Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/311

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Wordsworth (W.), Sadler's Wells play alluded to by him, i. 7, 70, 96, 136 ; iii. 352 ; lines attributed to, i. 448 ; name in school- house, Hawkshead, ii. 137 ; his translation of Juvenal, iii. 288; his "Highland girl," 309 ; his ' Prelude,' iv. 325, 395, 454 ; ' Lyrical Ballads ' motto, 350 ; and his visitors' books, v. 307 ; vii. 193 ; his ' To in her Seven- teenth Year,' vi. 37 ; Hazlitt on his " Solitary," 185, 275 ; and Kirke White, 427, 496 ; on the primrose, vii. 28 ; and Robert Browning, viii. 466 ; ix. 33, 93, 257

Worfield churchwardens' accounts, iv. 327, 416 Work indicator in Switzerland, vii. 425 ' Worke for Cutlers,' performances of, i. 28 Workhouses or almshouses in America, vi. 289,


Working class officially denned, ii. 146, 240 Workington, football at, i. 127, 194, 230, 331 W T orksop epitaphs, x. 503 ; xi. 112, 396 Worksop Priory, rightly so called, v. 327, 378,


World, wonders of, xi. 87, 175 World's Fair, Chicago, Manufactures Building at,

ii. 197

Worm, seventeenth-century disease, i. 407, 492 Worman (E. J.) on archbishop's imprimatur, vii.

229 Wormley, Herts, Queen Mary I. at, vii. 508 ;

viii. 114 Worple Way, derivation of the name, iv. 348, 396 ;

vii. 233, 293, 373, 417, 456 W T orsley (Lady), imaginary epitaph for, xii. 409 Worth family, iv. 207, 331 Wortley family of Barnsley, x. 202, 209 Wotherspoon (B.) on ' The Shutes of Sheffield,'

x. 408

Wotton (Edward, Lord), his portrait, vii. 168 Wotton (Sir Henry), misprints in ' Reliquiae,' ii. 326, 371, 476 ; and Bilford, a painter, 508 ; his letters and dispatches, iii. 305 ; difficulties in his ' Reliquiae,' v. 27, 93 ; memorial window at Venice, vii. 127 ; on ambassadors, 250, 295 ; and the word " apostamated," ix. 405 Wotton (M. E.) on Chesterfield and Wotton por- traits, vii. 168. Heenvliet, vii. 130 Wotton (Thomas, Lord), his daughter, and Heen- vliet, Dutch Ambassador, vii. 130, 175 Wotton House, its builder, x. 7 ; and the Evelyn

family, 268 Woty (William) and ' The Shrubs of Parnassus,'

vii. 429 Wound, pronunciation of the word, vii. 328,

390 ; viii. 74, 115 Wragg (A.) on ' The Watch at the Sepulchre,'

ix. 109 Wray (Lady Frances) = John Troutbeck, 1664,

vi. 314

Wreckers in Brittany, xi. 446 Wren (Sir Christopher) and house in Love Lane, v. 303 ; and St. Paul's Cathedral, vi. 96 ; his plan for rebuilding London, viii. 166, 193 ; his globe of the moon, 387, 438 ; and Free- masonry, xii. 286

Wrestling match in London in 1222, ii. 18 Wrexham Muster Roll of 1644, x. 307 Wright (Mrs. Anne) and votes for women, vii. 408 Wright (A. T.) on Nicholas, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, iii. 328. " One-ninth Church," i. 124

Wright (B.) on a royal carver, ii. 27 Wright (Frances), Mrs. d'Arusmont, her biography, v. 307

Wright (John), S.T.L., in ' Douay Diaries,' ii.

135 Wright (Philip), b. c. 1759, his parentage, vii.

48 Wright (Robert), his ' Life of Wolfe,' vii. 489 ;

viii. 33 Wright (T.), his edition of Cowper, ii. 1, 42, 82,

122, 162, 203, 242 Wright (Thomas vere John), Dean of Courtrai, iv.

86 Wright (T. H.) on Levels of Northampton, xii.

489 Wright (W. B.) on Col. Wm. Ball of Virginia, ix.

269. 'Ham House,' by Mrs. Roundell, vii.

44. Paston (Dorothy), or Bedingfeld, vii. 74.

Tollemache (Capt. W.), ix. 489. Verschoyle :

Folden, iii. 116 Wright (W. J.) on Nicholas van Ruiven, vi. 452.

Spellicans, ix. 16 Wrigley (G. W.) on John Cotton of Boston, viii.

190 Wriothesley (T.), Earl of Southampton, and

' D.N.B.,' v. 27

Writing, faded, its restoration, iii. 88 Writing, triplicate, iii. 30 ; on ivorine, v. 228 Writs of Privy Seal for loans, iii. 135 Wrong, the, and the right, the terms, vii. 46 Wronghalf, word used in fulling, x. 248, 398 Wroth, substantival use of the word, vii. 67,

116 Wroth (Warwick) on Killigrew and Barker families,

iii. 224

Wroxton Abbey, visit of James I., ix. 347 Wryttes-Houses, Edinburgh, i. 217 Wudget, origin of the word, vii. 447 ; viii. 16 Wy in Hampshire and Weyhill Fair, vii. 508 ;

viii. 54, 158, 257 Wyatt (Sir Thomas), his riddle, i. 164 ; and

Alexander Scot, parallel, iv. 70, 109 Wyatville (G. G.), exhibitioner of Royal Academy,

vii. 109, 175

Wyberton, Lines, its church bells, vii. 69, 116 Wyburne family of Cumberland, i. 309 Wych Street, Strand, last remnant, x. 86 Wycherley, Burns, and Steele, parallels, i. 286,

357 Wyckham on medieval games of children, viii.


Wycliffe Bible and Abraham Lincoln, ix. 10 Wycombe Abbey on Fleetwood brass, vi. 88 Wye, river legend, xii. 488 Wyeth (John), c. 1760, his arms, ix. 510 Wygge, alias William Way, alias Flower, ii. 106 Wykeham on Spanish Armada, xii. 249 Wykeham (William of), his parentage, i. 222, 257,


Wykehamist, earliest use of the term, v. 470 Wyld's " Great Globe," ii. 529 Wylde (Henry), Gresham Professor of Music, ix.

373 Wylson family and brass at Brown Candover, ix.

189, 315 Wyndham (H. Saxe) on portrait of younger Rich,

iv. 247

Wyndrynge, Manor Court Rolls of, vi. 408, 472 Wynne (Peter), 1684 - 1731, his biography, x.

490 Wyrley : Great Wyrley, its pronunciation, viii.

247 Wyrley (Will), his Derbyshire Church Notes, i.

427 ; iv. 376

Wyss (Johann, David), his ' Swiss Family Robin- son,' xi. 351