11. " The ' prefixed to place-

names, xii. 273. Thistolow, vi. 469. Throg- morton, vi. 258. Thune : CEil-de-boeuf, French slang, vii. 50. " Till the cows come home," viii. 507. " Tire le rideau, la farce est jouee," vii. 266. Toole (J. L.), vii. 118. ' To Peipon," xi. 328. Touching wood, vi. 230. Travelling in England, 1600-1700, v. 492. Trial of Queen Caroline, ii. 16. ; Trowzers," vi. 86, 157, 255. Tuesday Night's Club : Mrs. Cornelys, xi. 251, 330. "Under the flypaper," vi. 447. Usher of the Green Rod, xii. 208. Vendium, v. 271. " Verify your references," vi. 154. Vicomte Vilain XIIII., xii. 452. ' Villikins and his Dinah,' iv. 318. " Vin gris," ix. 134. Wake- field apparition, vi. 235. Walker (Sarah), " Old Campaigner " : " Marquis of Granby ' public-house, vii. 464. Warrington epitaphs, x. 502. " Was you ? " and " You was," i. 509. Watches and clocks with words, vi. 36. Water- suchy, ix. 193. Weltje's or W T eltjie's Club, xii. 167. Westmorland (Earl of), elopement with Miss Child, xi. 471, 517. Wet rents, vi. 426. Wise (H. C.), x. 54. Y symbol for Th, xi. 266

Pierquin (C. C.), b. 1798, date of his death, yiii. 108

Pierrepoint's Refuge, St. James's Street, xi. 27, 74

Pierrepont monuments, ii. 149, 295, 350. See Holme.

1 Piers the Plowman,' title of the poem, vi. 46

Pierson arms, ix. 407

Pig, use of the word, iv. 407, 449, 510, 536 ; v. 73

Pig, black, and Joanna Southcott, x. 509

Pig and Kill-pig : American colonies and England, i. 105

Pig grass, field weed, use of the name, xii. 49, 92

Pig hanging a man, story of, iii. 50

Pigeon English at home, i. 506 ; ii. 77

Pigeon or pidgin English, the appellation, v. 46, 96, 116, 174, 454; vi. 38

Pigeons, as omens of death, iv. 515 ; Matthew Arnold on, x. 149, 198 ; and dying people, xii. 287, 513

Pigeons, carrier, discontinued by Admiralty, ix. 485

Pightle : pikle, the word, v. 26, 93, 134, 174, 317, 376, 470 ; vi. 37

Pigmies and the cranes, Pompeian fresco, iv. 266, 356, 417

Pigott (Sir Arthur Leary), his biography, x. 426, 513; xi. 192

Pigott (Charles), author of ' The Jockey Club,' xii. 90, 135, 174, 255, 412

Pigott (Lieut. John ) = Elizabeth Jefferson, 1760, v. 308

Pigott (Thomas), of Dublin, his parentage, i. 489 ; ii. 113, 176, 257

Pigott (W. J.) on Barringtons of Cullenagh, viii. 9. Blancher or Blancherd of Hull, xi. 69. Davies (Sir George), Bart., iii. 469. Davies of Cornwall, iv. 368. Graham and Little parentage, vii. 427. Heacock (Robert), or Hiccocks, x. 210. * Heacock and Davis families, viii. 170. Houston (Sir Patrick), xi. 70. Jackson (Sir Anthony), ii. 529. Jackson (Lodowicke), viii. 388. Jefferson of Westward, Cumberland, vii. 508. Noye (Sir William), his wife, v. 429. Pelling (Canon), xii. 367. Phelpes (Thomas), v. 469. Pigott = Jefferson, v. 308. Pigott (Thomas), i. 489 ; ii. 176. Royal American Regiment, 62nd, ix. 350. Sampson (Bishop) of Lichfield, x. 429 ; xi. 396. Strode's Regiment, vi. 70; xii. 210. Tyrrell (Christabella), i. 109. Warren (Richard), iii. 50