Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/276

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Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," viii. 195. Sindbad the Sailor, vi. 256. Stratford resi- dents in eighteenth century, iii. 256. Stuart (Jane), ii. 294. Swank, ix. 428. Tickling trout, i. 154. Venison in summer, i. 113. West Indian military records, vii. 156. West's picture of the death of Wolfe, v. 518. Wil- liam III.'s horse, ix. 329. Willow-pattern china, x. 98. Wood (Eleanor), x. 477. Woodhens, vii. 229. Yeoman service, viii. 89 Southam (Thomas), of Charlecott, his will, iii. 165 Southcott (Joanna), her grave at St. John's Wood, i. 301 ; her celestial passports, x. 405 ; xi. 16, 137, 353 ; memorandum book, x. 405 ; and the black pig, x. 509 ; xi. 137, 354 ; her " com- munications," xii. 475

Southdown (C. ) on Gray and King Osric, xi. 128. Gray : two references, xi. 147

Southern and Northern pronunciation, ii. 256, 317, 393, 538

Southesk (Countess of), previously Anna, Lady Carnegie, iii. 46

Southey (Robert), ' Omniana,' 1812, ii. 305, 410, 530 ; iii. 92 ; toothache, x. 122 ; on a New- castle miracle, x. 207 ; curious outrage on his poems, xii. 46, 293 ; his collections regarding Portugal, 169

South wark Cathedral, first holders of canonries, viii. 185

Southwell, errors in A. F. Leach's ' Visitations of Southwell,' iii. 66

Southwell (Rt. Hon. Ed.), his diary, i. 8, 56, 158, 218

South wold Church, figures and emblems in, iii. 329, 369, 453, 498 ; iv. 158

Southy (R.), ' Memoirs of George III.,' viii. 27, 72

Souwarrow nut, etymology of the word, iii. 447

Sovereigns and half-sovereigns, their weights, viii. 251 ; ix. 17

Spain, ostrich eggs in, i. 247, 332 ; and the remains of Columbus, 247, 332, 458 ; Cosas de Espana, i. 247, 332, 458 ; iii. 191, 336 ; tribunal of old men in, i. 326 ; prayers at lighting up in, 492 ; Charles I. in, iii. 48, 131, 236 ; Grandees of, 481 ; Mozarabic Mass in, v. 250, 339 ; marriage of King Alphonso and Princess Victoria, 447 ; date of birth of Queen Anna Maria, vi. 8 ; marriage of King, and taxation, vii. 187 ; Gordon family and King's wine supply, 270 ; popular error regarding England, xii. 65

Spain and England, old saying, v. 430

Spane in conventual establishments, ix. 327, 412

Spaniards' feet, their tenuity and length, i. 247

Spaniards of Asia, the Japanese, ii. 86

Spanish Armada, and English poets, iv. 346, 414 ; ships wrecked off Ayrshire, xii. 249, 330, 393

Spanish arms, iii. 30

Spanish " Bear Bible," iv. 189, 274

Spanish Christmas carol, xii. 129

Spanish churches, birds' eggs in, vi. 206

Spanish customs, ii. 474, 510

Spanish doggerel lines, their meaning, i. 147

Spanish epigram, curious, xii. 405

Spanish folk-lore, ' St. Peter and Charcoal-Burner,' iv. 266

Spanish grammar : " Entre tu y yo," xi. 206

Spanish lady's love for an Englishman, iv. 107, 153, 238

Spanish literature, current, vi. 434

Spanish money in Nubia and the Sudan, xi. 109, 354

Spanish Place, old Embassy Chapel in, viii. 406

Spanish priests in Abyssinia, c. 1825, xii. 189 Spanish proverbs on honey and oranges, i. 206, 251;

ii. 134

Spanish quotations, ii. 308, 373 Spanish royal arms, and King Oswald of North-

umbria, vi. 8

Spanish stories in Irish, xi. 368, 418 ' Spanish strapps," disease, xi. 49, 116 Spanish verse form : soledadilla, vi. 25 Spanish verse quoted by Churton, iv. 229, 274 Spanish Walk Exchange, its locality, xii. 269,


Spanish Wine Day, its origin, xii. 287, 513 Spanish Works in Sorrow's ' Zincali,' x. 150, 276 Spare family, xii. 130 Sparke (A.) on boar's head, v. 35. Halls of the

City Companies, iii. 171. Monumental brasses,

vi. 275. " Phil Elia," ii. 527. Touching for the

king's evil, vi. 345 Sparkenhoe, its derivation, x. 469 Sparling (H. Halliday) on apples : their old

names, viii. 429. John (King), his charters, ii.

57. Seine, river and saint, vii. 453. ' Sops

and wine," ix. 318 Sparrow (J. E.) on John Eyre Coventry, x. 288.

Eyre (John), 1775, x. 329. Penn of Kidder- minster, xii. 189

Sparrow (Lady Clara), her lineage, vii. 227 Sparth, derivation of the word, v. 288 Speakers of House of Commons, x. 388, 489,

518; xi. 31,411 Spearing (Lieut. G.), of Greenwich Hospital, x.


Specan, sprecan, to speak, vi. 165 Specie payment suspended by Bank of England,

xii. 205, 278

Spectacle M^canique," of Jacques Droz, vi. 388,

495 Speculative Society of Edinburgh, its history,

vi. 447

Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 169, 216, 296 Speeches, long, an infliction, v. 86 Speght (Thomas) and Francis Beaumont, iv. 47 Speke (Capt.), public memorials of, x. 493 Speke (Richard) and Sir Walter 1'Espec, ii. 287,


Spellicans, the game, viii. 449; ix. 15, 115 Spelling, history of English, v. 148, 198, 232 Spelling, phonetic system for various languages,

vi. 308

Spelling, Sarcey and Anatole France on, xii. 28 Spelling as an ecclesiastical or political symbol,

ii. 450

Spelling Book, Markham's, ii. 327, 377, 494 Spelling changes, vii. 51, 171, 218, 273. 517 Spelling reform, ii. 305, 450, 484 ; iii. 31, 134 ; vi.

95, 266, 403, 450, 493; in 1710, viii. 47; in

Wallsend, ix. 67 ; in the seventeenth century,

x. 226 Spelman (Sir H.), ' History and Fate of Sacrilege,'

viii. 33

Spence (Joseph), his biography, 1699-1768, v. 63 Spence (Paul), priest, c. 1576, his biography, vii.


Spence (R.) on black ewe in ' Iliad,' v. 373 Spencer (Nicholas) of St. Margaret's, Westminster,

xii. 147 Spencer (W. G.) on St. George's, Hanover Square,

viii. 387 Spencer (Hon. William Robert), ' Epitaph on the

Year 1806,' vii. 5 ; his ' Poems,' 1835, viii. 70 Spencer (W. T.) on " Bright chanticleer proclaims

the dawn," iii. 227