Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/263

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Scott's Works:

' English Minstrelsy,' editor of, ix. 170, 256 ' Fair Maid of Perth,' Tay and Tiber in,

ix. 464

' Fortunes of Nigel,' " viretot " in, xii. 267 ' Guy Mannering ' and ' Antiquary,' vi. 65,

114 ' Ivanhoe,' original of Rebecca in, ii. 28, 94,


' Lady of the Lake,' allusions in, ix. 8, 132 ' Lay of the Last Minstrel,' allusion to

Hutton Hall in, vi. 276

' Lochinvar,' passage in, xii. 268, 336, 378, 435 ' Lord of the Isles,' " Winged Skye " in, ix.


' Pibroch of Donuil Dhu,' viii. 410, 513 ' Pirate,' Mrs. Arkwright's setting of verses

in, ii. 448, 492

  • Quentin Bur ward,' " Seven Night Walkers '

and Italian sculptor in, vii. 508 ; viii. 53 ' Redgauntlet,' note U to, ii. 516 ; punch- drinking in, v. 37 ' Rob Roy,' English commentators on, i. 321,

375, 456 ; iv. 456

' Rokeby,' Littlecote legend in, viii. 515 ' Search after Happiness,' xii. 409, 458

  • Waverley,' Capt. Wogan in, i. 284 ; ' saucy

English poet " in, ii. 109, 153 ; ' phrene- siac " in, iv. 447

Waverley Novels, proverbs in, i. 383, 402, 455 ; ii. 37 ; glossaries to, xi. 89, 178 ; sale of autographs of, vii. 295

Scott (W.) on Buckle's ' History of Civilization,' xii. 414. English Navy during the Civil War, xii. 496. Livingston (Michael), c. 1680, xii. 490. Rosamond (Fair), xii. 452. St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, xii. 454. Scott's ' Lochin- var,' xii. 378. Watson's ' History of Printing,' xii. 511

Scott, Canning, and Costello families, viii. 148 Scott- W 7 aring (Mrs. and Miss), actresses, iv. 296 Scotter, " Sun and Anchor " at, i. 504 Scottish churches, their ownership, xii. 168 Scottish coin, temp. William III., pistole, v. 307 Scottish form of oath, c. 1746, vi. 487 Scottish judges, their titles, iii. 362 Scottish language, its decay, vi. 301 Scottish market customs, xii. 121, 217 Scottish Naval and Military Academy, iii. 118,

209 ; iv. 212, 274 Scottish newspaper press, 1600-1700, censorship

of, v. 388

Scottish privateering, 1672, ix. 30 Scottish proclamation dated 1567, iii. 328 Scottish proper names, -is and -es in, x. 486 ;

xi. 37 Scottish proverb : " He that hountes doth not ay

rost," viii. 470 ; ix. 35 Scottish University arms, ix. 465 ; x. 36. See

also Scotch and Scots.

Scotus on patron saints and their chapels, xi. 109 Scout = outside of tree trunk, ix. 326 Scouts, Boy, their war song, x. 225 Scrannelpipedest, Ruskin's use of the word, xi.


Screaming skulls, iv. 107, 194, 252, 331 Scribblers, irresponsible and responsible, ii. 86,

136, 196, 277

Scriptorium, monastic, its details, viii. 429 Scriptures in Gaelic, iii. 289 Scrivelloes, meaning of the word, ii. 227, 292,

Scrivroogh, meaning of the word, vii. 470, 516 Scrope (Adrian), regicide, his burial-place, x. 469 ;

xi. 32, 117

Scrope-Grosvenor controversy, vi. 328 Scroyles, derivation of the word, xi. 290, 418 Scrutator on Abdul the Damned, xi. 410 Scudder (Eliza), her poems, i. 207 I Scully family of Tipperary, viii. 347, 513 i Sea, birth at, in 1805, ii. 448, 512 ; record of

birth at, iii. 13 Sea, " marmor " and the, in Latin poets, v. 106,

153 Sea, send of the, meaning of the term, i. 368,

456, 517

Seacombe or Seacome family, xii. 287 Seafaring bottles, their journeys, ix. 285 Seaford, Hardwicke House, and Alfred Tennyson,

vii. 466 Seaforth : ' Curse of Seaforth,' by " Warlock of

the Glen," v. 168, 233

Seal, Great, in gutta percha, ii. 528 ; iii. 32 Seal, Great, of Scotland, its history, iii. 242, 312 Seal, mayor's, for confirmation, i. 447 ; ii. 19 ;

inscription on Hertford Borough, i. 448 Seal, mediaeval, with riming motto, " Sum lea,"

iii. 450

Seal, Navy Office, iii. 329, 398 Seal inscriptions, curious examples, viii. 87, 197 Seals, official, on private documents, ix. 404 Seals, their early use, xi. 142 Seals with Hebrew inscriptions, ix. 110 Seaman (Button), City Comptroller, 1740, his wife,

xi. 29

Seaman and Button families, vii. 266 Seamen, English, hagiological terms employed by,

ii. 147 Seamen, merchant, books of apprentices, i. 187,

218 Seamen or Fishermen Apprentice Book in Record

Office, vi. 186 Sea-names, xi. 107

Seaquake and earthquake, the terms, xi. 44, 98 Searcher on Lacy family, xii. 489 Searchers at seventeenth-century coroners' in- quests, vi. 150, 213 ; vii. 38 Scarle or Serle family of Epping, x. 8 Sea-roamers, John Wolgar on, xi. 146 Sears (R. H.) on Robert Morris, i. 68 Season in London in 1807, i. 446 Seaton family, vii. 446

Sea-urchin, its provincial names, vi. 9, 73, 116 Sea-walls, immurement in, i. 288 ; punishment for

neglect to repair, iv. 187 Seaweed needing rain, viii. 388 ; ix. 194 Sec. Hist. MSB. Comm. on historical MSS. dis- covered, xii. 497 Seccombe (Nathaniel), Westminster scholar, 1774,

ix. 288 Secret drawers, documents in, i. 427, 474 ; ii. 113,

255 Secret languages, A. P., and others, viii. 190 ;

Shelta, ix. 134

Seddon family, v. 470 ; vi. 14 Seecatchie, meaning of the term, xii. 48, 94 Seeds, their germination, v. 340 Seedy, slang word, earliest quotation, xi. 426 Seething Lane, street-name, its derivation, xi.

485 : xii. 11, 71 Seething Lane and " Ye Little Olde Churchyard,"

vii. 390

Segalas (J.), gunmaker, c. 1720, viii. 251, 336 Seguier family and arms, x. 295 Seine, river and saint, vii. 348, 453