Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/63

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,. v i C, lines to Dr. Murray *on completing the letter

in the ' New English Dictionary,' viii. 482 C. on authors of quotations wanted, ix. 390. Carlisle : Carlyol, vii. 47. h, its use or omission, ii. 391. Johnson (Isaac), iv. 491. Lasaalle's " Iron Law," v. 188. Northall, Shropshire, i. 226. " Wildman's," xi. 187 C. (A.) on Augustinian Cardinal : Mount Grace, ix. 429. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 268. Vagrants at Thorpe Salvin, xi. 347 C. (A. B.) on anonymous works, x. 28. Parish

registers, vii. 26. Women voters, i. 372 C. (A. J. ) on houses of historical interest, xi. 466 C. (A. M.) on Artahshashte, xi. 216. Lappassit, xi. 238. Licences to travel : passports, xi. 233 C. (A. R.) on bibliographies, iii. 316. Cooper (Thomas), iii. 229. Dinkums, iii. 168. Epitaph on lieutenant of marines, i. 368. Godiva's birthplace, iii. 9. Haskoll (J.), iv. 329. 'Lust- ful Fryar,' v. 228. Monumental brasses, vi. 315. Municipal etiquette, ii. 408. St. Gilbert of Sempringham, iv. 94. Skerrick, iv. 408 C. (B. L. R.) on ball-games on festivals, iv. 347. Devil and St. Botolph, iv. 328. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. 309. Scott's 1 Lochinvar,' xii. 268. Slavery and the Popes xii. 349. Women and wine-making, vii. 188 C. (C.) and S. T. on privilege and sacrilege, iii. 268 C. (C. C.) on dogs in war, iv. 488 C. (C. L. E.) on bottleman, iii. 167. Compter Prison, iii. 168. Lord Mayors, iii. 148. " Once so merrily hopt she," iii. 127. " Rational's Festival," iii. 428. ' St, James's Chapter,' iii. 428. Tombola Concerts, iii. 469. Wilkes's Parlour, iii. 147 C. (C. McL.) on pin-basket = youngest child, ix. 21] C. (E.) on " Luther's distich," i. 409. Ythancses-

ter, Essex, iv. 48

C. (E. G.) on Battle-axe Guard, iii. 247. Cox (Bishop Richard), of Ely, iii. 269 ; iv. 48. Derwentwater (James, Earl of), v. 208 C. (E. G. M.) on Olvarius's history, v. 429 C. (E. N. F.) on hour of sunset at Washington,

iii. 87

C. (E. S.) on Nothe, Weymouth, iv. 169 C. (F. F.) on Dubordieu family, vi. 305. Maynards

of Curriglas, v. 185 ; vi. 11

C. (F .H.) on Joseph Bonaparte in England, x. 109.

British castles, vi. 258. Cunningham (Allan),

' King of the Peak,' v. 208. Master of the Horse,

viii. 268. Meteyard (E.), * Love Steps of

Dorothy Vernon,' v. 208. Moke, a donkey,

viii. 257. Villages and mansions, xii. 189

C.-D. (F. H.) on Manor House c. 1300, x. 450

C. (F. N.) on Richard Thompson, surgeon R.N.,

xi. 29

C. (G.) on Angles : England, ii. 407. Clough, ix. 250. English, its meaning, ii. 327. Janice, v. 287. Pearmain : pearweeds, ii. 327. Skalinges : scabulonious, x. 228. Troper : its derivation, ix. 288 C. (G. E.), corrections in his ' Complete Peerage,'

xii. 64, 177

C. (G. E.) on "A gallant captain," i. 32. Anne

Plantagenet, Duchess of Exeter, vii. 334.

Authors of quotations wanted, viii. 32 ; x. 497.

Barnard (Sir John), his descendants, vii. 132.

Bloodworth (Sir Thomas), Lord Mayor, vii. 454.

Burial-places of notable actresses, xii. 513.

Burial-places of notable Englishwomen, xii. 253.

