Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/47

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looks recently published :

Gay's (S. E.) Old Falmouth, i. 339 Genealogist, Vol. XXIII., ix. 219 Genealogy, Some Special Studies in, ix. 238 Gentleman's Magazine Library, London, Vol.

I., iv. 79

Gentleman's Magazine, ed. Bullen, v. 179 Geoffrey's (G.) La Bretagne, ii. 539 George III., by Beckles Willson, ix. 58 Gesta Romanorum, ed. Baker ed. Hooper,

iv. 377

Gide's (A.) Oscar Wilde, a Study, v. 40 Oillen's (F. J.) Northern Tribes of Central

Australia, ii. 177 Gleanings after Time, ed. G. L. Apperson, ix.

159 Godolphin (Margaret), Life of, by Evelyn,

ii. 439 <roethe : Faust, translated by A. Swanwick,

iv. 320 ; vi. 498 ; Life by Lewes, 438 ;

Autobiography, trans, by M. Steele-

smith, ix. 420 Golden Anthologies Poems of Marriage, ed.

by P. Vivian, vii. 299 Goldsmith's (O.) Vicar of Wakefield, ed. R.

Garnett, v. 419 ; Poetical Works, ed.

Dobson, vi. 499 ; Plays, ed. C. E. Doble,

xii. 459 'Gomme's (G. L.) Folk-lore as an Historical

Science, ix. 399

'{Jomperz's (T.) Greek Thinkers, iii. 478 Gordon's (C.) Old Time Aldwych, Kingsway,

and Neighbourhood, i. 138 'Goss's (C. W. F.) Descriptive Bibliography

of the Writings of George Jacob Holyoake,

x. 479 Gosse and Garnett's English Literature: an

Illustrated Record, Vols. II. and IV.,

i. 219 Grace-Book B, Part II., ed. by Mary Bateson,

iii. 458 Gray's (T. ) Elegy, rendered in Latin by W. A.

Clarke, i. 58, 487 ; Letters, ed. Tovey, ii.

379 Gray's (Sir T.) Scalacronica, trans, by Sir H.

Maxwell, ix. 278 Great Masters, Introduction and Notes by

Sir M. Conway, Parts V.-XVI., i. 178, 238,

259, 318, 358, 398, 438, 479 ; Parts XVII.-

XXII., ii. 39, 78, 138, 178, 219, 259, 338 Greene's (R.) Plays, ed. Churton Collins, iv.

478 Greenwood's (A. D.) Lives of the Hanoverian

Queens, xii. 278 Greg's (W. W.) Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral

Drama, v. 477

Gregory the Great, by Dudden, v. 159 Grimm's Popular Stories, iv. 160 ; Fairy

Tales and Household Stories, 518 Gunn's (J.) The Little Black Princess, iv. 498 -Gypsy Lore Society, Journal, No. I., viii. 179 Hakluyt's (R. )Principal Navigations, Voyages,

Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English

Nation, Vols. III. and IV., i. 198 ; Vols. V.

and VI., 438; Vols. VII. and VIII., ii.

138 ; Vols. IX.-XL, iii. 18 ; Vol. XII.,

457 Hakluytus Posthumus ; or, Purchas his

Pilgrims, Vols. I. and II., iii. 177 ; Vols.

III. and IV., 457 Hall's (Hubert) Studies in English Official

Historical Documents, xi. 198

Books recently published :

Hall (H. R.) and King's (L. W.) Egypt and

Western Asia, viii. 479 Hamilton's (E.) Ancestry and Pedigree

Chart, ii. 139

Hampshire, Guide to, by Dr. J. C. Cox, i. 400 Hampstead Garner, compiled by A. M. C.,

vi. 98 Hanauer's (J. E.) Folk-lore of Holy Land,

viii. 519

Handel, Life of, i. 400 Harbottle's (T. B.) Dictionary of Battles,

iii. 79 ; Dictionary of Quotations (French),

x. 399 Hardy's (E. G.) Studies in Roman History, vi.

178 Harmsworth Encyclopaedia, Parts I.-III.,

iii. 258

Harold's Town and its Vicinity, vi. 98 Harris's (W. J. ) First Printed Translation into

English of the Great Foreign Classics,

xii. 79 Harting's (J. E.) Recreations of a Naturalist,

v. 239

Hartog's (P. J.) Writing of English, ix. 80 Harvey's (A.) Bristol : Historical and Topo- graphical Account, vi. 159 Harvey (A.) and Cox's (J. C.) English Church

Furniture, viii. 237

Hawker's (R. S.) Life and Letters, iv. 117 Hawthorne's (N.) Transformation, v. 478 Hazlitt's (W.) View of the English Stage, ed.

by W. S. Jackson, v. 419 Headlam's (W.) Book of Greek Verse, ix. 78 Heath's (S.) Our Homeland Churches and

How to Study Them, vii. 500 Heaton's (H. A.) Brooches of Many Nations,

v. 119 Heifer of the Dawn, trans, by F. W. Bain,

i. 498

Heine (H.) : Book of Songs, trans. Brooks- bank, ii. 379 ; trans. L. Todhunter, ix.

39 ; New Poems, trans. Armour, ii. 379 ;

Germany : Romancero, Books I. and II.,

trans. Armour, iii. 259 ; Works, Vol. XII.,

iv. 439

Heinemann's Favourite Classics, iii. 259 Henderson's (J. A.) Aberdeenshire Epitaphs,

viii. 139

Henley (W. E.) and Farmer's (J. S.) Dic- tionary of Slang and Colloquial English,

iii. 199 Henslowe's Diary, ed. W. W. Greg. Part I.,

ii. 378 ; Part II., x. 160 ; Papers, ed. Greg,

viii. 298

Heptameron, trans, by A. Machen, iii. 298 Herbert (Lord) of Cherbury, Autobiography,

vi. 438 Herrick's (R.) Flower Poems, iv. 518 ; Poems,

selected by Beeching, vii. 120 Hewetson's (J.) Hewsons of Finuge, Kerry,

ix. 138 Hewitt's (J. F.) Primitive Traditional History,

ix. 340 Heywood's (J.) Dramatic Writings, ed. J. S.

Farmer, v. 79 ; Proverbs and Epigrams,

ed. Farmer, vi. 39 Hierurgia Anglicana, ed. V. Staley, Part II., i.

178 ; Part III, iv. 19 Hill (Sir Rowland), viii. 378 Hill's (D. J.) History of Diplomacy in Europe,

Vol. II., vi. 518 '