Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/277

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Spenser (E.), and Shakespeare, i. 204 ; his

' Epithalamion,' iii. 246, 412, 474 ; errors in

' Faerie Queene,' viii. 105 ; name-puzzle in, ix.

48, 114; xi. 334; tribute to Chaucer, ix.

267 ; early allusions to, x. 121 ; supplemental

cantos to ' Faerie Queene,' xi. 490 Spenser (Herbert), on billiards, i. 48, 113 ; and

Carter Braxton, 405 ; his love for children,


Spermologus on Lewes Grammar School, v. 268 Spero on National Portrait Gallery, x. 329 Spexhall, Suffolk, its registers, i. 44 Spielmann (M. H.) on Winston Shakespeare

portrait, ix. Ill Spiera (Ambrosio), his Advent sermons, c. 1447,

vii. 370

Spindle tree and Tennyson, vi. 368 Spinola (Marchesa), wife of Ambrogio, Marchese

Spinola, 1569-1630, iii. 327 Spinola's whale, mentioned in 1654, v. 109, 173,


Spinoza, C. Bradlaugh on, x. 347 Spinster on lady's heraldic motto, xi. 268 Spirit manifestations, works on, ii. 388 ; iii. 115 Spirits, legless, in Lithuanian folk-lore, viii. 168,

277 ; ix. 34

' Spiritual Quixote ' and Smollett, ix. 88, 213 Spirituality and the sun, vi. 29 Spite-fence, legal use of the word, xii. 186 Spittle in baptism and folk-lore, i. 368, 431, 514 Spleen unfavourable to running, x. 202 Split on split infinitive in Milton, vi. 409 Spofforth (Reginald), his glee " Hail, smiling

morn," vii. 369

Spongeitis, use of the slang word, iv. 347 Sponges, first use for domestic purposes, xii. [30,


Spoon and hair, their symbolic meaning, viii. 150 Spoons, church, iv. 468 ; v. 13, 56, 77 Spoons, Company, their history, xii. 109 Sport, Indian records of, i. 349, 397, 455 Sporting clergy before the Reformation, ii. 89,

293 Sportsmen, field memorials to, x. 509; xi. 116,

196, 297, 415 Spratt (Rev. Devereux and Thomas), their

relationship, iii. 227, 313 Sprecan, specan, to speak, vi. 165 Spring Hill Park, Hackney, diversion of path,

viii. 447 Springett (Dr. W. D.) on Minnisinks, iv. 248.

Tandy (Napper), iv. 230 Spring-heeled Jack, his history, vii. 206, 256, 394,

496 ; and Marquess of Waterford, viii. 251,


Springs, healing, flowing south, vii. 90, 134 Sprott family, ix. 130 Spurgeon (C. H.), Sir G. Grove on his scholarship,

iii. 206 ; on Monte Carlo, xii. 308, 434 Spur-post, meaning of the word, iii. 168, 253 Spurrings, or banns, and lameness, xii. 288, 498 Spurs, two battles so named, ii. 426, 517 Spurway (C.) on Norman-French deed, x. 168 Squad =mud, Lincolnshire word, xi. 269, 396 Squaw : mahala, synonyms, i. 64 Squib (Lawrence) and Pepys, xi. 468 Squires (E. E.), on Fairclough family, x. 349.

Vestments at Westminster Abbey, x. 470 SS or S, use of the badge, xii. 348/418 SS, Collar of, in Ireland, xi. 310. 418 Stacey (John), bogus Waterloo veteran, iv. 493 ; t v. 391 ' Staff of Life," curious tavern sign, vi. 487

Stafford, " Dyspeptic " History of, viii. 290 ;

ix. 276

Stafford (Henry, Earl of), on his French wife, i. 10 Stafford (J.) on Jordangate, ii. 448 Stafford ( John) = Lucy Tatton, their descendants,

iii. 66

Stafford (Jubal) on Stafford : Tatton, iii. 66 Stafford and Northampton families, x. 329 " Stafford blue," explanation of term, vi. 149,

214, 237

Stafford House, vii. 368

Staffordshire MSS., Stebbing Shaw, viii. 47, 116 Staffordshire M.P.s, 1290-1322, x. 266 Stage, children on the, i. 108 Stagga bob-tail warning, game, xii. 149 Stainer (John), last survivor of Navarino, vi. 306 . Staines Bridge, its proportions, iv. 469, 536 ; v,

52, 112

Stake in racing, use of the word, viii. 270, 353. Stalberg (H.) on Viking, ii. 125 Stale : to stale, derivation of the word, viii. 507 Stambouline, Turkish coat, xii. 474 Stamford (Bryan and T.), Westminster scholars,

ix. 309

Stammering, cure for, x. 367, 418 Stamp, record price for one, i. 324 Stamp collecting and its literature, i. 322 ; ii. 38 Stamps, postage, 1830-62, literary references,

vii. 289 Stamps, old postage, walking-stick made of, vi.


Stanborough (William), d. 1646-7, ii. 369 Standard in Cornhill, distances measured from,

i. 7, 132

Standard Theatre, Shoreditch, its history, ix. 247 Standards, moral, of Europe, ii. 168, 257, 334 Standerwick (J. W.) on Bisham Abbey cartulary, xi. 210. County divisions, x. 368. St. Sid- well, xi. 290

Stanford (C. T.) on Leland Stanford, viii. 229 Stanford (Leland), his ancestry, viii. 229 Stanier (H. S.) on Lieut. Henry Clarke, vii. 370.

Nonconformist burial-grounds, x. 31 Staniforth (T. W.), on Byard family, i. 348 Stanihurst and Walsie families, iv. 168 Stanley (Dean), his poem ' The Gipsies,' iv. 67 Stanley (Hans), mission to Paris, x. 128 Stanley (Sir H. M.), his nationality, i. 446 ; his

grave, ii. 526

Stanley (Richard), of Arrow, co. Warwick, vi. 70 Stanley (W.), 6th Earl of Derby, his marriage,

vii. 248

Stannus (Lady), her maiden name, iv. 188 Stansted Press, Sussex, its history, ix. 67, 175 Stapleton (A.) on abbey or priory, v. 417. Adams (John), Serjeant-at-Law, ix. 349. Alvary or Alvery, xii. 309. American Gotham, v. 288. Burial half within a church, xi. 318. Chrisom, baptismal robe, viii. 377. Cook (Capt.), viii. 455. Cotton (Berisford), ix. 306. Dabriche- court, ix. 418. Dodsley the publisher, xi. 169. Eel-pie shop, xii. 153. Garnet (Henry), Jesuit, viii. 446. Gotham and the Gothamites, xii. 128, 253. Gotham and the ' N.E.D.,' vi. 84. Gregory (S.), portrait painter, viii. 509. Jamaica records : West Indian registers, viii. 377. Knighthood of 1603, vii. 113, 257, 474. Knights Templars, iv. 97. Land lying towards the sun, vi. 106. { Lying Bishop," vii. 496. Manners (John) and Dorothy Vernon, vi. 484. Middleton family, vi. 453. Mill- house (Robert), ix. 411. Nonconformist burial- grounds, ix. 188, 336. Nottingham Psalter,