Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/224

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xi. 111. Camelford (Lord), his duel, v. 162, 218. " Camera Dianse," vi. 121. " Catalogue raisonn^e, une," xii. 348, 474. Cateaton Street, v. 497. Charing and Charing Cross, v. 197, 298. Charing Cross : Bayswater, v. 146. Charles I., vii. 253, 414. ' Chevy Chase,' Iv. 155. Christ's Hospital, iv. 355. Chud- leigh (Miss), viii. 4. Coffee, its etymology, xii. 156. Coffin (W. H.) in Abyssinia, xii. 230. Cbleridge bibliography, ii. 81, 245. Coliseums old and new, iii. 53, 496 ; iv. 176. Concerts of Antient Music, iy. 49. Correct, iv. 294. " Coryate's Crudities,' iv. 195. Cowhouse Manor, Middlesex, xii. 233. Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 489. Cromwell's burial-place, v. 254. ^ Crosby Hall, viii. 30, 111. Crown Street, Soho, iv. 373. Daniel's ' Civil Wars,' 1595, viii. 405. Deffand (Madame du), her letters, i. 68. Defoe's ' Colonel Jacque,' viii. 87, 411. Dekker's ' Gull's Hornbook,' iv. 227. ' D.N.B.,' ix. 516. Disraeli's Abyssinian speech, ix. 125. Dog's nose, v. 252. Dry, applied to spirituous liquors, viii. 435. Duchess Sarah, ii. 211, 257 413. Earife, co. Kent, xi. 358. Eastry, Kent, xi. 171. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii. 451. Emendations in English books, xii. 35. Ernisius : a proper name, x. 472. " Eternal feminine," i. 108, 335. Evans : Syrnonds : Hering : Garden, iv. 454. Exeter Hall, viii. 336, 371. " Famous " Chelsea, iv. 470 ; v. 33. Fielding's ' Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon.' vi. 61. Fitzgerald bibliography, ii. 141. FitzGerald's song in Tennyson's " Memoir,' ii. 285. Fleet Street, Jacobean houses in, iii. 250 ; No. 53, 493 ; changes in, v. 295. Flying Turk, xii. 236. George I. : the nightingale and death, viii. 354. German Emperor and Poets Laureate, v. 315. Gipsies : Chigunnji, ii. 230. Giraffe : camelopard, xii. 206. Goldsmith's elegy on a mad dog, vii. 297. c Goody Two-Shoes,' ii. 250. Goumiers, Morocco term, viii. 296. Gray's 'Poems,' 1768, v. 321, 406. Greyfriars burial-ground, iv. 253. H in Cockney, ii. 390. Hampstead, theatre at, x. 287. Harka, Arabic word, xii. 194. Herrick's < Hesperides,' 1648, iv. 482. Hickry pikry : Countrv Captain, vi. 352. Holborn, ii. 457 ; v. 354. Hollicke or Holleck, co. Middlesex, iii. 435 ; iv. 77. Holwell (John Zephaniah), ix. 518. Hookes's ' Amanda,' iv. 301. Hornsey Wood House : Harringay House, vii. 216, 371. Hoth = heath, xii. 284, 418. Houses of historical interest, vi. 91, 215 ; vii. 312, 472. Indian names, xi. 250. Ithamar, iv. 516. Ivy Lane, Strand, v. 136. " James " University, v. 135. Jirgah, its meaning, x. 36. Joannes v. Johannes, ii. 274. Kempe (Archbishop), iv. 434 ; v. 112. Khaki, ii. 253. " King's Head," Hampstead "Road, vi. 206. Kingsway and Aldwych, iv. 410. Kipling's ' With Scindia to Delhi,' vi. 32. Knight (J.) and the Rabelais Club, xii. 165. Lamb (Charles), iv. 445 ; v. 11. Lascar largon, xi. 93. Latin pronunciation, ix. 251. 352. Laurence the wit, xi. 309 ; xii. 290. ' Liberte", Egalite", FraterniteY' x. 406. Lin- guistic curiosity, vii. 307. ' 'Livre ' and Casanova, xii. 476. London : origin of the name. xi. 302. London cemeteries in 1860, iii. 56. London street-names, iii. 181. Long- fellow, viii. 501 ; ix. 72. Longmans : the ' Marseillaise,' xi. 51, 92. Looping the loop, v. 13. Love Lane, v. 302. ' Lyrical Ballads,' 1798, ii. 228. Macaulay on literature, xii. 171.

