Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/267

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Shakespeare Criticisms :

Act. II. sc. i., " As you feel doing thus," viii.


Act III. sc. ii., " Like to itself," i. 162 ;

" My life stands in the level of your

dreams," 162 ; " Lastly," iii. 425

Act IV. sc. iii., " Fagging tooth," vi. 342,

891, 434, 517 ; sc. iv., " Saltiers," x. 344

Act V. sc. i., " Bred his hopes out of,"

v. 264

Yorkshire Tragedy, its author, vi. 41 Shakespeare memorial projects, ix. 246, 332, 392 Shakespeare surname in 1796, xi. 324 Shakespearian conjunction in Essex visitation

of 1612, vi. 366 Shakespearian memoranda, x. 286

Shake sp ear iana :

Agincourt, battle of, iii. 121 Allusions, various, i. 44 ; in 1591-1694, viii. 370 ; burlesque speech in House of Com- mons, 1659, xi. 305 ; in 1643-51, 465 ; in 1673, xii. 307, 465

Aristotle and moral philosophy, i. 405, 472 Bacon theory anticipated by Shakespeare, iii.


Barnes (Barnaby) and Shakespeare, i. 467, 510 Breton (Nicholas) and Shakespeare, vii.


Chateaubriand on Shakespeare, xi. 410 Cobbett on Shakespeare, xi. 127, 194 Coleridge's lectures, xii. 8

Davenport (Anthony), allusion by, 1650, vi. 27 Dowdall's ' Traditionary Anecdotes,' i. 128 Dryden on Shakespeare, i. 222 Eli'zabeth (Queen), Shakespeare's compliment

to, ix. 125, 178 ; x. 418 Ensor family and Shakespeare, xi. 210, 334 ;

xii. 253

Fielding and Shakespeare, vii. 444 Gastrell (Rev. Francis) and Shakespeare's

home, iv. 47, 115 Goethe on Shakespeare, ix. 70 Jonson (Ben) and Shakespeare, v. 125 Kipling's essay on Shakespeare, x. 348, 395 Lyly, Greene, and Shakespeare, viii. 461 Maryborough and Shakespeare, i. 127, 177,

256, 292, 352

Marlowe and Shakespeare, i. 1, 75 Marston's ' Malcontent,' allusion in, i. 6 Miller-Mundy family and Shakespeare, ix. 370,


' New Facts,' i. 4.5 Ovid and Portia, vii. 301 ; viii. 505 Pepys on Shakespeare, i. 292, 352 Spenser and Shakespeare, i. 204 Stratford-on-Avon, Rev. Francis Gastrell at, iv. 47, 115 ; New Place, vi. 151, 212 ; vii. 66, 156 ; sanitation at, ix. 227 ; Birth- place Visitors' Books, x. 429, 478, 515 Wilton House, Shakespeare at, iv. 365 Works : remarkable Folio, v. 427 ; best edition for foreigners, 449 ; facts and figures concerning the plays, vi. 102 ; sub-titles for the plays, 404, 471 ; illustra- tions of, vii. 13 ; xii. 84 ; Rowe's edition, vii. 69, 117 ; at Douai, 421, 516 ; Scott's edition, 428 ; Lord Howe's Quartos and Folios, ix. 4 ; Third Folio, 241, 315 ; Quarto described by Pope, x. 107 ; l. de Monte" - gut's translation, xi. 84, 158, 212 ; Second Folio in Switzerland, 366

Shakkespere and Shakstaff in Court of Rolls of

Warwick College, v. 89 Shakolt, Bishops of, 1148-1408, ii. 67 Shakspere (John), his ' Profession of Faith,' iv. 230 Shalcross family, ix. 210 Shalgham-zai, Anglo-Indian term, x. 448 Sham Abraham, origin of the term, viii. 293, 395,


Shamble and flesh meats, i. 68, 293, 394 ; ii. 54 Shan Ghall on Irish at Cherbourg, iii. 368 Shan eke (John), witness to Richard Cowley's

will, vi. 517

Shanks's mare, and similar phrases, i. 345, 415 Shap, abbey and village in Westmorland, iii. 106 Shape, Tibetan title, ii. 132 Shark, a " requiem," ii. 85 Sharp (Granville), ' Child's First Book Improved,'

ix. 367

Sharp (H. G.) on medicinal waters, viii. 130 Sharpe (C. Kirkpatrick), and the ' Diary of Lady

Charlotte Bury,' viii. 387, 455 ; article in

' Maga ' on, ix. 290 Sharpe (H. C.) on Baydon, Cumberland, x. 249.

Holt Castle, xi. 395. Sharpe family of Wing,

ix. 429

Sharpe (Rev. John), D.D., d. 1722-5, his bio- graphy, vi. 367, 415 Sharpe (Lancelot), d. 1851, his biography, vii.

424, 518 Sharpe (M.) on cross at Higham-on-the-Hill, xi.

358. Yonge (Rev. Henry), xi. 214 Sharpe (Dr. R. R.), his ' Calendar of Wills ' and

repair of highways, viii. 465 Sharpe (R. R.) on Baal-fires : bonfire, x. 392.

Bakers' servants, xii. 427. Brokenselde, xi.

110. Coopers in the City in 1440, xii. 426.

George as a Christian name, vii. 375. Lord

Mayor of London, ix. 26. " Never too late to

mend," xii. 147. St. Michael le Quern, xi.

265. Seething Lane, xii. IK "Shot at the

rook," xii. 147. Undertaker, iii. 273 Sharpe family of Wing, co. Rutland, ix. 429 Sharpham (Edward), 1576-1618, his writings, x.

21, 172

Sharry family, v. 348

Sharwood (Samuel) and John Hazlitt, iii. 468 Shatford's ' Histriomastix,' c. 1773, iv. 209 Shaw (C. G.) on oblivion.*, ii. 446 Shaw (John)=Eliza Powell, i. 226 Shaw (Stebbing), Staffordshire MSS., viii. 47, 116 Shaw (Dr. W. A.), his ' Knights of England,' vi.

1, 72 Shaw (W. S.) on Tiverton vicars, ii. 88

Shaw , Bengal lawyer, c. 1769, iv. 288

Shawcross (J.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vii. 228. Coleridge as an art-critic, xi. 181,

341, 406. Coleridge marginalia, iv. 341.

Coleridge on Shakespeare, xii. 8. Coleridge's

' Dejection,' vii. 45 Shawm, musical instrument, v. 394 Shea (Corporal Maurice), Waterloo veteran, iv. 392 Sheaf, tenth or tithe sheaf, ii. 349, 454, 493 Sheaffe (Sir Roger H.), his representatives, vii.

489 Shedlock (J. S.) on Dolores, musical composer,

i. 177. Female violinists, v. 256. John of

Cronstadt, xi. 67. " O come, all ye faithful," i.

54 Sheep, in church in Westmorland, v. 126 ; as

weather prophets, ix. 247 Sheep fair on ancient earthwork, viii. 250, 272,

296 Sheep-counting: Yan, Tan, viii. 160

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