Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/280

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Stone, Godstone, used in the City, xii. 227

Stone (C. R.) on Reginald Fitz Urse, v. 47

Stone (J. Harris) on Bridal Stone, x. 329. Cornish

Bridal Stone, ix. 509. Devil's saffron, xii.

169. Hogarth, iv. 49. Nanny Natty Cote,

xi. 397. Ramsgate Christmas procession, v.


Stonehenge, derivation of the word, x. 386 Stonehenge monolith, letters on, xi. 267 Stonehouse (Rev. G.), Vicar of Islington, c. 1781,

ix. 291

Stones, Bridal, ix. 509 ; x. 329, 394, 515 Stones, dated, in buildings, vi. 349, 412, 453 Stones, precious, their setting, i. 29 Stones of London, round paving, vii. 448, 513 Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) on Giles and Christopher Alleyn, xii. 341. ' Children of the Chapel,' i. 407. Governess, vii. 265. Kindlemarsh (Francis), xii. 386. Lease for 3,000 years, xii. 365. ' O dear, what can the matter be ? ' vii. 255. Shakespeare (John), ix. 178. Shake- speare will, x. 353. " There was a man," i. 474. Vernon of Hodnet, ix. 168 Stoples, Le, sign in 1356, xii. 348, 410 Stories, humorous : For One Night Only, ii. 188,

231 ; The Cornish Jury, ii. 188, 231, 355 Storks and Commonwealths, x. 368, 438 Storm, great, in November, 1703, iii. 225 ; ' The

Tempest ' and ' Macbeth,' v. 161 Storm Sermon at Little Wild Street Chapel, i. 77 Storm ship, legends about, xi. 488 ; xii. 32, 113 Story (A. T.) on Cheyne Walk : China Walk, v. 312

Story (Elma) on " O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 73

Story (W. W.), his Vse [lo ?] Victis,' ix. 449; x. 356

Stote (Rev. A. W.) on Jamaica records, viii. 29

Stoughton bottles, explanation of the term, vi. 8

Stout (W.) on nursery rime, ix. 478

Stow (John), misprints in Thoms's edition, i. 205 ; proposed edition of ' Survey,' ii. 341 ; cheap reissue, v. 304

Stow (W.) his ' Remarks on London,' 1722, vi. 26

Stowe (Mrs. H. Beecher) on Lord Byron, xii. 328, 369

Stowe House, its libraries and sale, viii. 6

Stoyle families, i. 349, 432

Strachan (L. R. M.) on Vincent Alsop, xi. 195. Authors wanted, vi. 432 ; vii. 254 ; xfl. 495. Baal-fires : bonfire, x. 456. ' Beggar's Opera,' Dublin, iv. 91. Boswell's ' Johnson,' iii. 284. Bringing in the Yule " clog," iii. 256. Byron and Greek grammar, v. 93. Caravanserai to public-house, iv. 413. Carlyle on painting foam, vii. 456. Corks, a game, ii. 347, 392. Court Rolls terms, vii. 318. Disdaunted, x. 453. Echidna, vii. 356. " Entre tu y yo," xii. 116. Essex's Irish campaign, xi. 154. Farkers, iii. 272. Flying bridge, iii. 274. Fossel, term applied to diamonds, xii. 58. Frieze, vii. 316. Gaol literature, xi. 512. H in Cockney, ii. 390. Hazel or hessle, vi. 237. Heidelberg matriculations, v. 368. Icelandic dictionary, iv. 456. Japanese and Chinese lyrics, vi. 517 ; viii. 34. Johnson (Dr.), ' Irene ' : Charles Goring, iv. 509 ; ' Vanity of Human Wishes,' v. 29 ; his poems, vi. 232 ; his club and the Literary Club, 237. Laconic letters, v. 171. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 432. Milton : portrait as a boy, xi. 52. N, liquid, in English, xi. 171. " Near the church and far from God," vi. 496. * N.E.D.,' wrong

reference, vii. 367. " Now or never," xi. 86. Palates, viii. 29. Pig : swine : hog, iv. 510 ; v. 73. Pompelmous, iii. 256. Realm : its pronunciation, xi. 338. ' Reliquiae Wottonianse,' ii. 476. Resp., iv. 50. Split infinitive, iii. 296. Spur-post, iii. 253. Thackeray's Roundabout Papers, xii. 118. Theatre-building, iii. 234. To-day : To-morrow, iii. 305. Trousered, ii. 326. Undertaker, iii. 273 : iv. 436. W T ar: its old pro- nunciation, vi. 270 ; vii. 514. Widge, dialect survival for horse, vi. 338 Strachan (Robert Urquhart), Heidelberg student,

vi. 354 Strachey (C.) on " Disce pati," i. 248. Shul-

brede, i. 247

Strada (Famjanus) anticipates electric tele- graph, ii. 136 ; viii. 400 Stradling (Thomas), ship-master, his adventures,

i. 66

Straff ord (Earl of), his letters, ix. 249 Strahan (Alexander), his translation of Virgil, and

Johnson, xii. 85

Strahan (Alexander), publisher, c. 1875, iii. 87 Strand, " Fountain ' Tavern, iv. 289, 336 ; Campbells in, 509 ; and St. Margaret's and St. John's, Westminster, x. 244 Strand Hotel, c. 1862, its history, x. 26 Strand Theatre, its demolition, iv. 385 Strand-on-the-Green, Arachne House at, x. 290,

373 Strange (Richard), his 'Journal of Meditations,'

viii. 429

Strasbourg (Solomon), teacher of Hebrew, xi. 348 Strasburg (B. W. L.) and Solomon Strasbourg,

xi. 348 Stratford (Hon. Ann), c. 1616, her biography, xii.

329 Stratford (H. S.) on bride and bridegroom at

church, xi. 10 Stratford-at-Bow, French of, 1717, vii. 267 Stratford-on-Avon, antiquity of King Edward's School, i. 257 ; Shakespeare's grave, 288, 321, 352, 416, 478 ; epitaphs at, vii. 423, 516 ; educa- tion in, viii. 323, 397 ; its sanitation (1552), ix. 227 Stratford residents in the eighteenth century, iii.

187, 256

Strathearn (E.), Lord Gordon of Drumearn, ix. 169 Stratton (J.) on Henry Lucas, iv. 166 Stratton fight, Cornwall, 1643, xi. 90 Straus (R.) on Robert Dodsley, xi. 428 Strawberry Hill Catalogues, vii. 461, 517 ; xii.

216, 294, 353, 430, 491 Straw-plaiting, earliest references to, iii. 148, 413 Streader (W. T.), book by, iv. 369 Streatham, Mineral Wells at, ii. 228, 315 Streatham place-names, their origin, ix. 190 Street (E. E.) on Algarva, iii. 194. Antiquary v. antiquarian, i. 396. Armorial visiting cards, iii. 36. Camoens, Sonnet cciii., vii. 233. Chevesel= pillow, vii. 395. Christmas under Charles 1., iii. 11. Church spoons, v. 13. Cosas de Espana, i. 332. Cricket pictures, iv. 132. Crocker (Charles), poet, xi. 36. Crotchet Castle, vi. 356. Ebbin, a Christian name, viii. 329. Eel-pie shop, xii. 93. Fair- mile, vi. 218. Gaol literature, xi. 512. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. // in Cockney, ii. 490. Havel and slaie makers, v. 256. Johnson's ' Vanity of Human Wishes,' v. 78. Lobishome, i. 417, 472. Manitoba, i. 275. Matches in Congreve, vii. 351. Michell family, v. 495. Moliere on opium, xi. 154.