Macaulay and Thorns, xi. 354 ; xii. 150. Macaulay's ' New Zealander," v. 344, 474. MacDonald : MacQueen, x. 389. Martello towers, i. 285, 411 ; iii. 252. Marylebone : pre- positions in place-names, xi. 270. " Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," xii. 154. ' Medley Finale to the Great Exhibition,' v. 113, 239. ' Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne,' viii. 101, 173. Monro (Major), iv. 72. Moucharaby, viii. 431. Mussuk, ii. 329, 431. N, liquid, in English, xi. 170, 335. Names terrible to children, xi. 53. ' Napier Tavern," Holborn, xi. 515. Nash (Richard), i. 32. Neyte, Ey- bury, and Hyde, xi. 231. Norden's ' Speculum Britannise,' iv. 75, 193. North End Place, Hampstead, x. 446. ' Old Mother Hubbard,' x. 116. Olvarius's ' History,' v. 493. Palgrave's ' Golden Treasury,' viii. 393, 454. Pamela, vii. 265. Peacock (T. L.): George Meredith, xii. 132. Peccavi : I have Sindh, viii. 395. Pena (Dr.), x. 435. Penhallow (John), v. 15. Pightle : pikle, v. 174. Pimlico : Eyebright, x. 401 ; xi. 75, 195, 414. Place, v. 333. Place-names, xi. 270. Plum: Jack Homer, vi. 131, 211. ' Poems of Early Years.' v. 110. Portman estates, x. 307. Portman family, v. 351. Pour, v. 329. ' Prayer for Indifference,' ii. 335. Prebend of Cantlers, in St. Paul's Cathedral, iv. 472. ' Progress of Life,' viii. 401. Punch, the beverage, iv. 531. " Quam nihil ad genium, Papiniane, tuum ! " v. 116. Rabi'ah, son of Mukaddam, iv. 515. Raleigh's house at Brixton, x. 348. Riding the black ram, i. 36. Rime v. rhyme, vi. 233, 391. Roman inscrip- tion at Baveno, x. 107, 296. Romney (G.), his house in Cavendish Square, viii. 11. Rossetti bibliographv, ii. 464. Rotherhithe, viii. 166, 374 ; ix. 75. Sabariticke, x. 33. St. Martin Pomeroy, x. 451. St. Mary Axe : St. Michael le Querne, i. 157. St. Nicholas Shambles, iv. 348. St. Wilgefortis, v. 273. Saxon kings : living descendants, v. 252. Saxton family of Saxton, co. York, iii. 175. Seraskier: its pronunciation, xi. 197, 352. Sheridan's ' Critic,' iii. 345. Sindbad the Sailor, vi. 312. Sneezing superstition : earburn, XT. 173. Southey's ' Omniana,' 1812, ii. 305, 530. Spelling reform, ii. 450; vii. 218. Split infinitive, iii. 17, 150, 295. Stafford (Henry. Earl of), his first wife, i. 10. Steinman (G. Steinman), ii. 416. Steven- son's * New Arabian Nights,' v. 107. Stowe's ' Survey ' : Cold Harbour, ii. 341. Surrey Gardens, x. 32. Swedish royal family, iii. 456 ; iv. 196. Tennyson's house. Twickenham, ii. 324. Terry's Voyage to East India,' 1655, iv. 347. Thackeray : Roundabout Paper, xi. 210. " The "as part of title, ii. 524 ; iii. 115. Theatres, old, of London, iv. 125. Thumb (Tom), first appearance in London, v. 385 ; vi. 76. Tintagel, its pronunciation, x. 294. ' Tom Jones ' in French, xii. 407. Toothache, x. 474. Tracy (Handsome), xi. 238. Trafal- gar, iv. 534 ; v. 114. Trelawny ballad, i. 83. Tuesdav Night's Club, xi. 517. Tyburn, x. 341, 494 ; xi. 132, 216, 333. ' Ursino of Navarre,' vi. 129. Waddington as a place- name, xi. 196. Weltie's Club, xii. 293, 412. Weltje's house at Hammersmith, xii. 466. Westminster changes, 1906, vii. 232. Wilde (Oscar), ' De Profundis,' iv. 233. Wilkes's ' Essay on Woman,' x. 90. Willesden, the place-name, iii. 275. Wolston, x. 152. Wot- ton's letters, iii. 305. Y or i, ii. 316