Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/226

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foreign names, x. 190, 232, 271, 315, 338, 473 ;

of " hors d'ceuvre," 229, 255 ; as a test of

nationality, 408 ; Chinese, xi. 86, 376 Pronunciations, doubtful, v. 147, 193, 233;

vi. 138, 176, 266, 270, 311, 356 Propale, use of the word, ii. 369, 493 Proper names, -is and -es in Scottish, x. 486 Propitious, etymology of the word, v. 24 Prorogation of Parliaments, iv. 145 Prosopoyall, use of the word by Montaigne, iii.


Protection, Lord Beaconsfield on, viii. 510 Protection for burning, licence, 1592, xii. 149, 194 Protectorate, schools and schoolmasters during,

viii. 310 Protestant, for member of the Church of England,

iv. 427

Prothasey, curious Christian name, i. 171, 236 Protocol, technical use of the word, xii. 445 Protogenes, his painting of dog frothing at

mouth, vii. 373

Provand's Lordship Dinner, Glasgow, its celebra- tion, viii. 406, 497 Provencal folk-songs, Victor Hugo on, viii. 488 ;

ix. 91 Provence, Marlborough wheels in, vi. 386, 436 ;

pastoral astronomy in, vii. 104 ; Palm Sunday

in, ix. 281, 374, 451 Proverb, Scottish, ix. 35

Proverb, Spanish, on the orange, i. 206, 251 Proverb against gluttony, vi. 95 Proverbial phrases, French, i. 3, 485 ; iii. 203 ;

collected by Abb6 Tuet, vii. 49 Proverbs, in the Waverley Novels, i. 383, 402,

455 ; ii. 37 ; in the Cecil MSS., ii. 22 ; on

honey and the orange, 134 ; old, new light on,

vii. 407, 457

Proverbs and Phrases :

A d'autres, de"nicheur de merles, iv. 504

A full heart must either vent itself, x. 282

A woman, a spaniel, and a walnut tree, ix. 170,

298; x. 15, 152

Abdul the Damned, xi. 410, 456 Aching void, ii. 348 Adding insult to injury, i. 4 All history proves it, viii. 370 All right,*xii. 228, 314, 433, 497 All roads lead to Rome, i. 48, 112 All the trees of the forest, viii. 367 All the world and his wife, xi. 490 ; xii. 13,

93, 177

Alonger (allonger) le parchemin, i. 3 Among others, i. 487 ; ii. 56 Apple- John face, x. 308 Apres moi le deluge, i. 340 As deep as Garrick, viii. 251, 376 As gleg as MacKeachan's elshin, viii. 8, 114 As merry as griggs, i. 36, 94, 275 As poor as rats, vii. 469 As soon as the long nights come, x. 282 As the crow flies, i. 204, 296, 372, 432 As thick as inkle-makers, x. 186, 235 At the back of beyond, xi. 510 ; xii. 57 Back to the land, xii. 327 Balance of power, i. 507 ; ii. 8, 94 Beat sticke, ii. 426, 533 Beatific vision, ii. 7 Bee in his bonnet, ii. 520 Before one can say Jack Robinson, xi. 109,

232, 317, 357

Beggars on horseback, vi. 420 Better an old man's darling, &c., x. 310, 375

Proverbs and Phrases :

Between you and I, xii. 116

Bird in the breast, iv. 448 ; v. 133, 213

Bird in the hand or two in the wood, ii. 23

Birds of a feather flock together, ii. 8, 74

Biscuit's throw, xii. 326, 376

Blow the cobwebs away, xi. 189, 253

Bohemian village to me, ii. 86

Bombay duck, xii. 5

Bon, French proverbs containing, i. 485

Bon jour et bon an, i. 485

Born in the purple, vi. 187

Born on Holy Thursday, and idle, iii. 287

Breach of promise, x. 282, 374

Breaking the flag, vi. 69, 136, 196

Broken heart, ii. 9, 77, 132

Brown and Thompson's Penny Hotels, ii.

128, 297

Bush and grease, iv. 207 Butter out of a dog's mouth, x. 387 By hook or by crook, iii. 409 Call a spade a spade, iii. 169, 217 Carrying coals to Newcastle, vii. 105 Cast not a clout till May be out, v. 388, 433,

474, 493

C'est le chat, i. 485 C'est le cheval aux quatre pieds blancs, vii.


Character is fate, ii. 426, 494 ; iv. 405 Chinese puzzle, xi. 449 Chops of the Channel, xii. 27, 70, 117 Cock-and-bull story, iii. 268, 334 Con todo el mundo guerra, y paz con Ingla-

terra, v. 430

Conscience money, ii. 227 Conscientious objection, vii. 165 Contentement passe richesse, v. 243 Coroner's cup, ii. 128, 197, 297 Correct to a T, xii. 227, 273, 313, 376, 435 Counsel of perfection, viii. 40 Coup de Jarnac, i. 6, 75, 197 ; xii. 245 Crocodile's tears, ii. 23 Cry you mercy, I took you for a joint-stool, ii.


Crying down credit, iv. 40 Cut his stick, viii. 348 ; ix. 132 Cut the loss, iii. 69, 156 Danceing the ropes, ii. 426, 533 Dark as black pigs, xii. 268, 318 Death-hunters, ix. 87 Death -money, ix. 87

Defaulte of his compliment, ii. 426, 533 Der Hase brouet, vii. 213 Dignity of man, vi. 9, 96 Dine with Duke Humphrey, xi. 158 Dish of tea, xii. 287, 377, 436 Dish of turnips, vi. 48

Dogmatism is puppyism grown older, ii. 520 Doorshutting, viii. 127, 418 Down in the shires, viii. 329, 372, 43 Drug in the market, i. 149, 235, 316 Dum calet ferrum, cudendum est, vi. 486 Dun is in the mire, iii. 11, 57, 155 Dying beyond my means, iv. 127 Eau bnite de cour, iii. 204 ; iv. 505 Ecrivez les injures sur le sable, viii. 489 ; ix.


En avoir dans 1'aile, i. 3 Entente cordiale, viii. 168 ; ix. 194, 338, 418,

472 ; x. 37, 178 ; xii. 216 Entre tu y yo, xi. 206 ; xii. 116 Esprit de 1'escalier, vii. 189, 237, 250, 295, 393