Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/64

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C s (H.) on Belphete, ii. 308

C. (H. H. T.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 68 Gladstone's last moments, x. 68

C. (H. M.) on Brelan, v. 29. " Don't shoot, he is doing his best," i. 9

. (H. P.) on " Woman with the West in her eyes," xi. 328

C. (H. T.) on flags, v. 469

C. (H. W.) on cataloguing seventeenth-century tracts, ii. 453

C. (J.) on Anna Catherina Lane, ii. 269. Military bank-note, x. 389

C. (J. C.) on French burdens to English songs, ii. 267 ; Quotation in Buskin, ii. 8

C. (J. G.) on Bristol slave ships, ii. 108. Kipples, i. 109. "Near the church," vi. 496. Rocke- feller, iv. 507. Santa Fe\ vi. 394

C. (J. H.) on " Bone Deus "-in epitaphs, vii. 29. Briefs for Greek Christians, xi. 289

. (J. M.) on ' The Children of the Abbey,' i. 127. Wyeth of Odiham, ix. 510.

C. (Leo) on Americans in English records, v. 476. ' Cala rag whethow," xii. 28. Crest : sun between wings, viii. 89. De Lancey (Sir William H.), v. 72. French coat of arms, x. 295. Genealogical Circulating Library, xi. 78. Hatchments, vi. 472. Lee alias Tyson, viii. 390. Mantegna's house, v. 74. Palseologus in the West Indies, vii. 255. Prior (Francis) : Annabella Beaumont, v. 78. Royal pedigree in Burke, v. 227. Tobacco-boxes, ix. 470

d (L.) on Mary, Queen of Scots, xii. 368, 489

C. (M.) on " Mr. Pilblister and Betsy his sister," ii. 408

C. (M. E. B.) on " une SevigneY' xi. 454

C. (M. J. D.) on ' The Grenadier's Exercise of the Grenado,' i. 347. Jacobean houses in Fleet Street, iii. 315

C. (P.) on "When our old Catholic fathers lived," iii. 176

C. (P. G.) on epigram on a rose, iii. 355

C. (P. M. M.) on Coxe of Clent and Swynford, x. 29. Mason of Stapleton, x. 28

C. (P. T.) on Oxford : its name, ix. 68

C. (R.) on events in Church history in pictures, iv. 107

C. (R. de) on battlefield sayings, i. 268. English officials under foreign Governments, iii. 87. Pictures inspired by music, iv. 9. Portraits which have led to marriages, iii. 287

C. (R. H.) on Catherine of Braganza, iii. 208. Ploughing, ii. 345. Self-made men, iii. 426

C. (R. S.) on mess dress : sergeants' sashes, i. 168. Military buttons : sergeants' chevrons, i. 349. Royal regiments of the line, iii. 69

C. (S.) on Lisboa Occidental, ix. 209. Philip II. of Pomerania, x. 349

C. (S. D.) on Buxton, x. 218. Canbry House, Middlesex, v. 455. College Heraldique de France, viii. 438. Davis (Sir Thomas), 1677, vi. 431. Dummer family, iv. 315. Heraldic, iii. 251 ; v. 34 ; vi. 135. Heraldry, xi. 197. Sigh Wycombe,vii.292. London queries, viii. 474. Patty, female name, vi. 255. Portraits which have led to marriages, iii. 334. St. George's Chapel Yard, Oxford Road, vii. 13. Samaritan Society, London, xii. 197. Smallpox Hospital in 1804, x. 232. Smoking and blind men, ix. 355. ' The " prefixed to place-names, xii. 116. Welsh heraldry, viii. 478

C. (T.) on ' Complete Peerage,' xii. 64. Fecamp Abbey, xi. 357. Friar Tuck in the Patent

Rolls, ix. 47. James II. medal, iii. 376. Roga- tion and other processions, ix. 456. Parker consecration and Lambeth Register, xii. 112 C. (T. W. ) on Grosvenor : De Venoix, v. 208. Kerr of Lothian : De Brien, iv. 448. Lepel (Molly), her descent, iii. 254

C. (V. H.) on " At the back of beyond," xi. 510. Authors of quotations wanted, xi. 248, 387 ; De Quincey : quotations and allusions, xi. 388 ; xii. 208, 268 C. (W.) on pious founder, v. 257 C. (W. A.) on ' Lapp'd in lead," xii. 346 C. (W. C.) on Britain's supremacy, vii. 169 C. (W. F.) on Amphilis, female name, x. 289. Hume (Joseph), his ancestry, ix. 70. St. God- wald, x. 268 C. (W. H.) on Hampton Court and Hampton, ix.


C. (W. J.) on Benjamin Hanbury's library, xii. 9. ' The Kingdom's Intelligencer,' vii. 148. Public speaking in Shakespeare's day, viii. 130. Wat- son's ' History of Printing,' xii. 428 C. (W. W. or W. H.), water-colour artist, 1818,

iii. 368.

C. & T. on silver bouquet-holder, ii. 50 Ca (J.) on Samplers in France, viii. 428 Ca. (W. P.) on Cornish and other apparitions, x. 51. Napiers and Col. Hoe, xii. 345. Siddons (Sarah), ix. 183

Cab, cabriolet, and ' Pickwick,' xii. 385, 514 Cab, taximeter, early experiments, vii. 264 ;

patented 1846, viii. 367 Cabbage Society, on reverse of Purim token, viii.

368, 413

Cabinet and House of Lords, 1835 and 1908, x. 486 Cabollicking= gossiping, use of the term, viii. 147 Caboose, nautical term, ii. 214 Cabot (Sebastian) and William Mychell,v. 306,357 Cabyle, a, Carlyle confused with, ii. 65 Cacophony in titles, vi. 106 Cadaroque (Cadaroc), near London, Ontario, ix.

35, 155

Cade (Salisbury), Westminster scholar, 1777, i. 209 Cadenabbia, Italy, inscriptions at, vi. 446 Cadey=a hat, its origin, x. 147, 198, 277, 374 " Cadus de orenzado," temp. Henry VII., vii. 249,


Cadzand *= Guizzante in Dante's ' Inf.,' xv. 4, i. 182 Caerleon on authors of quotations, viii. 347 Caesar (Julius), his assassination, v. 125 ; lines upon Feltria attributed to, viii. 69, 332 ; Shakespeare on his deafness, xi. 243, 425 Cageful of teeth, vii. 206 Cag-mag, derivation of the word, ii. 388 Cagliostro and Lord George Goidon, vi. 348 Cain, the mark of, Hebrew tradition, iv. 429 Cainsford, Gloucestershire, its identity, xii.

367, 436

Caius on Bourne in place-names, xii. 372. Dow- biggin in Lytton, xii. 228. English transla- tions of the classics, vi. 514. -Pellican family, xii. 315. Roundel stone, viii. 422 Cakes, oat, at Christmas, vi. 506 Calabria, earthquake in, iv. 247 Calamary on " tinterero," iv. 396 Calcraft (William), public executioner, 1829-74,

viii. 246

Calcutta, statues at, xii. 466

Calder (A.) on Balliol, v. 130. Dallas (Sir Thomas), viii. 170. Macdonald of Moidart, iv. 308. Mackintosh, iv. 448. Ripley arms, iv. 314. Ripley family, iii. 167 Caldwell family, iii. 468 ; iv. 73, 158