Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/262

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Gainsborough's portraits, ix. 9. ' If I Only Knew,' xii. 18. Inferior clergy, x. 251. Jacob- sen (Sir Jacob), xii. 414. National Portrait Gallery, x. 470. People to be avoided, vii. 175. Revett of Checkers, Bucks, vii. 168. ' Saluta- tion ' Tavern, Billingsgate, ix. 33. ' What wants that knave ? " vii. 219

Schank (L. A. V.) on ' Echo's Lament of Nar- cissus,' vi. 408

Schedule, pronunciation of the word, iv. 169, 216, 275

Schelandre (Jean de), his biography, vii. 490 ; xi. 326

Scherren (H.) on Indian pudding, iv. 288

Schiller's poem ' Hope,' translated by J. C. Mangan, iii. 5 ; astrology in ' Wallensteins Tod,' xii. 428

Schlenter, a false diamond, i. 404

Schloesser (F.) on blood used in building, iii. 35. Brillat-Savarin in New York, xi. 507. Chap- zugar cheese, xi. 455. Collop Monday, &c., v. 413. Cricket, earliest mention, iv. 9. Drinking tobacco, xii. 369. Eel-pie shop, xii. 198. ' Epicure's Almanack,' v. 116. February 30, vii. 146. Hereditary Herb- strewer, xii. 289. Ikona, South African term, vi. 96. Ladies' head-dresses in theatre, v. 389. Lift, early, iv. 350. Pins substituted for thorns, xii. 238. Sjambok, its pronunciation, iv. 512. Society ladies, v. 514. Vilain XIIII. (Vicomte), xii. 409. Weltje's Club, xii. 413

Scholasticus on schoolmasters, i. 189

Schomberg (Duke of), his remains in St. Patrick's, Dublin, ii. 370 ; iii. 137 ; iv. 96

Schomberg (J.) on " Gula Augusti," v. 499. "Pancharis": "Minerva," 1735, v. 69

School, oldest public, i. 166, 215, 257, 269 ; " twopence for manners," vii. 228

School and college tokens, ix. 70, 237, 296

School call, children's, xi. 166

School company, ii. 288, 352

School for Indigent Blind, early records, vii. 427 ; viii. 150, 235, 428

School slang at Rossall, vii. 125, 193

School slates, earliest use, ii. 488 ; iii. 14, 240

Schoolmasters, biographical dictionary of, i. 189

Schools, first established, iii. 209, 251

Schools, public, and unmeaning Latin couplets, xii. 468

Schools, Yorkshire, and Charles Dickens, vi. 244, 373

Schools and schoolmasters during the Civil War and Protectorate, viii. 310, 395

Schopenhauer, his works in English, xii. 67, 115

Schroeder (\V. L.) on " In things essential, unity," vi. 388

Schroeter (H. M.) on Omar Khayyam bibliography, x. 307

Schrve-pin, meaning of the word, vii. 189, 232

Schubert, and R. L. Stevenson's 'The Vagabond,' ix. 249

Scinde. See Sindh. Scolds, ducking-chairs for, xi. 330 Scole, Norfolk, old inn at, i. 248, 313, 394, 454 ' Scomer upon the Hope," old sign, xii. 68, 118 Scone, football on Eastern's Tuesday", xi. 309 Scone or scon, etymology of the word, x. 326 Scot (Alexander) and Sir T. Wyatt, parallel

between, iv. 70, 109 Scot (W.) on ' Chovevi-Zion,' x. 407. Miller

(Hugh), of Virginia, vii. 128

Scotch, French words in, ix. 369, 450 ; x. 132, 274, 314

Scotch burial custom, iv. 10, 76

Scotch Communion tokens, earliest use, iv. 387,


Scotch Garden of Eden, vii. 162 Scotch maypoles, iv. 469 Scotch officers in the Russian Navy, i. 349, r 433,

492 ; ii. 173

Scotch tour, c. 1830, title wanted, x. 9 Scotch words, Englishmen on, i. 261, 321, 375, 456 ; ii. 75, 198 ; iii. 272. See also Scots and Scottish.

Scotland, the title " Esquire " in, ii. 109 ; history of the Great Seal, iii. 242, 312 ; Apothecaries' Hall in, 348 ; Convention of Royal Burghs, 401, 443; horse-racing in, iii. 450; Knights Templars in, iv. 10, 34, 97 ; death-birds in, v. Ill, 158, 215 ; vi. 117, 156, 173 ; seven- teenth-century funeral invitations in, v. 487 ; " Baron of Franker ' in Peerage of, vi. 268 ; officers of State in, vii. 10 ; Court of Session, its history, viii. 41 ; Rev. John Gordon and ' New Statistical Account,' 190 ; night courtship in, 188, 255 ; appointment of Lord-Lieutenants in, 330, 418 ; preaching in, old custom, ix. 485 ; oldest inhabited house in, x. 268 ; Historio- graphers Royal, xii. 106 ; insect names in, 245 Scots, Mary, Queen of, the designation, i. 36, 90 Scots Greys, and grey horses, vii. 26, 93 ; history

of the regiment, x. 347, 396, 454 Scots Guards, origin of the name, i. 30 ; colours

after Talavera, ix. 51 ' Scots Peerage,' heraldry in, i. 404. See also

Scotch and Scottish.

Scott (C.) on Carlyle and Freemasonry, xi. 370 Scott (Daniel) on Football on Shrove Tuesday, i. 230. " King of Patterdale," i. 276. Pen- rith, i. 275. Twelve surname, xii. 318 Scott (David), F.S.A., d. 1849, vii. 186 Scott (Dred) and Chief Justice Taney, vii. 425 Scott (Dr. E. J. L.) on leap year, ix. 148 Scott (Dr. F. G.), his publications, vii. 386 Scott (H. S.) on Mr. James, of Aberdeenshire, ii.


Scott (J.) and J. H. Christie, their duel, iv. 252 Scott (John), Liverpool brewer, his epitaph, i. 69 Scott (Mrs. John), grandmother of Charles Reade,

ii. 345

Scott (Major John), his three wives, iv. 190 Scott (Joseph) and Parson Ford, 1722, viii. 383 Scott (Martha ) = Thomas Hewson, vi. 292 Scott (Sir Walter), his music master, ii. 45 ; and Carey, v. 7 ; in Ireland, 7 ; use of the word " hebdomadary," 44, 91 ; and George Croal, 66 ; on the term Tekelites, 87 ; and Archibald Constable, 324 ; and Dickens coinci- dence, vi. 346, 390 ; illustrators of his works, vii. 10, 74, 130, 176 ; ix. 77, 378 ; and Bishop Hall, vii. 187 ; his edition of Shakespeare, 428 ; sale of stock and copyrights, 1851, viii. 285; and the mystery of Glamis, x. 241, 311; references to the French Gazette, 268 ; on the Scotch and the Irish, xi. 107, 157 ; his manners, xii. 346

Scott's Works:

4 Antiquary,' Breviary in,iv. 34, 75, 138 ; and ' Guy Mannering,' vi. 65, 114 ; motto in, vii. 187 ; criminal's collar in, viii. 507 ; epitaph in, xii. 69

1 Black Dwarf,' MS. of, vii. 168, 295, 515

' Bride of Lammermoor,' notes on, xi. 46, 69,. 134

c Count Robert of Paris,' viii. 289, 454