Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/266

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Shakespeare Criticisms :

Act III. sc. VI., " Cry you mercy, I took

you for a joint-stool," ii. 66, 214 ;

" Look, where he stands and glares ! '

iv. 444 Love's Labour's Lost, its date, iii. 265, 370 ;

its title-page, iv. 32 ; Bacon (Anthony)

at Court of Navarre, vi. 328 Act I. sc. i., " O these are barren tasks,"

iii. 183 Act II. sc. i., " Well fitted in Arts," v.

264 ; " Court," vi. 323 Act IV. sc. iii., " The suspicious head of

theft," iv. 285 ; " Love's tongue proves

dainty," viii. 164 Act V. sc. i., " The peal begins," vii. 301 ;

sc. ii., " Extremely forms," vii. 302 Macbeth, music by Locke and Purcell, ii. 142 ;

storm scene, v. 161 ; the three witches,

vii. 484 ; viii. 303 Act I. sc. ii., " Bellona's bridegroom," iii.

426 ; sc. iii., " Like a rat without a

tail," iv. 443 ; " And when he reades,"

v. 263 Act II. sc. iii., " Come in, farmer," x. 164 ;

sc. iv., horse or horses, i. 342, 424 Act III. sc. iv., " If trembling I inhabit,"

ix. 263, 506 ; x. 166

Act V. sc. v., " She should have died here- after," vi. 505 Measure for Measure, Act. I. sc. ii., "I will,

out of thine own confession," x. 63 ;

" King of Hungary's peace," xii. 170 ;

sc. iii., " The baby beats the nurse," x. 63 Act II. sc. ii., " His glassy essence," v.

264, 465 ; viii. 164 ; ix. 263 ; sc. iv.,

" All-building," viii. 163, 505 Act III. sc. i., " Prenzie," i. 161 ; " The

corrupt deputy scaled," x. 63, 167 ;

sc. ii., " A shy fellow was the Duke," x. 63 Act IV. sc. iii., Bagozine, a pirate, xii. 169,

233 Act V. sc. i., " Neither maid, widow, nor

wife," x. 64 ; " Show your sheep-biting

face," x. 64 Merchant of Venice, Portia and Ovid, vii.

301 ; viii. 505 ; Salarino, Salanio, and

Salerio, ix. 22, 113, 236, 315, 515 ; x.

132, 176, 333 ; Shylock tract, 1607, ix.

269 ; xi. 456 ; xii. 76 Act I. sc. i., " And in a word," vi. 504 ;

vii. 145 ; " But even now worth this,"

viii. 164, 303 Act II. sc. ii., " It is a wise father that

knows his own child," v. 465 ; ' It is

a wise child," vi. 325 ; vii. 144 Act III. sc. ii., " An Indian beauty," ii.

343 ; 11. 179-80, ix. 125, 178 ; sc. v.,

" An army of good words," vi. 504 Merry Wives of Windsor, Sir Thomas Lucy

and Justice Shallow, vii. 449 ; Nym and

" humour," xi. 27, 156 Act I. sc. iii., " She carves," xi. 243, 424 Act II. sc. i., " Anheires," viii. 302 Midsummer Night's Dream, death songs of

Pyramus and Thisbe, v. 341, 401 ;

Nicholas Flute, Elizabethan adventurer,

viii. 504 Act II. sc. i., "A faire vestall, throned by

the West," iii. 425 ; iv. 444 Act V. sc. i., " Merry and tragical ! Tedious

and brief ? " iii. 425

Shakespeare Criticisms:

Much Ado about Nothing, campaign in Ire- land, xi. 69, 154

Act II. sc. i., " Civil as an orange," vi. 325 Act V. sc. i., " And sorrow, wagge, crie

hem," xii. 463 Othello, Act III. sc. iv., " This argues

fruitfulness," v. 264 Act V. sc. ii., and Swinburne, viii. 164 Pericles, Act. I. sc. iv., " Unhappy me," ii.

524 Kichard II. and ' The Spanish Tragedv,' iv.


Act II. sc. iii.. " Caterpillers of the Com- monwealth," iv. 248 Richard III., Act I. sc. iii., " I wis your

grandam had a worser match," iv. 444 Act IV. sc. iv., " Humphrey Hour," vii.

143 ; x. 344 Romeo and Juliet, pictures drawn from, iv.

169, 234 Act I. sc. v., the Earl of Southampton, xi.


Act II. sc. ii., " Tasselgentle," x. 164 Sonnett III. and Sidney's ' Arcadia,' viii.

164 Sonnet XXVI., ii. 67, 133, 213

Sonnet CXLIV., " Fire out," viii. 37, 454

Sonnet CXLVI. in Latin elegiacs, i. 204 Sonnets, their dedication, xii. 265 Taming of the Shrew, Act IV. sc. iii.,

" Thimble," xi. 66 Tempest, music for, ii. 164, 270, 329, 370 ;

storm scene in, v. 161 Act I. sc. ii., " Heavens thark you for 't,"

viii. 503 ; ix. 264, 505 Act V. sc. i., " Sweet lord, you play me

false," iv. 285 Timon of Athens, Act I. sc. ii., " In paper,"

iv. 285

Titus Andronicus, on the stage, ii. 366 ; newly discovered quarto of 1594, iii. 141 Troilus and Cressida, Act. III. sc. iii., " Thoughts unveil in their dumb cradles," vii. 483 ; viii. 165, 303 ; ix. 505 Act V. sc. i., " Male varlot," ii. 343, 522 Twelfth Night, Act I. sc. i., " O it came o'er my ear like the sweet South," ii. 343, 523

Act II. sc. iv. " Green and yellow melan- choly," v. 465 ; vi. 325 Act III. sc. i., Tabor and St. Bennct's

Church, iii. 7, 73 Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Lady Hatton,

vii. 90 Act I. sc. ii., " Padua," error for Milan, ii.

523 Act IV. sc. i., " Make a virtue of necessity,"

i. 8, 76, 110, 136

Act V. sc. ii., Friar Patrick or Friar Laurance, ii. 344, 523 ; iii. 184, 426 ; sc. iv., " Verona shall not hold thee," ii. 523

Venus and Adonis, earliest edition, i. 310 Line 53, " He saith she is immodest, blames her miss," viii. 505 ; ix. 264, 506 Line 853, " Lo. here the gentle lark." v.

465 ; ix. 505 ; x. 166

Winter's Tale, Act I. sc. ii., " Ornaments oft do's." iii. 425 ; ! Your graver steps," vii. 144