Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/279

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Stepney Amazon, Phoebe Hessel, ii. 16, 74 Stepney Church, Leche inscription in, i. 207, 274 Stepney Court Bolls, c. 1617, vii. 127 Steps of Grace at Berwick, ii. 426, 516 Sterling (Capt. Edward) and ' The Times/ ix.

396 Sterling (Bev. James), his ' Poetical Works '

(1734) and identity, iii. 385 Sterne (C.) and Johnson at " The Cheshire Cheese,"

v. 108 ; his letters to Bev. John Blake, 247 Steuart (A. F.) on Duchess of Cannizaro, iv. 456. Casanoviana : Col. W. Cuninghame, xi. 147. Clairmont (Jane), her grave, ii. 284. ' Diary,' 1820-30, viii. 387. Light (Col. Win.), his publications, iii. 85. Light Dragoons, 4th, iv. 69. Margaret of Austria, vi. 292. Bomanoff and Stuart pedigree, iv. 157. Sobieski family, ix. 28 Steuart (John), commercial traveller, his will,

1682, vii. 387

Stevens (E.) on Darrel or Dorrell's deed, v. 285.

Public speaking in Shakespeare's day, viii. 415 ;

ix. 297. Shakespeariana, viii. 303. Tea as

a meal, ii. 17. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 371

Stevens (H. W. P.) on Dockwra = Brockett, ix. 89.

Downing family, i. 44 Stevens (Bichard), his biography, ii. 35 Stevens (Miss Sisson) = William Hemming, iii. 349 Stevenson (A. P.) on quotations wanted, vi. 16.

Williams (Hon. Samuel), x. 349 Stevenson (George J.), his ' City Boad Chapel,'

v. 328

Stevenson (Hay ) = Jessie Graham, vi. 229 Stevenson (Matthew), portrait by Gaywood, x. 189 Stevenson (B. L.) use of " hebdomadary," v. 44, 91 ; lines by, 76 ; first edition of ' New Arabian Nights,' 107 ; and Schubert, ix. 249 ; and the housemaid, xi. 449, 518 ; on N.B., 449 Stevenson (W. ) on abbey or priory, vi. 73 Steward (Charles), statue at Bradford-on-Avon,

ii. 444 Steward (Bichard) and Westminster School,

xi. 289, 378, 455

Steward of the Household, y. 348, 396 Stewart (Alan) on Arachne House, x. 373. Bacchanals or Bag-o-Nails, vi. 490. Bombay Grab, iv. 177. Bothwell (Lord), ii. 27. Broach or brooch, iii. 28. Camelford (Lord), his duel, v. 162. " Caveac " Tavern, viii. 116. Christ's Hospital, iv. 310. Church spoons, iv. 468. Cromwell (Oliver), his head, xi. 390. " Dog and Pot," xii. 298. Dotty, vi. 309. Election Sunday, Westminster School, vi. 213. Epitaph on Ann Davies, ii. 152. Epitaphiana, iii. 24. " Essex Serpent," x. 376. Fig tree in the City, xi. 178 ; xii. 336. Flying Bridge, ii. 491. Hickford's Boom, Brewer Street, vii. 196. Hildesley (Mark), i. 344 ; ii. 53. ' Into Thy Hands, O Lord,' viii. 396. " It is the Mass that matters," xi. 98. James IV. of Scotland, xii. 316. Laws or custom of war, vi. 516. Lettsom (Dr.), v. 191. Lincoln's Inn, i. 401. London remains, viii. 271, 337, 392, 476. Madan (Martin), of Nevis, ix. 509. Nutting, iv. 396. ' Old Bell " Inn, Holborn Hill, iii. 366. ' Prince ' Boothby, viii. 14. Bandolph (Thomas), i. 285. Tombstones and inscriptions, viii. 434. Wife bazaar : childers, ix. 416 Stewart (Aubrey) on wooden cups in East Anglia,

vii. 489 Stewart (General Chas.), portrait by Bomney, i.

127, 174 Stewart (C. P.) on Napoleon at St. Helena, i. 126

Stewart (Gilbert), Botterdarn merchant, 1698, iv. 487

Stewart (H. H.) on authors of quotations, x. 408. Essex's Irish campaign, xi. 69

Stewart (J. A.) on the National Flag, x. 332

Stewart (J. J.) on Scots Greys, x. 347

Stewart (J. L.) on Donna Maria of Spain, xii. 47. Egypt as a place-name, xi. 174

Stewart (Mrs. Col.), formerly Harriet Wainewright, xi. 48

Stewart (Hon. Mrs. S.) on famous Jewesses, xi. 268. Jews and Jewesses in fiction, xi. 169, 254

Stewart (W. B.) on Bev. John Byng, ix. 29

Stewart and Halley families, ix. 446

Stewart of Lome effigy discovered, v. 326

Stewart-Brown (B.) on Abbott family, vi. 329. Arden (John), vi. 355. Ballad by Heber : W. Crane, v. 413. Purnell (John), vi. 130. St. John (Henry Paulett), B.N., vi. 48

Steyne, derivation of the word, vi. 288, 352

Stickle-back, its various names, iii. 5

Stickpenny, use of the word in 1601, iii. 70

Still-born children, i. 281

Stillingflete (Jean), and Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, iv. 167

Stillington (Bishop), d. 1491, vii. 232

' Stilton Hero,' poem, copy discovered, x. 245

Stilwell (G. H.) on main: its early meaning, ix. 169

Stilwell (J. P.) on bell-horses, vii. 33. Bruges, xi. 254. Chamber-horse for exercise, xi. 113. Churchwardens' accounts, vii. 275. Dowb, viii. 135. Elder-bush folk-lore, viii. 213. " Esprit de 1'escalier," vii. 296. George I. : the nightingale and death, viii. 57. Hame-rein, x. 196. Hazel in politics, ix. 258. Kissing gates, ii. 396. Lych gates, ix. 495. Manor Mesne, vi. 238. "Over fork: fork over," vii. 33. Pig: swine: hog, iv. 512. Pightle : pikle, vi. 37. Steepe surname, xi. 117. Suffragettes : ' The Girl of the Period Mis- cellany,' xi. 115. Twizzle-twigs, iv. 507. Worple Way, vii. 456. Zad (Adam), ii. 48

Stirling (Mrs. A. M. W.) on Queen Elizabeth's thanksgiving, xi. 147

Stirling (Elizabeth), her song " Come out, 'tis now September," iv. 446

Stirling Castle, its Constables or Governors, iii. 147

Stivens (John), Surgeon-in-Ordinary, 1737, vii. 10

Stiverton arms and family, xii. 369

Stob in Scottish place-names, ii. 409, 495 ; iii. 14

Stockenstrom, Lieutenant-Governor at the Cape of Good Hope, caricatures of, vi. 347

Stocker (John), Westminster almsman, xi. 227, 355

Stocks in use, c. 1859, xii. 27

Stocktaking and inventories in antiquity, v. 168

Stoke, Notts, battle of, 1487, ix. 485

Stoke, Wirral, parish registers, x. 287

Stoke Newington and Tottenham parish registers, iii. 226

Stokes (F. G.) on Doomsday bell at Jerusalem, ix. 169 fcft

Stokes (H. P.) on Chris. Smart and the madhouse, iii. 276

Stokes (J. L.) on Public Schools and unmeaning Latin couplets, xii. 468

Stokesay Castle, plans of, vi. 208, 258, 274, 338

Stole, crossed, its symbolism, iii. 329, 369

Stomach, called " Little Mary," i. 70 ; Bacon on, xi. 428

Stone, carved, 1602, i. 109, 158