Burrough (Sir James), viii. 473. Caroline

(Queen), ix. 495. Civic baronetcies since 1837, viii. 301. Davies (Sir George), Bart., iv. 93. Davis (Sir Thomas), 1677, vi. 431. Dickens queries, i. 272. ' D.N.B.': additions and corrections, x. 58. Holbein subjects, ix. 497. Holworthy family, ix. 273. Hosking (James) : Elizabeth Vinnicombe, vi. 197. Isham family, vii. 265. ' Lord "' Mayor of London, ix. 26. Monoux (Sir George), viii. 133. Monson, Viscount Castlemaine, vii. 381. ' Northamptonshire Families,' vi. 27 * Notes and Queries ' Com- memoration, xii. 433. Peirce (Sir Edmund), Kt., ix. 12. Rothwell Parish Register, viii. 404. Sarah (Duchess), ii. 413. Scrope (Adrian), xi. 32. Sheriffs of London, x. 238. Steward of Household, v. 348. Turvile, iv. 14 C. (G. H. ) on advertising epitaph, xi. 112. Authors

of quotations, viii. 428 C. (G. W. C.) on men of family as parish clerks,

ix. 35

C. (H.) on Henry Alvarez, S.J., iv. 374. " As the crow flies," i. 432. Ayno (Guy and Agnes), xii. 61. Baker (George), Oxford Prizeman, v. 169. Barker (R.), v. 299. Booksellers, pro- vincial, v. 415. Bourne (Gilbert), vi. 294. Bridges, a Winchester Commoner, iii. 73. Bury family, v. 396, 513. Butler (John), M.P. for Sussex, ii. 129. Cawpod family, ii. 515. Danister (John), Wykehamist, iv. 355. ' Direc- tions to Churchwardens,' iii. 317. Disbenched judges, iii. 97. Doherty, Winchester Commoner, iv. 157. Ecton (John), i. 327 ; iii. 157. Eliza- beth's visits to Winchester, iv. 344. Erskine (David Montagu), ii. 406. Fiennes of Brough- ton, xii. 123. ' Fortune favours fools," ii. 491. Gascoigne (Judge) and Prince Harry, xi. 177. Gwillim's ' Display of Heraldrie,' ii. 495. Hall (Francis) of Venezuela, v. 128. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 155. Hampshire booksellers and printers, vi. 31. Hanged, drawn, and quartered, i. 410. Hawkins (William), D.D., i. 127. Hawkins family and arms. x. 472. Hursley vicars, xii. 291. Ingram (James), xii. 11. King's ' Classical and Foreign Quotations,' ii. 351. Lettsom (Dr.), v. 393. Lopez (Roderigo),iv. 434. Luders (Alexander), iii. 306. Magdalen College School and ' D.N.B.,' v. 362. Mead (Dr. W.), v. 337. Merewether (Henry Alworth), iii. 447. Meredith (Richard), Dean of Wells, xi. 474. Moore (D. M. ), viii. 13. Neale (T.), " Herberley," ii. 58. ' Oxford Sausage,' ii. 376. Papers, its meanings, i. 111. Parkins or Perkins (Sir Christopher), i. 234. Pounde (Thomas), S.J., iv. 268, 472 ; v. 14. Price (Richard), M.P., ii. 168. ' Purple patch," i. 511. St. Margaret's, Westminster, xii. 454. St. Thomas, of Hereford, ii. 432. Shelley (William), iii. 492 ; iv. 55. Shelley family, ii. 155, 519. Smyth (Clement), i. 202. Spence (Joseph), v. 63. Stephens (William), President of Georgia, i. 144. ' Thealma and Clearchus,' its author, iii. 229. Toys, Wykehamical word, i. 96. Trevor (John, Lord), vi. 36. Wall family, vi. 55. Waynflete (William), iii. 461 ; iv. 154. White family of Southwick, vi. 134. William of Wykeham, i. 257 ; iv. 130. Win- chester College Visitation, ii. 115. Wriothesley (Thomas), Earl of Southampton, y. 27 ! d (H.) on Gloucestershire definition of a

gentleman, xi. 109

1 (H.) on woman with masculine name, ix. 518 n (H.) on authors of quotations wanted, xi- 6. Bagnigge House, xi. 385