Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/310

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Witchcraft in 1701, trial for, xi. 290

Witches and Cornish chough, viii. 388

Witham, Lincolnshire river, called the Lindis,

vi. 349 Witham, origin of place-name, ii. 289, 333, 474,


Witham (J. H.) on church wardens'accounts, vi. 36 Withers (Joseph) and " Parson " Ford, x. 343 Withershins, origin of the word, i. 506 ; ii. 76 Withy tree cursed by Jesus, iv. 85 Woffington (Peg), letter of, i. 124 ; portraits of,

ii. 226 ; iii. 195 ; portrait by Latham, ii. 447 ;

pamphlet on, v. 90

Woffington surname, its origin, ii. 88, 174, 235 Wogan (Capt.), in ' Waverley,' i. 284 Wohope (Sir Thomas), Rector of Smarden, c. 1332,

iii. 295 Wolf (Lucien), his ' Jewry of the Restoration,' i.


Wolfe (C.), his ' Burial of Sir John Moore,' viii. 220 Wolfe (General J.), his military career, i. 108 ;

and Gray's ' Elegy,' ii. 27 ; West's picture of

his death, v. 409, 451, 518 ; vi. 113, 154, 173 ;

viii. 17 ; his death, xii. 308, 357 Wolfenden (T.) on Stratton Fight, Cornwall, xi. 90 Wolferstan (E. P.) on Algarva, iii. 127. Birds*

eggs, i. 373. Cag-mag, ii. 388. Chavasse

family, vi. 356. Disraeli on Gladstone, ii. 67.

England, English, iii. 393. Fairmile, vi. 218.

" February fill dyke," iii. 248. Fettiplace, i. 473.

G, hard or soft, vi. 129. Hell, Heaven, and

Paradise, ii. 355. Latin pronunciation, vii. 171.

Numismatic, iv. 375. Parish clerk, ii. 216.

Pledge in a bumper, vi. 92. Post-boxes, vi.

454. Quotations wanted, iv. 208. Rule of the

road, ii. 467 ; iii. 96. Simpson's Restaurant,

vii. 336. Talented, ii. 94. " This is every

cook's," &c., v. 268. Twins, iii. 394. Witham,

ii. 539.

Wolf's Crag in ' Bride of Lammermoor,' xi. 134 Wolgar (Johnny), his ' Sea Romers,' xi. 146 Wollaston (Dr. W. H.), his visit to Abbotsford,

xii. 310

Wollaston or Wolston, in Shropshire, ii. 256 Wolsey (Cardinal), and Nelson's tomb, i. 308, 376,

417 ; pillars borne before, v. 7 Wolston (A.), four Westminster scholars, vii. 129 Wolston family, x. 95, 152 Wolverhampton, pulpit of St. Peter's Church,

i. 407, 476 ; ii. 37, 96 Womack (Dr. Laurence), his biography, xii. 387,


Womack family, xi. 129 Woman : ' Essay on Woman,' its authorship, ix.

442, 492

Woman, Heaven's second thought, iii. 67 Woman burnt for poisoning her husband, xi.

407, 497 ; xii. 35

Woman suckling her aged father, viii. 20 Woman surgeon, a seventeenth-century, xi. 42 Wombwell(G.), Bonassus in his menagerie, xi. 365,

451 Women, verses on, i. 189 ; desires of pregnant,

362, 430, 493 ; early periodicals for, 228, 295,

397 ; their effect on wine-making, vii. 188, 256,

295 ; at the House of Commons, 1643, viii.

445 ; with masculine Christian names, ix. 409,

457, 517 ; village inhabited solely by, x. 496 ;

and pipes, temp. James I., xi. 328, 378 ; duels

between, xii. 8, 77 ; Essex fatal to, 90, 136 Women, married, declarations made by, ix. 404 ;

their arms, x. 197 ; xi. 296 W T omen, ugly, dowries for, iv. 247, 292

Women, votes for, c. 1850, vii. 408 ; Dryden's

anticipation, x. 47, 98 Women voters in counties and boroughs, i. 327,

372 ; ii. 494 Women's Club, University, name for, i. 489 ;

ii. 33

Wompus, origin of the word, vii. 447 Wonders of the world, lists of, xi. 87, 175 Wontner (R.) on Czech language, iii. 346. Lethieul-

lier's MSS., ii. 508. Swinburne translations, ix.

250 Wood, touching, origin of custom, vi. 130, 174,

230, 476 Wood (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii.

488 Wood (Anthony A.), cancels in Dr. Bliss's edition

of ' Athen. Oxon.,' iii. 62 W T ood (Eleanor), her bap'tism, c. 1645-55, x. 367,


Wood (G.), clockmaker, of Nailsworth, Gloucester- shire, iv. 68 Wood (Sir George), d. 1824, portrait by Lonsdale,

vii. 208

Wood (Mrs. Henry), plot of ' East Lynne,' ii. 506 Wood (Robert), traveller, his wife's name, iv. 108 Wood (Major W.) on Wolfe and Gray's ' Elegy,' ii.

27 Wood (W. P.) on Charterhouse Poetry Collection,

viii. 488

Wood family, viii. 289 Wood-pigeon's lament, v. 347 Wood-toter, use of the word, i. 449 Woodbine, name for different plants, xii. 281, 333.


Woodbury Hill Fair, Dorset, viii. 250, 272, 296 Woodcock, its habits, i. 121, 195, 232 Woodcock (Capt.), Milton's father-in-law, x. 281 Wooden cups in East Anglia, vii. 489 ; viii. 56,


Wooden fonts, iii. 169, 253, 316, 395 Wooden water-pipes in London, ii. 180 ; iv. 465 ;

v. 15 ; vi. 166 Woodhens, c. 1656, meaning of the word, vii. 229,

276 Woodmote Court, Tutbury, its procedure, i. 195,

274 Woodnesborough, near Sandwich, derivation,

xi. 270

Woods (Mr.) as Velasquez, his portrait, xi. 427 Wooing, cloak used in, vi. 150 Wooing staff in Japan, ii. 504 Woollen, burial in, v. 467

Woollen goods imported from France, x. 149 Woollett (F. ) on Gascoigne and Euripides, x. 125.

' Locrine,' ix. 427 Woolmen in the fifteenth century, ii. 448, 514 ;

iii. 193, 275 Wooset, the Welsh Christmas custom, xi. 27, 71,

395, 514

Worcester, Old Trinity House, and Queen Eliza- beth, xi. 67 Worcester on chevron between three roses, xii.

488. Crowgay or Crowgie family, xii. 488 Worcester Cathedral, Anne Walton's epitaph, x,

68 Worcestershire, H in, vii. 166 ; viii. 77 ; Hales-

owen in, vii. 470 ; viii. 31 Words, frozen, nautical yarn, i. 3 Words, most-used English, ix. 30 ; initial letters

instead of, 126, 174 Words and phrases in old American newspapers,

xi. 469; xii. 10, 50, 107, 270, 370, 492 "Words that burn," ii. 85