Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/225

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Prideaux (W. R. B.) on " Bird in the breast," v. 133. Blackstone's ' Commentaries,' xii. 385. Book auctions, ix. 127. Carew (George), his books, vi. 205. Cicero's busts, iii. 205. Colville (David), Scotch scholar, iv. 149. Cranmer's library, iii. 24. Darcye (Col. C.), his regiment, ix. 178. Day (Nancy), Lady Fenhoulet, xi. 438. Dee (John), his library, i. 241. Docwra (Sir Henry), ix. 76. Dorchester : Birrell's engrav- ing, xii. 136. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii. 451. Gibbets, iv. 315. Holme Pierrepont parish library, ii. 149, 350. ' Hueste Antigua," vii. 387. Leaden figures, xii. 198. Letters of Junius, ix. 430. Lucca, plans of, iv. 457. Names terrible to children, xi. 53. Napoleon's funeral, v. 166. Pictures at Teddington, vii. 194. Salford : Saltersford, x. 297. Sarpi (Father Paul) in English literature, iii. 232 ; v. 407. Scottish form of oath, vi. 487. Shells, fossil, xi. 33. Sindbad the Sailor, vi. 312. Tasso and Milton, i. 314. Vaccination and inoculation, ii. 456. Vossius (Isaac), his library, ii. 361 ; xii. 487. Yeoman service, viii. 151

Priest (William), Birmingham attorney, and Andrew Johnson, viii. 383

Priest's bonnet, knocking off, anecdote, x. 247

Priests, Catholic, buried in London, vi. 149, 218, 237

Priests ejected in 1553, list of, i. 9

Primaudaye (De la) and Robert Greene, literary parallels, v. 203, 343, 424, 442, 463, 484, 504

Prime Minister, his official precedence, ix. 425 ; xii. 18 ; French equivalent, x. 287

Prime Ministers who do not read newspapers, iv. 146

Primero, obsolete English game, vii. 402

Primrose, its connexion with Lord Beaconsfield, x. 486 ; xi. 37

Primrose = prime, of age, use of the word, 1657, viii. 129

Primrose (Mary ) = Rev. George Monro, c. 1625, xii. 249

Primrose Hill, and Lamb and Dyer, viii. 301 ' Prince ' Boothby, his biography, vii. 405 ; viii. 14 ; ix. 187

Princely titles in Germany, vi. 150, 255, 410

Princes Street, London, 1794, " The Two Friends ' in, v. 90, 153

Princess Royal, title of her daughters, v. 190, 236 ; earliest use of the title, vii. 469 ; viii. 35

Princess's Theatre, Oxford Street, its history, iv. 50 ; vi. 364

Print : in print, applied to clothes, and other things, ix. 447 ; xi. 176

Printer, first Dublin, x. 106

Printers, King's, and printers of the Crown, xi.

Printers and booksellers. See Booksellers.

Printers' errors, iv. 93

Printers' proofs, their history, xii. 490

Printing, in the Channel Isles, i. 349, 436 ; and Jews, ii. 184 ; its introduction into Birming- ham, ix. 13 ; Watson's ' History,' xii. 428, 511

Printing, music, earliest specimen, viii. 369, 475

Printing, oil, process invented by George Baxter, i. 427, 490

Prints, Juvenile Theatre, v. 25 ; Gulston (Joseph), collection, x. 6 ; ' Sweet Nan of Hampton Green,' 49 ; Frost Fair, 1739-1740, 350, 433

Prints and engravings, book on, wanted, i. 268, 377

Prior = senior, use of the word, ix. 147

Prior (B. J.) on humorous stories, ii. 188 Prior (Francis ) = Annabella Beaumont, v. 8, 78 Prior (George), watchmaker, c. 1765-1810, xi. 28,


Prior (George), watchmaker, c. 1809-22, xi. 135 Prior (Matthew) and his Chloe, x. 7, 77, 134 Prior (W. R.) on Albert Borgard, vii. 308. Copen- hagen expedition, 1807, viii. 469. Fairfax as a dog's name, ix. 209. Haggard : Ogarde, xi. 148. Hesse-Danish alliance, xi. 252. Treaty of Tilsit, ix. 32

Prior John at Brighton, 1514, ix. 387, 477, 497 Prior to=before, i. 114, 175, 295 Priors, mitred, xi. 16, 117 Priories and abbeys confused, v. 266, 327, 378 ,

417, 457 ; vi. 73, 137, 259 Priscian : " to break Priscian's head," ix. 268, 375,


Prison, Fleet, in fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies, x. 110, 258, 478 Prison, " Joe Gurr " or " choker," slang term for,

i. 386, 457

Prison farce in Monaco, ix. 507 Prisoner suckled by his daughter, iv. 307, 353 r

432 ; v. 31, 132, 453 ; vi. 172 Prisoners, their clothes as perquisites, 1678, iii.

369, 472 ; iv. 96

Prisoner's base, obsolete English game, vii. 512 Prisoners of war in English literature, ii. 407 Prisons, chained books in, ix. 187 Prisons in Paris during the Revolution, iv. 349,


Pritchett (H. D.) on Percival Gunston, v. 469 Private : private member and private view, ix.

268, 336 ' Private History of the Court of England,' by

Mrs. S. Green, key to, iii. 321 Privateering, Scotch, 1672, ix. 30 Privateers, and " Lima " on coins of 1745, ix. 290- Privet, etymology of the word, ix. 148, 197 Privett (H.) on Casino House, Herne Hill, vi. 353 Privilege and sacrilege, use of the words, iii. 268- Privy Councillors in the time of James I., i. 131 Prize, history of the word, ix. 87, 137, 178, 233 Prize money in the eighteenth century, ix. 329 Probates, index of, iv. 188, 277 " Probleme de St. Petersbourg " and Bernoulli, vi.

428, 474

Procession door of church at Sandwich, i. 468 Processions, Rogation and other, ix. 401, 456 Proclamation at Quarter Sessions against im- morality, x. 209 Pro-Consulo on ' Me"moires de St. Petersbourg,' v.

188 Prodromus (Theodoras), John Barclay, and

Robert Burton, xi. 101 Profanity, legislation against, viii. 269 Program : programme, the spelling, ii. 450 ' Progress of Madness,' poem, its author, viii. 490 Progressive, as a party term, iii. 67 Promethean, a lighting device, x. 10, 54, 76 ' Promptorium Parvulorum,' reprint, x. 488 ; xi.


" Prone on the back," misuse of the term, vi. 305 Pronty (Rev. Dr.), celat. 103, and Bronte family,

xii. 210

Pronunciation, local, and etymology, i. 52, 91, 190, 228, 278, 292, 316, 371, 471 ; of Irish surnames, 125 ; Northern and Southern, i. 508 ; ii. 256, 317, 393, 538 ; influence of railways on, 36 ; nouns and verbs, iv. 64 ; Latin, in England, vii. 108, 170, 294 ; " wound," vii. 328, 390 ; viii. 74, 115 ; " war," vii. 514 ; of