Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/275

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Songs and Ballads:

" Place there the boy," the tyrant said, ii.

327, 412

Poor Allinda's growing old, ii. 64 Poor Dog Tray, vi. 470, 494 ; vii. 14, 137 Poor Soldier, xii. 471 Pop goes the weasel, iii. 430, 491 ; iv. 54, 209 ;

vi. 340

Potter's Song, vii. 78 Prayer for Indifference, ii. 268, 335, 437 Progress of Madness, viii. 490 Prostitute, i. 151 Provencal, viii. 488 Railway travelling, viii. 107 Rnyi (Francis), ballad on, iv. 69, 176 Rest thee on this mossy pillow, vii. 208 Rinordine, viii. 468, 518 ; ix. 12, 33 Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford, viii.

449 ; ix. 55, 278 Rose of England, vi. 224, 291 Rule, Britania, viii. 188, 258, 313 Sailor's Consolation, xii. 10, 195, 517 Sailor's Grave, ii. 351 Sally in our Alley, its date, ii. 417 Scots wha hae wi' Andrew fed ! xii. 426 Seven Joys of Mary, viii. 481 Sir Randall, vii. 267 ; ix. 492 Songs, old, vii. 5

Sow's Tail to Geordie, ii. 349, 417 Spanish, iv. 107, 153, 238 Steer to the Nor '-Nor '-West, ii. 427, 490 Strike the harp's responsive strings, x. 443 Such a Getting Upstairs, xi. 128, 237 Sussex drinking song, v. 508 ; vi. 38 Tamaroo, i. 228, 272 That is, he would have, iv. 409, 474 The bright star of day, x. 443 The king shall enjoy his own again, vi. 310 The night is long, the skies o'ercast, x. 443 Then with Rodney we will go, vii. 227, 295 This is good New Year's evening night, xi. 5,


Though lost to sight, xi. 249, 438 Three Jolly Postboys, iv. 532 'Tis gone, with its thorns and its roses, vii. 5 To him, my dear, my wandering youth, xi.


To Anacreon in Heaven, ix. 387 Tom Moody, ii. 228, 295, 398 Tom Tell-Truth, ii. 236 Tom Tough, vi. 210, 252, 291 Town Gallant's Song, vii. 356 Trelawny ballad, vii. 23 Trip to Voolvich, viii. 448 'Twas Bonaparte the Corsican, xii. 210 Twelve O's, vi. 260 Ulm and Trafalgar, iv. 407, 450 Vicar of Bray, vii. 227 Villikins and his Dinah, iv. 188, 277, 318 Wacht am Rhein, xi. 375, 432 War-Christian's Thanksgiving, iv. 354 We won't go home till morning, viii. 327, 435 What if a day, or a month, or a year ? ii. 388 What wants that knave that a king, vii. 169,


When Aurelia first I courted, ii. 65 When I first began to talk big, x. 442 When our dear old Catholic fathers, iii. 109,


When the anchor is weigh'd, xii. 195 Who goes in the Artists' Rifles, ix. 484 Why, Soldiers, why ? iv. 410

Songs and Ballads:

With knights, and maids, and loves, x. 442

Woodland Mary, vi. 347 ; viii. 14

Yankee Doodle, iii. 24; ix. 98, 197, 337, 471 ;

x. 50, 115 Sonnenschein (W. S.) on " Humanum est errare,"

i. 512. " In cauda venenum," iii. 476 Sonnets by Alfred and Frederick Tennyson, vii.

89, 159, 197 Sonnini (C. S.) and lost chapter of the Acts,

vi. 9, 74

Soper (Thomas) and Capt. Hardy, v. 287, 349 Sophocles and the nightingale in ' Electra,' viii.


Sophony as a Christian name, iv. 148 Sophy = Shah of Persia, anachronistic use, v.

308, 354, 378 Sops and wine or Sops in Wine, Cornish apples,

viii. 249, 313 ; ix. 318 Sorell (Edward and James), Westminster boys, ix.


Sorner, eighteenth- century use of the word, vi. 88 Sorpeni, derivation of the word, i. 208, 256, 472 Sotby and Bleasby Manors, Lines., xii. 29 Sotheby (Edith M.) on authors of quotations wanted, iii. 469. " Oh ! the pilgrims of Zion," iii. 109. Swedish painters in England, xii. 54 Sotheran (Henry), his death, iv. 118 Sotheran (H. C.) on provincial booksellers, v. 297 Sothern (Ed. Askew), his London residence, iii.

88, 111, 195 Soubise, black page of Duchess of Queensberry,

iv. 529 ; v. 73

Soul, human, bats associated with, viii. 15 Soul bell, origin of the custom, i. 308, 350 Soulac Abbey, its history, i. 209, 272 Souletin dialect, oldest known book in, vi. 6 Souletin " pastorales," list of, v. 387 Souls, Baskish folk-lore about, vi. 507 ; vii. 73 Soup-kitchens, c. 1798, ix. 126 Sousa (Don Antonio de), his son, iv. 10 South (A.) on Corbet =Valletort, x. 254 South (T.) of Bossington Hall, Hants, xi. 128 South American on Chingford Church, vi. 69 South Sea, its discovery, ix. 107, 212 Southam (Herbert) on "A shoulder of mutton," ii. 374. " As the crow flies," i. 204. Battle- axe Guard, iii. 314. Bedr, battle of, ii. 475. Benbow (Admiral), his death, vii. 7. Book- borrowing, ii. 348. Books by the ton, x. 35. Christie (J. H.), iv. 189. Contempt for the law in a will, iii. 165. Conyers, iv. 57. Cricket : pictures and engravings, iv. 132. Curry (Capt.), v. 271. Death-birds in Scotland and Ireland, vi. 156. Defoe : the Devil's Chapel, x. 134. Edward the Confessor's chair, ii. 508. Fair Maid of Kent, ii. 236, 297. Foxes as food for men, iv. 355. Freshman, ii. 467. Fulham Bridge, iv. 509. ' Genius by Counties,' iv. 329- Gibbets, iv. 376. Glass manufacture, i. 114. Guinea balances, iii. 413. Halesowen, Worces- tershire, viii. 31. Hewetson (Col.), iii. 430. Hewson (Sir John), vi. 456. Holy Maid of Kent, ii. 336. Hopper (H.), modeller, x. 130. Hotspur's sword, x. 446. Lincolnshire death folk-lore, iv. 515. Moro (Fort), its storming, ii. 256. Mozart, v. 11. Nadgairs, iv. 213. ' Notes and Queries,' local, iii. 393. Oaks, their age, ii. 266. " Raisins of the Cure," ix. 393. Parishes, small, iii. 274, 374. Party colours, v. 194. Pillion : flails, iii. 375. Rupert as a Christian name, iii. 70. Rushlights, x. 77.