Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/46

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Books recently published:

Dutt's (W. A.) King's Lynn with its Surround- ings, vi. 98

Earle's (J.) Microcosmographie, i. 318

Early English Dramatists, ed. by J. S. Farmer, v. 79

Early English Lyrics, chosen by E. K. Chambers and F. Sidgwick, viii. 117

Early English Prose Romances, ed. Thorns, vii. 340

Edinburgh Review, i. 160, 399 ; ii. 199, 459 ; iii. 160, 419 ; iv. 440 ; v. 240 ; vi. 159 ; vii. 178, 398 ; viii. 378 ; x. 59, 498 ; xi. 260

Edmonds's (J. M.) Introduction to Com- parative Philology, vi. 499

Edwards's (R.) Dramatic Writings, ed. Farmer, vii. 298

Eikon Basilike, ed. by E. Almack, i. 339

Elcho's (Lord) Short Account of Scotland, viii. 180

Eliot's (G.) Silas Marner, i. 358 ; iii. 500

Elizabeth (Queen), Amy Robsart, and Earl of Leicester, ii. 99

Elizabethan Critical Essays, ed. by C. Gregory Smith, i. 378

Elizabethan Manuscript, Facsimile of, ed. Burgoyne, ii. 158

Emerson's Works, Vol. II., ii. 299 ; Vol. V. Poems, iv. 160 ; Works, ed. by G. Sampson, v. 478

English Catalogue of Books, 1903, i. 398 ; 1904, iii. 319 ; 1906, vii. 300 ; 1908, xi. 278

English Dialect Dictionary, ed. by J. Wright, i. 218 ; iv. 377

English Historical Review, i. 159, 379 ; ii. 200 ; iii. 178 ; v. 278, 459 ; vi. 220

English History in Verse, ed. by E. Pertwee, vi. 98

English Hymnal with Tunes, various edi- tions, vi. 118

English Miracle Plays, ed. Pollard, ii. 278

Englishwoman's Year-Book, 1905, ii. 520 ; 1907, v. 139 ; 1909, x. 519

Enterlude of Youth, ed. by W. Bang and R. B. McKerrow, v. 118

Erasmus, Epistles of, trans. Nichols, ii. 398 Escott's (T. H. S.) Society in the Country

House, vii. 118 Espinosa's (Friar A. de) Guanches of Tene- rife, ed. Markham, ix. 358

Essence of the Dusk, trans, by F. W. Bain,

vi. 419

Evelyn (J.), Life of Margaret Go dolphin, ii. 439 ; Diary and Correspondence, ed. by Bray, v. 379 ; Diary, Introduction by Dobson, vi. 398 ; Sculptura, ed. by C. F. Bell, 457

Fanshawe (Lady), Memoirs, ed. B. Marshall, iv. 179 ; ed. H. C. Fanshawe, viii. 439, 465

Farmar's (A.) Place-Name Synonyms Classi- fied, ii. 479

Farmer (J. S.) and Henley's (W. E.) Dic- tionary of Slang and Colloquial English, ii. 59 ; iii. 199 Farquhar (George), ed. by W. Archer, vi. 478 Farrer's (J. A.) Literary Forgeries, Introduc- tion by A. Lang, vii. 198 Fea's (Allan) James II. and his Wives, x. 299

Books recently published:

Ferrero's (G.) The Greatness and Decline of

Rome, Vols. I. and II., trans, by A. E.

Zimmern, vii. 498 ; Vols. III. and IV.,.

trans, by Rev. EL J. Chayter, xi. 519 Festive Songs for Christmas, iv. 519 Fight at Donibristle, 1316, ed. J. Smith r

ii. 420 First Publishers of Truth, ed. by N. Penney ,.

viii. 38

Firth's (J. B.) Middlesex, vi. 139 FitzGerald's (E.) Miscellanies Translation of

Six Dramas of Calderon, i. 520 ; Polonius*

iii. 219 Fitzgerald's (P.) The Garrick Club, iii. 99 ;

Gems from Boswell, vii. 437 ; Shake- spearean Representation, x. 58 Fitzherbert (Mrs.) and George IV., by W. H.

Wilkins, iv. 458

Fitzpatrick's (S. A. O.) Dublin, viii. 198 Fitz-Warine (Fulk), History of, englished by

A. Kemp-Welch, ii. 78 Fletcher's (Giles and Phineas) Poetical Works,

ed. F. S. Boas, Vol. I., x. 238 ; Vol. II.,

xii. 299 Fletcher's (Rev. J. M. J.) Guide to Tideswell,

v. 99 Flete's (J.) History of Westminster Abbey,

ed. Robinson, xii. 119 Foat's (F. W. G.) Sematography of the Greek

Papyri, i. 399 Folk-lore, i. 340 ; ii. 160, 379 ; iii. 138, 320 j

vi. 160 ; vii. 199, 519 Folk-Song Society's Journal, vi. 80 Formula Book of Diplomatic Documents,

ed. by Hubert Hall, xi. 198 Forster's (J.) Life of Charles Dickens, viii.

419 Foster's (J.) A Shakespeare Word-Book, xi,

139 Fothergill's (G.) List of Emigrant Ministers to

America, ii. 420

Fox (C. J.), by Wakeman, xii. 399 Foxcroft's (H. C.) Life of Bp. G. Burnet, x.

419 Fox-Davies's (A. C.) Heraldry Explained, vii.

358 Francis's (John Collins) Notes by the Way,

xii. 18 Fraser's (G. M.) The Lone Shieling, with

other Studies, xii. 478 Fraunce's (A.) Victoria, a Latin Comedy, ed.

by G. C. Moore Smith, vi. 158 Frere and the Boye, viii. 160 Friedlander's (L.) Roman Life and Manners

under the Early Empire, Vol. I., trans.

L. A. Magnus, x. 377 ; Vol. II., trans.

Freese and Magnus, xii. 39 Froude's (J. A.) Short Studies, viii. 219 Fry's (H.) Royal Guide to London Charities,

iii. 40 ; v. 40 Fulwell's (U.) Dramatic Writings, ed. J. S.

Farmer, vi. 39

Furniss's (D.) Sky- High, iv. 338 Gaches's (L. B.) History of Liberty of Peter- borough, v. 478

Gammer Grethel's Fairy Tales, iv. 498 Gammer Gurton's Needle, vi. 179 Garnett and Gosse's English Literature : an

Illustrated Record, Vols. II. and IV., i. 219 Gaskell's (Mrs.) Sylvia's Lovers Cranford, iv.